Refactoring signing abstraction into a 'Signer' class

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Chris Stewart 2018-02-09 08:55:51 -06:00
parent b601d81299
commit 29510ad638

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package org.bitcoins.core.wallet.signer
import org.bitcoins.core.crypto._
import org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32
import org.bitcoins.core.policy.Policy
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.P2PKHScriptSignature
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionInput, TransactionOutPoint, TransactionOutput}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.HashType
import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.builder.TxBuilderError
/** The class used to represent a signing process for a specific [[org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey]] type */
sealed abstract class Signer {
* The method used to sign a bitcoin unspent transaction output
* @param privKey the private keys needed to sign the utxo
* @param output the utxo we are spending
* @param unsignedTx the unsigned transaction which is spending the utxo
* @param inputIndex the input index inside of the unsigned transaction which spends the utxo
* @param hashType the signature hashing algorithm we should use to sign the utxo
* @return
def sign(privKey: Seq[ECPrivateKey], output: TransactionOutput, unsignedTx: Transaction, inputIndex: UInt32, hashType: HashType): Either[TxSigComponent, TxBuilderError]
sealed abstract class BitcoinSigner extends Signer
sealed abstract class P2PKHSigner extends BitcoinSigner {
/** This sign function gives you full customizability of what version/locktime/sequence number are used on the tx */
override def sign(privKeys: Seq[ECPrivateKey], output: TransactionOutput, unsignedTx: Transaction,
inputIndex: UInt32, hashType: HashType): Either[TxSigComponent, TxBuilderError] = {
if (privKeys.size != 1) {
} else {
val privKey = privKeys.head
val spk = output.scriptPubKey
val publicKey = privKey.publicKey
val unsignedInput = unsignedTx.inputs(inputIndex.toInt)
//val inputIndex = UInt32(unsignedInputs.indexOf(unsignedInput))
val txSigComponent = TxSigComponent(unsignedTx,inputIndex,spk, Policy.standardFlags)
val signature = TransactionSignatureCreator.createSig(txSigComponent,privKey,hashType)
val signedInput = buildP2PKHInput(signature,publicKey,unsignedInput.previousOutput,unsignedInput.sequence)
val signedInputs = unsignedTx.inputs.updated(inputIndex.toInt,signedInput)
val signedTx = Transaction(unsignedTx.version,signedInputs, unsignedTx.outputs, unsignedTx.lockTime)
private def buildP2PKHInput(signature: ECDigitalSignature, publicKey: ECPublicKey,
outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, sequence: UInt32): TransactionInput = {
val scriptSig = P2PKHScriptSignature(signature,publicKey)
object P2PKHSigner extends P2PKHSigner