2019-09-02 15:16:44 +02:00
id: node
2020-03-13 09:54:07 -05:00
title: Light Client
2019-09-02 15:16:44 +02:00
2020-03-14 08:49:39 -05:00
Bitcoin-s has node module that allows you to connect to the p2p network.
### Neutrino Node
Bitcoin-s has experimental support for neutrino which is a new lite client proposal on the bitcoin p2p network. You can
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read more about how neutrino works [here ](https://suredbits.com/neutrino-what-is-it-and-why-we-need-it/ ). At this time,
bitcoin-s only supports connecting to one trusted peer.
2020-03-14 08:49:39 -05:00
#### Callbacks
Bitcoin-S support call backs for the following events that happen on the bitcoin p2p network:
1. onTxReceived
2. onBlockReceived
3. onMerkleBlockReceived
4. onCompactFilterReceived
That means every time one of these events happens on the p2p network, we will call your callback
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so that you can be notified of the event. These callbacks will be run after the message has been
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recieved and will execute sequentially. If any of them fail an error log will be output and the remainder of the callbacks will continue.
Let's make an easy one
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#### Example
Here is an example of constructing a neutrino node and registering a callback so you can be notified of an event.
To run the example, we need a bitcoind binary that has neutrino support. Unforunately bitcoin core has not merged neutrino
p2p network support yet ([pr here ](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/16442 )) which means that we have built a custom binary and host it ourselves. You need
to make sure to run `sbt downloadBitcoind` and then look for the `bitcoind` binary with neutrino support in
`$HOME/.bitcoin-s/binaries/bitcoind/bitcoin-0.18.99/` . This binary is built from the open PR on bitcoin core.
```scala mdoc:invisible
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.Block
import org.bitcoins.node._
import org.bitcoins.rpc.client.common.BitcoindVersion
import org.bitcoins.testkit.node._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.node.fixture._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.rpc._
import org.bitcoins.server.BitcoinSAppConfig
import org.bitcoins.testkit._
import org.bitcoins.testkit.chain._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.nio.file.Files
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
```scala mdoc:compile-only
implicit val system = ActorSystem(s"node-example")
implicit val ec = system.dispatcher
//we also require a bitcoind instance to connect to
//so let's start one (make sure you ran 'sbt downloadBitcoind')
val instance = BitcoindRpcTestUtil.instance(versionOpt = Some(BitcoindVersion.Experimental))
val p2pPort = instance.p2pPort
val bitcoindF = BitcoindRpcTestUtil.startedBitcoindRpcClient(instance)
//contains information on how to connect to bitcoin's p2p info
val peerF = bitcoindF.map(b => NodeUnitTest.createPeer(b))
// set a data directory
val prefix = s"node-example-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
val datadir = Files.createTempDirectory(prefix)
val tmpDir = BitcoinSTestAppConfig.tmpDir()
// set the current network to regtest
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString {
| bitcoin-s {
| network = regtest
| node {
| mode = neutrino # neutrino, spv
| peers = ["$p2pPort"] # a list of peer addresses in form "hostname:portnumber"
| # (e.g. "neutrino.testnet3.suredbits.com:18333")
| # Port number is optional, the default value is 8333 for mainnet,
| # 18333 for testnet and 18444 for regtest.
| }
| }
implicit val appConfig = BitcoinSAppConfig(datadir, config)
implicit val chainConfig = appConfig.chainConf
implicit val nodeConfig = appConfig.nodeConf
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val initNodeF = nodeConfig.start()
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//the node requires a chainHandler to store block information
//use a helper method in our testkit to create the chain project
val chainApiF = for {
chainHandler < - ChainUnitTest . createChainHandler ( )
} yield chainHandler
//yay! All setup done, let's create a node and then start it!
val nodeF = for {
_ < - chainApiF
peer < - peerF
} yield {
NeutrinoNode(nodePeer = peer,
nodeConfig = nodeConfig,
chainConfig = chainConfig,
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actorSystem = system,
initialSyncDone = None)
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//let's start it
val startedNodeF = nodeF.flatMap(_.start())
//let's make a simple callback that print's the
//blockhash everytime we receive a block on the network
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val blockReceivedFunc: OnBlockReceived = { block: Block =>
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println(s"Received blockhash=${block.blockHeader.hashBE}"))
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2020-08-04 12:27:21 -05:00
// Create callback
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val nodeCallbacks = NodeCallbacks.onBlockReceived(blockReceivedFunc)
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// Add call to our node's config
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//let's test it out by generating a block with bitcoind!
val genBlockF = for {
bitcoind < - bitcoindF
addr < - bitcoind . getNewAddress
hashes < - bitcoind . generateToAddress ( 1 , addr )
} yield ()
//you should see our callback print a block hash
//when running this code
val cleanupF = for {
_ < - genBlockF
bitcoind < - bitcoindF
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node < - startedNodeF
2020-03-14 08:49:39 -05:00
x = NeutrinoNodeConnectedWithBitcoind(node.asInstanceOf[NeutrinoNode],bitcoind)
_ < - NodeUnitTest . destroyNodeConnectedWithBitcoind ( x )
} yield ()
Await.result(cleanupF, 60.seconds)