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synced 2025-03-13 19:37:30 +01:00
Implement missing branch on POW validation for testnet, implement Blo… (#652)
* Implement missing branch on POW validation for testnet, implement BlockHeaderDAO.find * implement second special case for if we are allowing min difficulty blocks, but are at a POW change interval. If we are at a POW change interval, we return that block * Address code review
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3 changed files with 50 additions and 9 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class BlockHeaderDAOTest extends ChainUnitTest {
override def withFixture(test: OneArgAsyncTest): FutureOutcome =
override implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("BlockHeaderDAOTest")
implicit override val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("BlockHeaderDAOTest")
behavior of "BlockHeaderDAO"
@ -172,4 +172,20 @@ class BlockHeaderDAOTest extends ChainUnitTest {
assert(headers == Seq(blockHeader, blockHeader1))
it must "find a header with height 1" in { blockHeaderDAO: BlockHeaderDAO =>
val blockHeader = BlockHeaderHelper.buildNextHeader(genesisHeaderDb)
val createdF = blockHeaderDAO.create(blockHeader)
val f: BlockHeaderDb => Boolean = { bh =>
bh.height == 1
val foundF = createdF.flatMap(created => blockHeaderDAO.find(f))
for {
created <- createdF
found <- foundF
} yield assert(found.get == created)
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ case class BlockHeaderDAO()(
/** Returns competing blockchains that are contained in our BlockHeaderDAO
* Each chain returns the last [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.ChainParams.difficultyChangeInterval difficutly interval]]
* as defined by the network we are on. For instance, on bitcoin mainnet this will be 2016 block headers.
* block headers as defined by the network we are on. For instance, on bitcoin mainnet this will be 2016 block headers.
* If no competing tips are found, we only return one [[Blockchain blockchain]], else we
* return n chains for the number of competing [[chainTips tips]] we have
* @see [[Blockchain]]
@ -194,4 +194,22 @@ case class BlockHeaderDAO()(
/** Finds a [[org.bitcoins.chain.models.BlockHeaderDb block header]] that satisfies the given predicate, else returns None */
def find(f: BlockHeaderDb => Boolean)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[BlockHeaderDb]] = {
val chainsF = getBlockchains()
chainsF.map { chains =>
val headersOpt: Vector[Option[BlockHeaderDb]] =
//if there are multiple, we just choose the first one for now
val result = headersOpt.filter(_.isDefined).flatten
if (result.length > 1) {
s"Discarding other matching headers for predicate headers=${result
@ -40,13 +40,19 @@ sealed abstract class Pow extends BitcoinSLogger {
} else {
// Return the last non-special-min-difficulty-rules-block
//while (pindex->pprev && pindex->nHeight % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0 && pindex->nBits == nProofOfWorkLimit)
// pindex = pindex->pprev;
val nonMinDiffF = blockHeaderDAO.find { h =>
h.nBits != powLimit || h.height % chainParams.difficultyChangeInterval == 0
// this is complex to implement and requires walking the
//chain until we find a block header that does not have
//the minimum difficulty rule on testnet
//TODO: This is not correctly implemented, come back and fix this when BlockHeaderDAO has a predicate to satisfy
nonMinDiffF.map {
case Some(bh) => bh.nBits
case None =>
//if we can't find a non min diffulty block, let's just fail
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Could not find non mindiffulty block in chain! hash=${tip.hashBE.hex} height=${currentHeight}")
} else {
@ -54,7 +60,8 @@ sealed abstract class Pow extends BitcoinSLogger {
} else {
val firstHeight = currentHeight - (chainParams.difficultyChangeInterval - 1)
require(firstHeight >= 0, s"We must have our first height be postive, got=${firstHeight}")
require(firstHeight >= 0,
s"We must have our first height be postive, got=${firstHeight}")
val firstBlockAtIntervalF: Future[Option[BlockHeaderDb]] = {
blockHeaderDAO.getAncestorAtHeight(tip, firstHeight)
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