2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html> < html lang = "en" > < head > < meta charSet = "utf-8" / > < meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE=edge" / > < title > Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions · bitcoin-s< / title > < meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width" / > < meta name = "generator" content = "Docusaurus" / > < meta name = "description" content = "Creating unsigned or partially signed transactions to be passed " / > < meta name = "docsearch:version" content = "next" / > < meta name = "docsearch:language" content = "en" / > < meta property = "og:title" content = "Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions · bitcoin-s" / > < meta property = "og:type" content = "website" / > < meta property = "og:url" content = "https://bitcoin-s.org/" / > < meta property = "og:description" content = "Creating unsigned or partially signed transactions to be passed " / > < meta property = "og:image" content = "https://bitcoin-s.org/img/undraw_online.svg" / > < meta name = "twitter:card" content = "summary" / > < meta name = "twitter:image" content = "https://bitcoin-s.org/img/undraw_tweetstorm.svg" / > < link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "/img/favicon.ico" / > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/docsearch.js/1/docsearch.min.css" / > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.12.0/styles/default.min.css" / > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/css/code-block-buttons.css" / > < script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://buttons.github.io/buttons.js" > < / script > < script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.0/clipboard.min.js" > < / script > < script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:500" > < / script > < script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-61958686-2" > < / script > < script type = "text/javascript" src = "/js/code-block-buttons.js" > < / script > < script src = "/js/scrollSpy.js" > < / script > < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/css/main.css" / > < script src = "/js/codetabs.js" > < / script > < / head > < body class = "sideNavVisible separateOnPageNav" > < div class = "fixedHeaderContainer" > < div class = "headerWrapper wrapper" > < header > < a href = "/" > < img class = "logo" src = "/img/favicon.ico" alt = "bitcoin-s" / > < h2 class = "headerTitleWithLogo" > bitcoin-s< / h2 > < / a > < a href = "/versions" > < h3 > next< / h3 > < / a > < div class = "navigationWrapper navigationSlider" > < nav class = "slidingNav" > < ul class = "nav-site nav-site-internal" > < li class = "" > < a href = "/docs/next/core/core-intro" target = "_self" > Docs< / a > < / li > < li class = "" > < a href = "/api/org/bitcoins" target = "_self" > API< / a > < / li > < li class = "" > < a href = "/help" target = "_self" > Help< / a > < / li > < li class = "navSearchWrapper reactNavSearchWrapper" > < input type = "text" id = "search_input_react" placeholder = "Search" title = "Search" / > < / li > < / ul > < / nav > < / div > < / header > < / div > < / div > < div class = "navPusher" > < div class = "docMainWrapper wrapper" > < div class = "container mainContainer docsContainer" > < div class = "wrapper" > < div class = "post" > < header class = "postHeader" > < a class = "edit-page-link button" href = "https://github.com/bitcoin-s/bitcoin-s/blob/master/docs/core/psbts.md" target = "_blank" rel = "noreferrer noopener" > Edit< / a > < h1 id = "__docusaurus" class = "postHeaderTitle" > Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions< / h1 > < / header > < article > < div > < span > < p > Creating unsigned or partially signed transactions to be passed
around to other signers can be a useful for many applications.
PSBTs offer a standardized format to serialize the necessary data
for signing the transaction, as well as, validating that you in fact
want to sign this transaction.< / p >
< blockquote >
< p > If you want to jump into the details of the specification,
you should checkout
< a href = "https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki" > BIP 174< / a > .< / p >
< / blockquote >
< p > Bitcoin-S fully supports PSBTs with functionality for
creation, updating, combining, signing, finalizing,
and transaction extraction.< / p >
< p > An example on a typical PSBT workflow:< / p >
< pre > < code class = "hljs css language-scala" > < span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > org.bitcoins.core.crypto.< span class = "hljs-type" > ECPrivateKey< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.< span class = "hljs-type" > ScriptPubKey< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{< span class = "hljs-type" > BaseTransaction< / span > , < span class = "hljs-type" > Transaction< / span > }
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > org.bitcoins.core.psbt.< span class = "hljs-type" > PSBT< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > org.bitcoins.core.script.crypto.< span class = "hljs-type" > HashType< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > scodec.bits._
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > import< / span > scala.concurrent.{< span class = "hljs-type" > ExecutionContext< / span > , < span class = "hljs-type" > ExecutionContextExecutor< / span > }
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > implicit< / span > < span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > ec: < span class = "hljs-type" > ExecutionContextExecutor< / span > = < span class = "hljs-type" > ExecutionContext< / span > .global
2020-02-22 18:32:50 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = scala.concurrent.impl.ExecutionContextImpl$$anon$3@3b29069c[Running, parallelism = 2, size = 1, active = 0, running = 0, steals = 8, tasks = 0, submissions = 0]< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // First you need an unsigned transaction,< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // here we have a standard 2 input, 2 output transaction< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // This transaction must be of type BaseTransaction< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // and have empty ScriptSignatures for all of it's inputs< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > unsignedTransaction = < span class = "hljs-type" > BaseTransaction< / span > (
< span class = "hljs-string" > "020000000258e87a21b56daf0c23be8e7070456c336f7cbaa5c8757924f545887bb2abdd750000000000ffffffff838d0427d0ec650a68aa46bb0b098aea4422c071b2ca78352a077959d07cea1d0100000000ffffffff0270aaf00800000000160014d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d00e1f5050000000016001400aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f00000000"< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // unsignedTransaction: BaseTransaction = BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // To create the initial PSBT all we need to do is< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > emptyPSBT = < span class = "hljs-type" > PSBT< / span > .fromUnsignedTx(unsignedTransaction)
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // emptyPSBT: PSBT = PSBT(GlobalPSBTMap(Vector(UnsignedTransaction(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))))),Vector(InputPSBTMap(Vector()), InputPSBTMap(Vector())),Vector(OutputPSBTMap(Vector()), OutputPSBTMap(Vector())))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Now that we have an empty PSBT we can start updating it with data we know< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // First, we want to fill the UTXO fields that we will need for signing and extraction< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // The transactions we add are the fully serialized transaction that we are spending from< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > utxo0 = < span class = "hljs-type" > Transaction< / span > (
< span class = "hljs-string" > "0200000001aad73931018bd25f84ae400b68848be09db706eac2ac18298babee71ab656f8b0000000048473044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01feffffff0280f0fa020000000017a9140fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde493487d0f20a270100000017a91429ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f618765000000"< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // utxo0: Transaction = BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(8b6f65ab71eeab8b2918acc2ea06b79de08b84680b40ae845fd28b013139d7aa:0),P2PKScriptSignature(ECDigitalSignature(3044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01)),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(50000000 sats,sh(0fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde4934)), TransactionOutput(4949996240 sats,sh(29ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f61))),UInt32Impl(101))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > utxo1 = < span class = "hljs-type" > Transaction< / span > (
< span class = "hljs-string" > "0200000000010158e87a21b56daf0c23be8e7070456c336f7cbaa5c8757924f545887bb2abdd7501000000171600145f275f436b09a8cc9a2eb2a2f528485c68a56323feffffff02d8231f1b0100000017a914aed962d6654f9a2b36608eb9d64d2b260db4f1118700c2eb0b0000000017a914b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e88702483045022100a22edcc6e5bc511af4cc4ae0de0fcd75c7e04d8c1c3a8aa9d820ed4b967384ec02200642963597b9b1bc22c75e9f3e117284a962188bf5e8a74c895089046a20ad770121035509a48eb623e10aace8bfd0212fdb8a8e5af3c94b0b133b95e114cab89e4f7965000000"< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // utxo1: Transaction = WitnessTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:1),P2SHScriptSignature(wpkh(5f275f436b09a8cc9a2eb2a2f528485c68a56323), EmptyScriptSignature),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(4749992920 sats,sh(aed962d6654f9a2b36608eb9d64d2b260db4f111)), TransactionOutput(200000000 sats,sh(b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e8))),UInt32Impl(101),TransactionWitnessImpl(Vector(P2WPKHWitnessV0(List(035509a48eb623e10aace8bfd0212fdb8a8e5af3c94b0b133b95e114cab89e4f79, 3045022100a22edcc6e5bc511af4cc4ae0de0fcd75c7e04d8c1c3a8aa9d820ed4b967384ec02200642963597b9b1bc22c75e9f3e117284a962188bf5e8a74c895089046a20ad7701)))))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > psbtWithUTXOs = emptyPSBT
.addUTXOToInput(utxo0, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 0< / span > )
.addUTXOToInput(utxo1, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 1< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // psbtWithUTXOs: PSBT = PSBT(GlobalPSBTMap(Vector(UnsignedTransaction(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))))),Vector(InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(8b6f65ab71eeab8b2918acc2ea06b79de08b84680b40ae845fd28b013139d7aa:0),P2PKScriptSignature(ECDigitalSignature(3044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01)),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(50000000 sats,sh(0fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde4934)), TransactionOutput(4949996240 sats,sh(29ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f61))),UInt32Impl(101))))), InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(WitnessTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:1),P2SHScriptSignature(wpkh(5f275f436b09a8cc9a2eb2a2f528485c68a56323), EmptyScriptSignature),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(4749992920 sats,sh(aed962d6654f9a2b36608eb9d64d2b260db4f111)), TransactionOutput(200000000 sats,sh(b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e8))),UInt32Impl(101),TransactionWitnessImpl(Vector(P2WPKHWitnessV0(List(035509a48eb623e10aace8bfd0212fdb8a8e5af3c94b0b133b95e114cab89e4f79, 3045022100a22edcc6e5bc511af4cc4ae0de0fcd75c7e04d8c1c3a8aa9d820ed4b967384ec02200642963597b9b1bc22c75e9f3e117284a962188bf5e8a74c895089046a20ad7701))))))))),Vector(OutputPSBTMap(Vector()), OutputPSBTMap(Vector())))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // After we have the relevant UTXOs we can add the< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // redeem scripts, witness scripts, and BIP 32 derivation paths if needed< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // In this transaction the first input is a P2SH 2-of-2 multisig< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // so we need to add its corresponding redeem script.< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Here we are just using a deserialized version of the redeem script but< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // you may generate your ScriptPubKey another way in practice< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > redeemScript0 = < span class = "hljs-type" > ScriptPubKey< / span > .fromAsmBytes(
< span class = "hljs-string" > hex"5221029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f2102dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d752ae"< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // redeemScript0: ScriptPubKey = multi(2,029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f,02dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d7)< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > psbtWithUpdatedFirstInput =
psbtWithUTXOs.addRedeemOrWitnessScriptToInput(redeemScript0, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 0< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // psbtWithUpdatedFirstInput: PSBT = PSBT(GlobalPSBTMap(Vector(UnsignedTransaction(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))))),Vector(InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(8b6f65ab71eeab8b2918acc2ea06b79de08b84680b40ae845fd28b013139d7aa:0),P2PKScriptSignature(ECDigitalSignature(3044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01)),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(50000000 sats,sh(0fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde4934)), TransactionOutput(4949996240 sats,sh(29ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f61))),UInt32Impl(101))), RedeemScript(multi(2,029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f,02dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d7)))), InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(WitnessTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:1),P2SHScriptSignature(wpkh(5f275f436b09a8cc9a2eb2a2f528485c68a56323), EmptyScriptSignature),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(4749992920 sats,sh(aed962d6654f9a2b36608eb9d64d2b260db4f111)), TransactionOutput(200000000 sats,sh(b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e8))),UInt32Impl(101),TransactionWitnessImpl(Vector(P2WPKHWitnessV0(List(035509a48eb623e10aace8bfd0212fdb8a8e5af3c94b0b133b95e114cab89e4f79, 3045022100a22edcc6e5bc511af4cc4ae0de0fcd75c7e04d8c1c3a8aa9d820ed4b967384ec02200642963597b9b1bc22c75e9f3e117284a962188bf5e8a74c895089046a20ad7701))))))))),Vector(OutputPSBTMap(Vector()), OutputPSBTMap(Vector())))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // The second input in this transaction is a P2SH(P2WSH) 2-of-2 multisig< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // so we need to add its corresponding redeem script and witness script.< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Here we add them both using the same function, the PSBT updater will< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // be able to figure out, based on the available data, where to correctly< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > redeemScript1 = < span class = "hljs-type" > ScriptPubKey< / span > .fromAsmBytes(
< span class = "hljs-string" > hex"00208c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903"< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // redeemScript1: ScriptPubKey = wsh(8c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903)< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > witnessScript = < span class = "hljs-type" > ScriptPubKey< / span > .fromAsmBytes(
< span class = "hljs-string" > hex"522103089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc21023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e7352ae"< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // witnessScript: ScriptPubKey = multi(2,03089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc,023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e73)< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // put the data in the PSBT< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > psbtWithUpdatedSecondInput = psbtWithUpdatedFirstInput
.addRedeemOrWitnessScriptToInput(redeemScript1, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 1< / span > )
.addRedeemOrWitnessScriptToInput(witnessScript, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 1< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // psbtWithUpdatedSecondInput: PSBT = PSBT(GlobalPSBTMap(Vector(UnsignedTransaction(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))))),Vector(InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(8b6f65ab71eeab8b2918acc2ea06b79de08b84680b40ae845fd28b013139d7aa:0),P2PKScriptSignature(ECDigitalSignature(3044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01)),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(50000000 sats,sh(0fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde4934)), TransactionOutput(4949996240 sats,sh(29ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f61))),UInt32Impl(101))), RedeemScript(multi(2,029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f,02dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d7)))), InputPSBTMap(Vector(RedeemScript(wsh(8c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903)), WitnessUTXO(TransactionOutput(200000000 sats,sh(b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e8))), WitnessScript(multi(2,03089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc,023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e73))))),Vector(OutputPSBTMap(Vector()), OutputPSBTMap(Vector())))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Before signing we need to add the needed SigHash flags so we know how to sign the transaction< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // If one is not provided it will be assumed to be SigHashAll< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > psbtWithSigHashFlags = psbtWithUpdatedSecondInput
.addSigHashTypeToInput(< span class = "hljs-type" > HashType< / span > .sigHashAll, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 0< / span > )
.addSigHashTypeToInput(< span class = "hljs-type" > HashType< / span > .sigHashAll, index = < span class = "hljs-number" > 1< / span > )
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // psbtWithSigHashFlags: PSBT = PSBT(GlobalPSBTMap(Vector(UnsignedTransaction(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))))),Vector(InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(8b6f65ab71eeab8b2918acc2ea06b79de08b84680b40ae845fd28b013139d7aa:0),P2PKScriptSignature(ECDigitalSignature(3044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01)),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(50000000 sats,sh(0fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde4934)), TransactionOutput(4949996240 sats,sh(29ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f61))),UInt32Impl(101))), RedeemScript(multi(2,029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f,02dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d7)), SigHashType(SIGHASH_ALL(Int32Impl(1))))), InputPSBTMap(Vector(RedeemScript(wsh(8c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903)), WitnessUTXO(TransactionOutput(200000000 sats,sh(b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e8))), WitnessScript(multi(2,03089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc,023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e73)), SigHashType(SIGHASH_ALL(Int32Impl(1)))))),Vector(OutputPSBTMap(Vector()), OutputPSBTMap(Vector())))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Next, we can now sign the PSBT< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Signing a PSBT will return a Future[PSBT] so this will need to be handled< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // correctly in an application< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Here we use the relevant private keys to sign the first input< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > privKey0 = < span class = "hljs-type" > ECPrivateKey< / span > .fromWIFToPrivateKey(
< span class = "hljs-string" > "cP53pDbR5WtAD8dYAW9hhTjuvvTVaEiQBdrz9XPrgLBeRFiyCbQr"< / span > )
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // privKey0: ECPrivateKey = Masked(ECPrivateKeyImpl)< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > privKey1 = < span class = "hljs-type" > ECPrivateKey< / span > .fromWIFToPrivateKey(
< span class = "hljs-string" > "cR6SXDoyfQrcp4piaiHE97Rsgta9mNhGTen9XeonVgwsh4iSgw6d"< / span > )
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // privKey1: ECPrivateKey = Masked(ECPrivateKeyImpl)< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > psbtFirstSigF =
.sign(inputIndex = < span class = "hljs-number" > 0< / span > , signer = privKey0)
.flatMap(_.sign(inputIndex = < span class = "hljs-number" > 0< / span > , signer = privKey1))
2020-02-13 13:04:10 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // psbtFirstSigF: concurrent.Future[PSBT] = Future(Success(PSBT(GlobalPSBTMap(Vector(UnsignedTransaction(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(75ddabb27b8845f5247975c8a5ba7c6f336c4570708ebe230caf6db5217ae858:0),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295)), TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(1dea7cd05979072a3578cab271c02244ea8a090bbb46aa680a65ecd027048d83:1),EmptyScriptSignature,UInt32Impl(4294967295))),Vector(TransactionOutput(149990000 sats,wpkh(d85c2b71d0060b09c9886aeb815e50991dda124d)), TransactionOutput(100000000 sats,wpkh(00aea9a2e5f0f876a588df5546e8742d1d87008f))),UInt32Impl(0))))),Vector(InputPSBTMap(Vector(NonWitnessOrUnknownUTXO(BaseTransactionImpl(Int32Impl(2),Vector(TransactionInputImpl(TransactionOutPoint(8b6f65ab71eeab8b2918acc2ea06b79de08b84680b40ae845fd28b013139d7aa:0),P2PKScriptSignature(ECDigitalSignature(3044022058f6fc7c6a33e1b31548d481c826c015bd30135aad42cd67790dab66d2ad243b02204a1ced2604c6735b6393e5b41691dd78b00f0c5942fb9f751856faa938157dba01)),UInt32Impl(4294967294))),Vector(TransactionOutput(50000000 sats,sh(0fb9463421696b82c833af241c78c17ddbde4934)), TransactionOutput(4949996240 sats,sh(29ca74f8a08f81999428185c97b5d852e4063f61))),UInt32Impl(101))), RedeemScript(multi(2,029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f,02dab61ff49a14db6a7d02b0cd1fbb78fc4b18312b5b4e54dae4dba2fbfef536d7)), SigHashType(SIGHASH_ALL(Int32Impl(1))), PartialSignature(ECPublicKey(029583bf39ae0a609747ad199addd634fa6108559d6c5cd39b4c2183f1ab96e07f),ECDigitalSignature(3044022074018ad4180097b873323c0015720b3684cc8123891048e7dbcd9b55ad679c99022073d369b740e3eb53dcefa33823c8070514ca55a7dd9544f157c167913261118c01)), PartialSignature(ECPublicKey(03089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc),ECDigitalSignature(3045022100a806c8b9e660931fce821d0271e5cea1d1c946ed1b915cd848bd5ddf374cb6930220009b19df309183ef0135748f412bc6871f21b2ef76df57fd21a4edbc83e6110901)))), InputPSBTMap(Vector(RedeemScript(wsh(8c2353173743b595dfb4a07b72ba8e42e3797da74e87fe7d9d7497e3b2028903)), WitnessUTXO(TransactionOutput(200000000 sats,sh(b7f5faf40e3d40a5a459b1db3535f2b72fa921e8))), WitnessScript(multi(2,03089dc10c7ac6db54f91329af617333db388cead0c231f723379d1b99030b02dc,023add904f3d6dcf59ddb906b0dee23529b7ffb9ed50e5e86151926860221f0e73)), SigHashType(SIGHASH_ALL(Int32Impl(1)))))),Vector(OutputPSBTMap(Vector()), OutputPSBTMap(Vector())))))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
psbtFirstSigF.map { psbtFirstSig =>
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // In this scenario, let's say that the second input does not belong to us and we need< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // another party to sign it. In this case we would need to send the PSBT to the other party.< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // The two standard formats for this are in byte form or in base64 you can access these easily.< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > bytes = psbtFirstSig.bytes
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > base64 = psbtFirstSig.base64
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // After the other party has signed their input they can send us back the PSBT with the signatures< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // To import we can use any of these functions< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > fromBytes = < span class = "hljs-type" > PSBT< / span > .fromBytes(
< span class = "hljs-string" > hex"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"< / span > )
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > fromBase64 = < span class = "hljs-type" > PSBT< / span > .fromBase64(
< span class = "hljs-string" > "cHNidP8BAJoCAAAAAljoeiG1ba8MI76OcHBFbDNvfLqlyHV5JPVFiHuyq911AAAAAAD"< / span > )
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // After we've imported the PSBT we can combine it with our own signed PSBT so we can< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // have one PSBT with all of the necessary data< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > combinedPSBT = fromBase64.combinePSBT(psbtFirstSig)
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // Now that the PSBT has all the necessary data, we can finalize it and extract the transaction< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // This will return a Try[PSBT] and will fail if you do not have all the required fields filled< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > finalizedPSBT = combinedPSBT.finalizePSBT
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // After it has been finalized we can extract the fully signed transaction that is ready< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // to be broadcast to the network.< / span >
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // You can also use extractTransactionAndValidate that will validate if the transaction is valid< / span >
< span class = "hljs-keyword" > val< / span > transaction = finalizedPSBT.get.extractTransaction
2020-02-21 19:24:04 +00:00
< span class = "hljs-comment" > // res0: concurrent.Future[Unit] = Future(Failure(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: DoubleSha256Digest must always be 32 bytes, got: 0))< / span >
2020-01-23 18:44:56 +00:00
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