If libsecp256k1 is enabled, you can use [NativeSecp256k1](/api/org/bitcoin/NativeSecp256k1)
with static method defined in the class.
val privKey = ECPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val pubKey = privKey.publicKey
val dataToSign = DoubleSha256Digest.empty
val signature = NativeSecp256k1.sign(dataToSign.bytes.toArray, privKey.bytes.toArray)
val verify = NativeSecp256k1.verify(dataToSign.bytes.toArray, signature, pubKey.bytes.toArray)
println(s"Verified with NativeSecp256k1 signature=${verify}")
//you can also just directly sign with the ECKey interface:
val signature2 = privKey.sign(dataToSign)
val verified2 = pubKey.verify(dataToSign, signature2)
println(s"Verified with NativeSecp256k1 again=${verified2}")
### When libsecp256k1 isn't available, or you want to turn it off
There are two reasons you wouldn't want to use libsecp256k1
1. You don't trust the pre-compiled binaries we are using
2. Your OS/arch is not supported
There are two ways you can circumvent libsecp256k1
1. Set `DISABLE_SECP256K1=true` in your environment variables. This will force `CryptoContext.default` to return false which will make Bitcoin-S act like `Secp256k1Context.isEnabled()` has returned false.
2. Call Bouncy castle methods in `ECKey`.
Here is an example of calling bouncy castle methods in `ECKey`