2021-05-01 18:33:34 +00:00
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var toRoot = '../';< / script > < / head > < body > < div id = "search" > < span id = "doc-title" > < span id = "doc-version" > < / span > < / span > < span class = "close-results" > < span class = "left" > < < / span > Back< / span > < div id = "textfilter" > < span class = "input" > < input autocapitalize = "none" placeholder = "Search" id = "index-input" type = "text" accesskey = "/" / > < i class = "clear material-icons" > < / i > < i id = "search-icon" class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / span > < / div > < / div > < div id = "search-results" > < div id = "search-progress" > < div id = "progress-fill" > < / div > < / div > < div id = "results-content" > < div id = "entity-results" > < / div > < div id = "member-results" > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div id = "content-scroll-container" style = "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;" > < div id = "content-container" style = "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;" > < div id = "subpackage-spacer" > < div id = "packages" > < h1 > Packages< / h1 > < ul > < li class = "indented0 " name = "_root_.root" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "_root_" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < a id = "root:_root_" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../index.html" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > < / span > < span class = "kind" > package< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < a href = "../index.html" title = "" > < span class = "name" > root< / span > < / a > < / span > < div class = "fullcomment" > < dl class = "attributes block" > < dt > Definition Classes< / dt > < dd > < a href = "../index.html" name = "_root_" id = "_root_" class = "extype" > root< / a > < / dd > < / dl > < / div > < / li > < li class = "indented1 " name = "_root_.lnrpc" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "lnrpc" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < a id = "lnrpc:lnrpc" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/index.html" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > < / span > < span class = "kind" > package< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < a href = "index.html" title = "" > < span class = "name" > lnrpc< / span > < / a > < / span > < div class = "fullcomment" > < dl class = "attributes block" > < dt > Definition Classes< / dt > < dd > < a href = "../index.html" name = "_root_" id = "_root_" class = "extype" > root< / a > < / dd > < / dl > < / div > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AMP$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AMP.html" title = "Details specific to AMP HTLCs." class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AMP.html" title = "Details specific to AMP HTLCs." > AMP< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AMPInvoiceState$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AMPInvoiceState.html" title = "" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AMPInvoiceState.html" title = "" > AMPInvoiceState< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AMPRecord$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AMPRecord.html" title = "" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AMPRecord.html" title = "" > AMPRecord< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AbandonChannelRequest$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AbandonChannelRequest.html" title = "" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AbandonChannelRequest.html" title = "" > AbandonChannelRequest< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AbandonChannelResponse$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AbandonChannelResponse.html" title = "" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AbandonChannelResponse.html" title = "" > AbandonChannelResponse< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AddInvoiceResponse$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AddInvoiceResponse.html" title = "" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AddInvoiceResponse.html" title = "" > AddInvoiceResponse< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AddressType$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AddressType.html" title = "AddressType has to be one of:" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AddressType.html" title = "AddressType has to be one of:" > AddressType< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href = "AliasMap$.html" title = "" class = "object" > < / a > < a href = "AliasMap.html" title = "" class = "class" > < / a > < a href = "AliasMap.html" title = "" > AliasMap< / a > < / li > < li class = "current-entities indented1" > < a href =
2021-05-01 18:33:34 +00:00
The size of the pre-crafted output to be used as the channel point for this
channel funding.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > chanPoint< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
The target channel point to refrence in created commitment transactions.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > localKey< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
Our local key to use when creating the multi-sig output.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > remoteKey< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
The key of the remote party to use when creating the multi-sig output.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > pendingChanId< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
If non-zero, then this will be used as the pending channel ID on the wire
protocol to initate the funding request. This is an optional field, and
should only be set if the responder is already expecting a specific pending
channel ID.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > thawHeight< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
This uint32 indicates if this channel is to be considered 'frozen'. A frozen
channel does not allow a cooperative channel close by the initiator. The
thaw_height is the height that this restriction stops applying to the
channel. The height can be interpreted in two ways: as a relative height if
2024-01-27 17:48:18 +00:00
the value is less than 500,000, or as an absolute height otherwise.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > musig2< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
Indicates that the funding output is using a MuSig2 multi-sig output.< / p > < / dd > < / dl > < dl class = "attributes block" > < dt > Annotations< / dt > < dd > < span class = "name" > @SerialVersionUID< / span > < span class = "args" > ()< / span > < / dd > < / dl > < div class = "toggleContainer" > < div class = "toggle block" > < span > Linear Supertypes< / span > < div class = "superTypes hiddenContent" > < a href = "https://javadoc.io/page/com.thesamet.scalapb/lenses_2.13/0.11.11/scalapb/lenses/Updatable.html#scalapb.lenses.Updatable" name = "scalapb.lenses.Updatable" id = "scalapb.lenses.Updatable" class = "extype" > Updatable< / a > [< a href = "" name = "lnrpc.ChanPointShim" id = "lnrpc.ChanPointShim" class = "extype" > ChanPointShim< / a > ], < a href = "https://javadoc.io/page/com.thesamet.scalapb/scalapb-runtime_2.13/0.11.11/scalapb/GeneratedMessage.html#scalapb.GeneratedMessage" name = "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" id = "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" class = "extype" > GeneratedMessage< / a > , < a href = "https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java/io/Serializable.html#java.io.Serializable" name = "java.io.Serializable" id = "java.io.Serializable" class = "extype" > Serializable< / a > , < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Product.html#scala.Product" name = "scala.Product" id = "scala.Product" class = "extype" > Product< / a > , < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Equals.html#scala.Equals" name = "scala.Equals" id = "scala.Equals" class = "extype" > Equals< / a > , < a href = "../scala/index.html#AnyRef=Object" name = "scala.AnyRef" id = "scala.AnyRef" class = "extmbr" > AnyRef< / a > , < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Any.html#scala.Any" name = "scala.Any" id = "scala.Any" class = "extype" > Any< / a > < / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div id = "mbrsel" > < div class = "toggle" > < / div > < div id = "memberfilter" > < i class = "material-icons arrow" > < / i > < span class = "input" > < input placeholder = "Filter all members" id = "mbrsel-input" type = "text" accesskey = "/" / > < / span > < i class = "clear material-icons" > < / i > < / div > < div id = "filterby" > < div id = "order" > < span class = "filtertype" > Ordering< / span > < ol > < li class = "alpha in" > < span > Alphabetic< / span > < / li > < li class = "inherit out" > < span > By Inheritance< / span > < / li > < / ol > < / div > < div class = "ancestors" > < span class = "filtertype" > Inherited< br / > < / span > < ol id = "linearization" > < li class = "in" name = "lnrpc.ChanPointShim" > < span > ChanPointShim< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "scalapb.lenses.Updatable" > < span > Updatable< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" > < span > GeneratedMessage< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "java.io.Serializable" > < span > Serializable< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "scala.Product" > < span > Product< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "scala.Equals" > < span > Equals< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "scala.AnyRef" > < span > AnyRef< / span > < / li > < li class = "in" name = "scala.Any" > < span > Any< / span > < / li > < / ol > < / div > < div class = "ancestors" > < span class = "filtertype" > < / span > < ol > < li class = "hideall out" > < span > Hide All< / span > < / li > < li class = "showall in" > < span > Show All< / span > < / li > < / ol > < / div > < div id = "visbl" > < span class = "filtertype" > Visibility< / span > < ol > < li class = "public in" > < span > Public< / span > < / li > < li class = "protected out" > < span > Protected< / span > < / li > < / ol > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div id = "template" > < div id = "allMembers" > < div id = "constructors" class = "members" > < h3 > Instance Constructors< / h3 > < ol > < li class = "indented0 " name = "lnrpc.ChanPointShim#<init>" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "<init>(amt:Long,chanPoint:Option[lnrpc.ChannelPoint],localKey:Option[lnrpc.KeyDescriptor],remoteKey:com.google.protobuf.ByteString,pendingChanId:com.google.protobuf.ByteString,thawHeight:org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32,musig2:Boolean,unknownFields:scalapb.UnknownFieldSet):lnrpc.ChanPointShim" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < a id = "<init>:ChanPointShim" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/ChanPointShim.html#<init>(amt:Long,chanPoint:Option[lnrpc.ChannelPoint],localKey:Option[lnrpc.KeyDescriptor],remoteKey:com.google.protobuf.ByteString,pendingChanId:com.google.protobuf.ByteString,thawHeight:org.bitcoins.core.number.UInt32,musig2:Boolean,unknownFields:scalapb.UnknownFieldSet):lnrpc.ChanPointShim
2021-05-01 18:33:34 +00:00
The size of the pre-crafted output to be used as the channel point for this
channel funding.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > chanPoint< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
The target channel point to refrence in created commitment transactions.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > localKey< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
Our local key to use when creating the multi-sig output.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > remoteKey< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
The key of the remote party to use when creating the multi-sig output.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > pendingChanId< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
If non-zero, then this will be used as the pending channel ID on the wire
protocol to initate the funding request. This is an optional field, and
should only be set if the responder is already expecting a specific pending
channel ID.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > thawHeight< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
This uint32 indicates if this channel is to be considered 'frozen'. A frozen
channel does not allow a cooperative channel close by the initiator. The
thaw_height is the height that this restriction stops applying to the
channel. The height can be interpreted in two ways: as a relative height if
2024-01-27 17:48:18 +00:00
the value is less than 500,000, or as an absolute height otherwise.< / p > < / dd > < dt class = "param" > musig2< / dt > < dd class = "cmt" > < p >
Indicates that the funding output is using a MuSig2 multi-sig output.< / p > < / dd > < / dl > < / div > < / li > < / ol > < / div > < div class = "values members" > < h3 > Value Members< / h3 > < ol > < li class = "indented0 " name = "scala.AnyRef#!=" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "!=(x$1:Any):Boolean" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < a id = "!=(Any):Boolean" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/ChanPointShim.html#!=(x$1:Any):Boolean" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > final < / span > < span class = "kind" > def< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < span class = "name" title = "gt4s: $bang$eq" > !=< / span > < span class = "params" > (< span name = "arg0" > arg0: < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Any.html#scala.Any" name = "scala.Any" id = "scala.Any" class = "extype" > Any< / a > < / span > )< / span > < span class = "result" > : < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Boolean.html#scala.Boolean" name = "scala.Boolean" id = "scala.Boolean" class = "extype" > Boolean< / a > < / span > < / span > < div class = "fullcomment" > < dl class = "attributes block" > < dt > Definition Classes< / dt > < dd > AnyRef → Any< / dd > < / dl > < / div > < / li > < li class = "indented0 " name = "scala.AnyRef###" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "##:Int" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/ChanPointShim.html###:Int" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > final < / span > < span class = "kind" > def< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < span class = "name" title = "gt4s: $hash$hash" > ##< / span > < span class = "result" > : < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Int.html#scala.Int" name = "scala.Int" id = "scala.Int" class = "extype" > Int< / a > < / span > < / span > < div class = "fullcomment" > < dl class = "attributes block" > < dt > Definition Classes< / dt > < dd > AnyRef → Any< / dd > < / dl > < / div > < / li > < li class = "indented0 " name = "scala.AnyRef#==" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "==(x$1:Any):Boolean" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < a id = "==(Any):Boolean" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/ChanPointShim.html#==(x$1:Any):Boolean" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > final < / span > < span class = "kind" > def< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < span class = "name" title = "gt4s: $eq$eq" > ==< / span > < span class = "params" > (< span name = "arg0" > arg0: < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Any.html#scala.Any" name = "scala.Any" id = "scala.Any" class = "extype" > Any< / a > < / span > )< / span > < span class = "result" > : < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Boolean.html#scala.Boolean" name = "scala.Boolean" id = "scala.Boolean" class = "extype" > Boolean< / a > < / span > < / span > < div class = "fullcomment" > < dl class = "attributes block" > < dt > Definition Classes< / dt > < dd > AnyRef → Any< / dd > < / dl > < / div > < / li > < li class = "indented0 " name = "lnrpc.ChanPointShim#amt" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "no" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "amt:Long" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/ChanPointShim.html#amt:Long" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > < / span > < span class = "kind" > val< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < span class = "name" > amt< / span > < span class = "result" > : < a href = "https://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.13.12/scala/Long.html#scala.Long" name = "scala.Long" id = "scala.Long" class = "extype" > Long< / a > < / span > < / span > < / li > < li class = "indented0 " name = "scala.Any#asInstanceOf" group = "Ungrouped" fullComment = "yes" data-isabs = "false" visbl = "pub" > < a id = "asInstanceOf[T0]:T0" class = "anchorToMember" > < / a > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "../lnrpc/ChanPointShim.html#asInstanceOf[T0]:T0" title = "Permalink" > < i class = "material-icons" > < / i > < / a > < / span > < span class = "modifier_kind" > < span class = "modifier" > final < / span > < span class = "kind" > def< / span > < / span > < span class = "symbol" > < span class = "name" > asInstanceOf< / span > < span class = "tparams