Bitcoin-S now has support for [ECDSA Adaptor Signatures](
* This function belongs to `ECPrivateKey` and computes a valid ECDSA signature given a valid adaptor signature whose adaptor point is this private key's public key.
* This function belongs to `ECPublicKey` and computes the adaptor secret (private key to this public key) given a valid adaptor signature for this adaptor point, and the valid ECDSA signature computed using `complete`.
The following code shows each function to do with adaptor signature usage:
```scala mdoc:invisible
import org.bitcoins.crypto.ECPrivateKey
val privKey = ECPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val pubKey = privKey.publicKey
val adaptorSecret = ECPrivateKey.freshPrivateKey
val adaptorPoint = adaptorSecret.publicKey
val msg = scodec.bits.ByteVector.fromValidHex("010101010101")