Made TLV serialization and deserialization uniform under a succinct and expressive API (#2420)

This commit is contained in:
Nadav Kohen 2020-12-23 02:42:30 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7409bae8f9
commit 036d714563
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import org.bitcoins.core.wallet.fee.SatoshisPerVirtualByte
import org.bitcoins.crypto._
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
sealed trait TLV extends NetworkElement {
sealed trait TLV extends NetworkElement with TLVUtil {
def tpe: BigSizeUInt
def value: ByteVector
@ -32,6 +32,61 @@ sealed trait TLV extends NetworkElement {
def sha256: Sha256Digest = CryptoUtil.sha256(bytes)
trait TLVUtil {
protected def boolBytes(bool: Boolean): ByteVector = {
if (bool) {
} else {
protected def strBytes(str: NormalizedString): ByteVector = {
protected def satBytes(sats: Satoshis): ByteVector = {
protected def u16Prefix(bytes: ByteVector): ByteVector = {
UInt16(bytes.length).bytes ++ bytes
protected def u16PrefixedList[T](
vec: Vector[T],
serialize: T => ByteVector): ByteVector = {
vec.foldLeft(UInt16(vec.length).bytes) {
case (accum, elem) =>
accum ++ serialize(elem)
protected def u16PrefixedList[T <: NetworkElement](
vec: Vector[T]): ByteVector = {
u16PrefixedList[T](vec, { elem: NetworkElement => elem.bytes })
protected def bigSizePrefix(bytes: ByteVector): ByteVector = {
BigSizeUInt(bytes.length).bytes ++ bytes
protected def bigSizePrefixedList[T](
vec: Vector[T],
serialize: T => ByteVector): ByteVector = {
vec.foldLeft(BigSizeUInt(vec.length).bytes) {
case (accum, elem) =>
accum ++ serialize(elem)
protected def bigSizePrefixedList[T <: NetworkElement](
vec: Vector[T]): ByteVector = {
bigSizePrefixedList[T](vec, { elem: NetworkElement => elem.bytes })
trait TLVSerializable[+T <: TLV] extends NetworkElement {
def toTLV: T
@ -163,12 +218,75 @@ sealed trait TLVFactory[+T <: TLV] extends Factory[T] {
/** IMPORTANT: This only works for factories which read off of
* the front of a ByteVector without consuming the whole thing.
* If this is not the case, you must specify how many bytes.
def take[E <: NetworkElement](factory: Factory[E]): E = {
val elem = factory(current)
def take[E <: NetworkElement](factory: Factory[E], byteSize: Int): E = {
val bytes = take(byteSize)
def takeBits(numBits: Int): ByteVector = {
require(numBits % 8 == 0,
s"Must take a round byte number of bits, got $numBits")
take(numBytes = numBits / 8)
def takeBigSize(): BigSizeUInt = {
def takeBigSizePrefixed[E](takeFunc: Int => E): E = {
val len = takeBigSize()
def takeBigSizePrefixedList[E](takeFunc: () => E): Vector[E] = {
val len = takeBigSize()
0.until(len.toInt) { _ =>
def takeU16(): UInt16 = {
def takeU16Prefixed[E](takeFunc: Int => E): E = {
val len = takeU16()
def takeU16PrefixedList[E](takeFunc: () => E): Vector[E] = {
val len = takeU16()
0.until(len.toInt) { _ =>
def takeI32(): Int32 = {
def takeU32(): UInt32 = {
def takeU64(): UInt64 = {
def takeSats(): Satoshis = {
def takeBoolean(): Boolean = {
take(1).head match {
case FALSE_BYTE => false
@ -180,22 +298,15 @@ sealed trait TLVFactory[+T <: TLV] extends Factory[T] {
def takeString(): NormalizedString = {
val size = BigSizeUInt(current)
val size = takeBigSize()
val strBytes = take(size.toInt)
def takeSPK(): ScriptPubKey = {
val len = UInt16(takeBits(16)).toInt
val len = takeU16().toInt
def takePoint(): TLVPoint = {
val point = TLVPoint(current)
@ -264,7 +375,7 @@ case class ErrorTLV(id: ByteVector, data: ByteVector) extends TLV {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = ErrorTLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
id ++ UInt16(data.length).bytes ++ data
id ++ u16Prefix(data)
@ -272,9 +383,10 @@ object ErrorTLV extends TLVFactory[ErrorTLV] {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = BigSizeUInt(17)
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): ErrorTLV = {
val id = value.take(32)
val len = UInt16(value.drop(32).take(2))
val data = value.drop(32 + 2).take(len.toInt)
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val id = iter.take(32)
val data = iter.takeU16Prefixed(iter.take)
ErrorTLV(id, data)
@ -284,7 +396,7 @@ case class PingTLV(numPongBytes: UInt16, ignored: ByteVector) extends TLV {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = PingTLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
numPongBytes.bytes ++ UInt16(ignored.length).bytes ++ ignored
numPongBytes.bytes ++ u16Prefix(ignored)
@ -292,9 +404,10 @@ object PingTLV extends TLVFactory[PingTLV] {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = BigSizeUInt(18)
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): PingTLV = {
val numPongBytes = UInt16(value.take(2))
val numIgnored = UInt16(value.slice(2, 4))
val ignored = value.drop(4).take(numIgnored.toLong)
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val numPongBytes = iter.takeU16()
val ignored = iter.takeU16Prefixed(iter.take)
PingTLV(numPongBytes, ignored)
@ -304,7 +417,7 @@ case class PongTLV(ignored: ByteVector) extends TLV {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = PongTLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
UInt16(ignored.length).bytes ++ ignored
@ -312,8 +425,9 @@ object PongTLV extends TLVFactory[PongTLV] {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = BigSizeUInt(19)
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): PongTLV = {
val numIgnored = UInt16(value.take(2))
val ignored = value.drop(2).take(numIgnored.toLong)
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val ignored = iter.takeU16Prefixed(iter.take)
@ -347,12 +461,7 @@ case class EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV(outcomes: Vector[NormalizedString])
override def tpe: BigSizeUInt = EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
val starting = UInt16(outcomes.size).bytes
outcomes.foldLeft(starting) { (accum, outcome) =>
val outcomeBytes = TLV.getStringBytes(outcome)
accum ++ outcomeBytes
u16PrefixedList(outcomes, TLV.getStringBytes)
override def noncesNeeded: Int = 1
@ -365,22 +474,9 @@ object EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV extends TLVFactory[EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val count = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val outcomes = iter.takeU16PrefixedList(() => iter.takeString())
val builder = Vector.newBuilder[NormalizedString]
while (iter.index < value.length) {
val str = iter.takeString()
val result = builder.result()
count.toInt == result.size,
s"Did not parse the expected number of outcomes, ${count.toInt} != ${result.size}")
val dummy: EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV = EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV(
@ -471,7 +567,7 @@ case class RangeEventDescriptorV0TLV(
override val value: ByteVector = {
start.bytes ++ count.bytes ++ step.bytes ++
TLV.getStringBytes(unit) ++ precision.bytes
strBytes(unit) ++ precision.bytes
override def noncesNeeded: Int = 1
@ -484,12 +580,11 @@ object RangeEventDescriptorV0TLV extends TLVFactory[RangeEventDescriptorV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): RangeEventDescriptorV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val start = Int32(iter.takeBits(32))
val count = UInt32(iter.takeBits(32))
val step = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val start = iter.takeI32()
val count = iter.takeU32()
val step = iter.takeU16()
val unit = iter.takeString()
val precision = Int32(iter.takeBits(32))
val precision = iter.takeI32()
RangeEventDescriptorV0TLV(start, count, step, unit, precision)
@ -535,13 +630,11 @@ sealed trait DigitDecompositionEventDescriptorV0TLV
override lazy val value: ByteVector = {
val isSignedByte =
if (isSigned) ByteVector(TRUE_BYTE) else ByteVector(FALSE_BYTE)
val numDigitBytes = numDigits.bytes
val unitBytes = TLV.getStringBytes(unit)
base.bytes ++ isSignedByte ++ unitBytes ++ precision.bytes ++ numDigitBytes
base.bytes ++
boolBytes(isSigned) ++
strBytes(unit) ++
precision.bytes ++
override def noncesNeeded: Int = {
@ -579,12 +672,11 @@ object DigitDecompositionEventDescriptorV0TLV
value: ByteVector): DigitDecompositionEventDescriptorV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val base = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val base = iter.takeU16()
val isSigned = iter.takeBoolean()
val unit = iter.takeString()
val precision = Int32(iter.takeBits(32))
val numDigits = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val precision = iter.takeI32()
val numDigits = iter.takeU16()
@ -631,12 +723,10 @@ case class OracleEventV0TLV(
override def tpe: BigSizeUInt = OracleEventV0TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
val eventIdBytes = TLV.getStringBytes(eventId)
val numNonces = UInt16(nonces.size)
val noncesBytes = nonces.foldLeft(numNonces.bytes)(_ ++ _.bytes)
noncesBytes ++ eventMaturityEpoch.bytes ++ eventDescriptor.bytes ++ eventIdBytes
u16PrefixedList(nonces) ++
eventMaturityEpoch.bytes ++
eventDescriptor.bytes ++
/** Gets the maturation of the event since epoch */
@ -651,23 +741,9 @@ object OracleEventV0TLV extends TLVFactory[OracleEventV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): OracleEventV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val numNonces = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val builder = Vector.newBuilder[SchnorrNonce]
for (_ <- 0 until numNonces.toInt) {
val nonceBytes = iter.take(32)
val nonces = builder.result()
numNonces.toInt == nonces.size,
s"Did not parse the expected number of nonces expected ${numNonces.toInt}, got ${nonces.size}")
val eventMaturity = UInt32(iter.takeBits(32))
val eventDescriptor = EventDescriptorTLV(iter.current)
val nonces = iter.takeU16PrefixedList(() => iter.take(SchnorrNonce, 32))
val eventMaturity = iter.takeU32()
val eventDescriptor = iter.take(EventDescriptorTLV)
val eventId = iter.takeString()
OracleEventV0TLV(nonces, eventMaturity, eventDescriptor, eventId)
@ -712,9 +788,9 @@ object OracleAnnouncementV0TLV extends TLVFactory[OracleAnnouncementV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): OracleAnnouncementV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val sig = SchnorrDigitalSignature(iter.take(64))
val publicKey = SchnorrPublicKey(iter.take(32))
val eventTLV = OracleEventV0TLV(iter.current)
val sig = iter.take(SchnorrDigitalSignature, 64)
val publicKey = iter.take(SchnorrPublicKey, 32)
val eventTLV = iter.take(OracleEventV0TLV)
OracleAnnouncementV0TLV(sig, publicKey, eventTLV)
@ -747,13 +823,13 @@ case class ContractInfoV0TLV(outcomes: Vector[(String, Satoshis)])
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = ContractInfoV0TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
outcomes.foldLeft(BigSizeUInt(outcomes.length).bytes) {
case (bytes, (outcome, amt)) =>
bigSizePrefixedList[(String, Satoshis)](
case (outcome, amt) =>
val outcomeBytes = CryptoUtil.serializeForHash(outcome)
bytes ++ BigSizeUInt
.bytes ++ outcomeBytes ++ amt.toUInt64.bytes
bigSizePrefix(outcomeBytes) ++ satBytes(amt)
@ -763,15 +839,9 @@ object ContractInfoV0TLV extends TLVFactory[ContractInfoV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): ContractInfoV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val numOutcomes = BigSizeUInt(iter.current)
val outcomes = 0.until(numOutcomes.toInt) { _ =>
val outcomeLen = BigSizeUInt(iter.current)
val outcome =
new String(iter.take(outcomeLen.toInt).toArray, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
val amt = Satoshis(UInt64(iter.takeBits(64)))
val outcomes = iter.takeBigSizePrefixedList { () =>
val outcome = iter.takeString().normStr
val amt = iter.takeSats()
outcome -> amt
@ -790,8 +860,9 @@ case class TLVPoint(outcome: Long, value: Satoshis, isEndpoint: Boolean)
override def bytes: ByteVector = {
ByteVector(leadingByte) ++ BigSizeUInt(outcome).bytes ++ UInt64(
ByteVector(leadingByte) ++
BigSizeUInt(outcome).bytes ++
@ -822,9 +893,10 @@ case class ContractInfoV1TLV(
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = ContractInfoV1TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
BigSizeUInt(base).bytes ++ UInt16(numDigits).bytes ++ UInt64(
totalCollateral.toLong).bytes ++ BigSizeUInt(
points.length).bytes ++ points.foldLeft(ByteVector.empty)(_ ++ _.bytes)
BigSizeUInt(base).bytes ++
UInt16(numDigits).bytes ++
satBytes(totalCollateral) ++
@ -834,20 +906,12 @@ object ContractInfoV1TLV extends TLVFactory[ContractInfoV1TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): ContractInfoV1TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val base = BigSizeUInt(iter.current)
val numDigits = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val totalCollateral = UInt64(iter.takeBits(64))
val numPoints = BigSizeUInt(iter.current)
val points = (0L until numPoints.toLong) { _ =>
val base = iter.takeBigSize()
val numDigits = iter.takeU16()
val totalCollateral = iter.takeSats()
val points = iter.takeBigSizePrefixedList(() => iter.take(TLVPoint))
ContractInfoV1TLV(base.toInt, numDigits.toInt, totalCollateral, points)
@ -874,9 +938,10 @@ object OracleInfoV0TLV extends TLVFactory[OracleInfoV0TLV] {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = BigSizeUInt(42770)
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): OracleInfoV0TLV = {
val (pubKeyBytes, rBytes) = value.splitAt(32)
val pubKey = SchnorrPublicKey(pubKeyBytes)
val rValue = SchnorrNonce(rBytes)
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val pubKey = iter.take(SchnorrPublicKey, 32)
val rValue = iter.take(SchnorrNonce, 32)
OracleInfoV0TLV(pubKey, rValue)
@ -889,7 +954,7 @@ case class OracleInfoV1TLV(
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = OracleInfoV1TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
nonces.foldLeft(pubKey.bytes)(_ ++ _.bytes)
pubKey.bytes ++ u16PrefixedList(nonces)
@ -897,16 +962,10 @@ object OracleInfoV1TLV extends TLVFactory[OracleInfoV1TLV] {
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = BigSizeUInt(42786)
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): OracleInfoV1TLV = {
value.length >= 64 && value.length % 32 == 0,
s"Expected multiple of 32 bytes with at least one nonce, got $value")
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val pubKey = SchnorrPublicKey(iter.take(32))
val nonces = (0L until iter.current.length / 32) { _ =>
val pubKey = iter.take(SchnorrPublicKey, 32)
val nonces = iter.takeU16PrefixedList(() => iter.take(SchnorrNonce, 32))
OracleInfoV1TLV(pubKey, nonces)
@ -943,8 +1002,7 @@ case class FundingInputV0TLV(
val redeemScript =
UInt16(prevTx.byteSize).bytes ++
prevTx.bytes ++
u16Prefix(prevTx.bytes) ++
prevTxVout.bytes ++
sequence.bytes ++
maxWitnessLen.bytes ++
@ -958,11 +1016,10 @@ object FundingInputV0TLV extends TLVFactory[FundingInputV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): FundingInputV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val prevTxLen = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val prevTx = Transaction(iter.take(prevTxLen.toInt))
val prevTxVout = UInt32(iter.takeBits(32))
val sequence = UInt32(iter.takeBits(32))
val maxWitnessLen = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val prevTx = iter.takeU16Prefixed(iter.take(Transaction, _))
val prevTxVout = iter.takeU32()
val sequence = iter.takeU32()
val maxWitnessLen = iter.takeU16()
val redeemScript = iter.takeSPK()
val redeemScriptOpt = redeemScript match {
case EmptyScriptPubKey => None
@ -987,7 +1044,7 @@ case class CETSignaturesV0TLV(sigs: Vector[ECAdaptorSignature])
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = CETSignaturesV0TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
sigs.foldLeft(BigSizeUInt(sigs.length).bytes)(_ ++ _.bytes)
@ -997,12 +1054,8 @@ object CETSignaturesV0TLV extends TLVFactory[CETSignaturesV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): CETSignaturesV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val numSigs = BigSizeUInt(iter.current)
val sigs = 0.until(numSigs.toInt) { _ =>
val sigs =
iter.takeBigSizePrefixedList(() => iter.take(ECAdaptorSignature, 162))
@ -1015,14 +1068,11 @@ case class FundingSignaturesV0TLV(witnesses: Vector[ScriptWitnessV0])
override val tpe: BigSizeUInt = FundingSignaturesV0TLV.tpe
override val value: ByteVector = {
witnesses.foldLeft(UInt16(witnesses.length).bytes) {
case (bytes, witness) =>
bytes ++ UInt16(witness.stack.length).bytes) {
case (bytes, stackElem) =>
bytes ++ UInt16(stackElem.length).bytes ++ stackElem
{ witness: ScriptWitnessV0 =>
u16PrefixedList[ByteVector](witness.stack.toVector.reverse, u16Prefix)
@ -1032,13 +1082,10 @@ object FundingSignaturesV0TLV extends TLVFactory[FundingSignaturesV0TLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): FundingSignaturesV0TLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val numWitnesses = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val witnesses = (0 until numWitnesses.toInt) { _ =>
val numStackElements = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val stack = (0 until numStackElements.toInt) { _ =>
val stackElemLength = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val witnesses = iter.takeU16PrefixedList { () =>
val stack =
iter.takeU16PrefixedList(() => iter.takeU16Prefixed(iter.take))
ScriptWitness(stack.reverse) match {
case EmptyScriptWitness =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid witness: $stack")
@ -1073,11 +1120,10 @@ case class DLCOfferTLV(
oracleInfo.bytes ++
fundingPubKey.bytes ++
TLV.encodeScript(payoutSPK) ++
totalCollateralSatoshis.toUInt64.bytes ++
UInt16(fundingInputs.length).bytes ++
fundingInputs.foldLeft(ByteVector.empty)(_ ++ _.bytes) ++
satBytes(totalCollateralSatoshis) ++
u16PrefixedList(fundingInputs) ++
TLV.encodeScript(changeSPK) ++
feeRate.currencyUnit.satoshis.toUInt64.bytes ++
satBytes(feeRate.currencyUnit.satoshis) ++
contractMaturityBound.toUInt32.bytes ++
@ -1090,24 +1136,18 @@ object DLCOfferTLV extends TLVFactory[DLCOfferTLV] {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val contractFlags = iter.take(1).head
val chainHash = DoubleSha256Digest(iter.take(32))
val contractInfo = ContractInfoTLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val oracleInfo = OracleInfoTLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val fundingPubKey = ECPublicKey(iter.take(33))
val chainHash = iter.take(DoubleSha256Digest, 32)
val contractInfo = iter.take(ContractInfoTLV)
val oracleInfo = iter.take(OracleInfoTLV)
val fundingPubKey = iter.take(ECPublicKey, 33)
val payoutSPK = iter.takeSPK()
val totalCollateralSatoshis = Satoshis(UInt64(iter.takeBits(64)))
val numFundingInputs = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val fundingInputs = (0 until numFundingInputs.toInt) { _ =>
val fundingInput = FundingInputV0TLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val totalCollateralSatoshis = iter.takeSats()
val fundingInputs =
iter.takeU16PrefixedList(() => iter.take(FundingInputV0TLV))
val changeSPK = iter.takeSPK()
val feeRate = SatoshisPerVirtualByte(Satoshis(UInt64(iter.takeBits(64))))
val contractMaturityBound = BlockTimeStamp(UInt32(iter.takeBits(32)))
val contractTimeout = BlockTimeStamp(UInt32(iter.takeBits(32)))
val feeRate = SatoshisPerVirtualByte(iter.takeSats())
val contractMaturityBound = BlockTimeStamp(iter.takeU32())
val contractTimeout = BlockTimeStamp(iter.takeU32())
@ -1140,11 +1180,10 @@ case class DLCAcceptTLV(
override val value: ByteVector = {
tempContractId.bytes ++
totalCollateralSatoshis.toUInt64.bytes ++
satBytes(totalCollateralSatoshis) ++
fundingPubKey.bytes ++
TLV.encodeScript(payoutSPK) ++
UInt16(fundingInputs.length).bytes ++
fundingInputs.foldLeft(ByteVector.empty)(_ ++ _.bytes) ++
u16PrefixedList(fundingInputs) ++
TLV.encodeScript(changeSPK) ++
cetSignatures.bytes ++
@ -1157,19 +1196,14 @@ object DLCAcceptTLV extends TLVFactory[DLCAcceptTLV] {
override def fromTLVValue(value: ByteVector): DLCAcceptTLV = {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val tempContractId = Sha256Digest(iter.take(32))
val totalCollateralSatoshis = Satoshis(UInt64(iter.takeBits(64)))
val fundingPubKey = ECPublicKey(iter.take(33))
val tempContractId = iter.take(Sha256Digest, 32)
val totalCollateralSatoshis = iter.takeSats()
val fundingPubKey = iter.take(ECPublicKey, 33)
val payoutSPK = iter.takeSPK()
val numFundingInputs = UInt16(iter.takeBits(16))
val fundingInputs = (0 until numFundingInputs.toInt) { _ =>
val fundingInput = FundingInputV0TLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val fundingInputs =
iter.takeU16PrefixedList(() => iter.take(FundingInputV0TLV))
val changeSPK = iter.takeSPK()
val cetSignatures = CETSignaturesV0TLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val cetSignatures = iter.take(CETSignaturesV0TLV)
val refundSignature = ECDigitalSignature.fromRS(iter.take(64))
@ -1206,11 +1240,9 @@ object DLCSignTLV extends TLVFactory[DLCSignTLV] {
val iter = ValueIterator(value)
val contractId = iter.take(32)
val cetSignatures = CETSignaturesV0TLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val cetSignatures = iter.take(CETSignaturesV0TLV)
val refundSignature = ECDigitalSignature.fromRS(iter.take(64))
val fundingSignatures = FundingSignaturesV0TLV.fromBytes(iter.current)
val fundingSignatures = iter.take(FundingSignaturesV0TLV)
DLCSignTLV(contractId, cetSignatures, refundSignature, fundingSignatures)