1.`core` - this is where protocol data structures live, like [Transactions](core/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/core/protocol/transaction/Transaction.scala), [Blocks](core/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/core/protocol/blockchain/Block.scala), or [PrivateKeys](core/src/main/scala/org/bitcoins/core/crypto/ECKey.scala). For more info read [`core/README.md`](core/README.md)
4.`eclair-rpc` - this is a RPC client implementation for [Eclair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_data_type), which is a Lightning Network implementation. For more information please read [`eclair-rpc/README.md`](eclair-rpc-README.md)
6.`testkit` - This is a useful testkit for testing Bitcoin related applications. You can spin up Bitcoin and Lightning nodes arbitrarily and set them in specific states. For more information please read [`testkit/README.md`](testkit/README.md)
7.`zmq` - `bitcoind` has a setting that publishes information about the state of the network over ZMQ. This project implements a subscriber that allows you to read and parse that information. For more information see [`zmq/README.md`](zmq/README.md) as well as the official [Bitcoin Core ZMQ documentation](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/zmq.md)
> Ammonite is (among other things) a modernized Scala REPL with syntax highlighting, multi-line editing, the ability to load artifacts directly in the REPL, and many other quality-of-life improvements missing in the default Scala REPL.
> Ammonite is a project by Li Haoyi, and you can get it at [ammonite.io](https://ammonite.io)