The [cli](/api/org/bitcoins/cli) project is meant to be a bitcoin-s command line interface (cli).
You only need to do one of the two sections below (Building the command line interface) or (Native binaries), and we recommend doing the first option because it is simpler.
Now you are ready to start the server that the cli sends commands to. Take a look at our [server]( documentation on how to build and start the server.
Bitcoin-s also supports building native executables for various platforms supported by the [graalvm native image]( tool.
You can build by using the [native image plugin for sbt]( This will download the appropriate graalvm
version and the native image tool, and then build the cli
sbt cli/nativeImage
After the build is done, you can find the artifact here locally
We also publish native image binaries every time we merge a commit to master on github.
As an example, you can [see the artifacts](