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BIP: ???
Layer: Applications
Title: Taproot Asset Flat File Proof Format
Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <laolu32@gmail.com>
Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
Comments-URI: https://git
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2021-12-10
License: BSD-2-Clause
This document defines a flat file proof format as a standardized way to package
Taproot Asset proofs. The proof format itself is an append-only log of the prior
lineage of a given asset. Proofs are anchored at the initial "genesis output"
for a given asset. A proof of a single Taproot Asset state transition includes a
Bitcoin merkle proof, a Taproot Asset merkle-sum sparse merkle tree (MS-SMT)
inclusion proof, and finally a set of valid witnesses for the state transition.
This document is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.
The Taproot Asset protocol is an overlay protocol that enables the
representation and transfer of assets on the base Bitcoin blockchain.
As Bitcoin is a UTXO-based system each asset is itself rooted at an initial
"genesis" transaction, which marks the creation of said asset.
An asset is therefore defined by its genesis output, as this marks its lineage.
To ensure implementations are able to verify provenance proofs across the
ecosystem, a standardized proof format is proposed. The proof format is a linear
log of state transitions, allowing new transfers/transition to simply be append
to the end of the fail.
Proving provenance of an asset requires the following arguments at each point
in the past history of the asset:
* The very first snapshot of an asset is rooted at the genesis outpoint as dictated by the canonical Universe.
* A valid merkle proof that proves the inclusion of the genesis outpoint and resulting created asset.
* At each step/transition beyond the genesis outpoint:
** A valid merkle proof of a transaction which spends the outpoint referenced in the prior step.
** A valid MS-SMT opening proving the commitment of the new location of the asset.
** A valid asset witness state transition from the prior outpoint to the new location.
** A valid canonical Taproot Asset commitment exists for the given asset.
** If the transaction anchoring the state transition has other Taproot (P2TR) outputs, then a valid tapscript exclusion proof to prove that the commitment isn't duplicated elsewhere.
The Taproot Asset proof file is a flat file that records each relevant state
transition for a given asset to be verified. The file is verified incrementally,
with verification halting if an invalid state transition or proof is
A file is a series of inclusion and state transition proofs rooted at a given
genesis outpoint. The very first transition requires no witness validation as
its the genesis outpoint.
====File Serialization====
A single inclusion and state transition proof has the following format is a TLV
blob with the following format:
* type: 0 (<code>version</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>uint32</code>:<code>version</code>]
* type: 1 (<code>prev_out</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>36*byte</code>:<code>txid || output_index</code>]
* type: 2 (<code>block_header</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>80*byte</code>:<code>bitcoin_header</code>]
* type: 3 (<code>anchor_tx</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>serialized_bitcoin_tx</code>]
* type: 4 (<code>anchor_tx_merkle_proof</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>merkle_inclusion_proof</code>]
* type: 5 (<code>taproot_asset_asset_leaf</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>tlv_blob</code>:<code>serialized_tlv_leaf</code>]
* type: 6 (<code>taproot_asset_inclusion_proofs</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code>]
**** type: 0 (<code>output_index</code>
***** value: [<code>int32</code>:<code>index</code>]
**** type: 1 (<code>internal_key</code>
***** value: [<code>33*byte</code>:<code>y_parity_byte || schnorr_x_only_key</code>]
**** type: 2 (<code>taproot_asset_proof</code>)
***** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>asset_proof</code>]
****** type: 0 (<code>taproot_asset_proof</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>asset_inclusion_proof</code>]
******* type: 0
******** value: [<code>uint32</code>:<code>proof_version</code>]
******* type: 1
******** value: [<code>32*byte</code>:<code>asset_id</code>]
******* type: 2
******** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>ms_smt_inclusion_proof</code>]
****** type: 1 (<code>taproot_asset_inclusion_proof</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_inclusion_proof</code>]
******* type: 0
******** value: [<code>uint32</code>:<code>proof_version</code>]
******* type: 1
******** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>ms_smt_inclusion_proof</code>]
******* type: 2 (<code>taproot_sibling_preimage</code>)
******** value: [<code>byte</code>:<code>sibling_type</code>][<code>varint</code>:<code>num_bytes</code>][<code>...*byte</code>:<code>tapscript_preimage</code>]
**** type: 3 (<code>taproot_asset_commitment_exclusion_proof</code>
***** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_exclusion_proof</code>]
****** type: 0 (<code>tap_image_1</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>tapscript_preimage</code>]
****** type: 1 (<code>tap_image_2</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>tapscript_preimage</code>]
****** type: 2 (<code>bip_86</code>)
******* value: [<code>byte 0x00/0x01</code>:<code>bip_86</code>]
* type: 7 (<code>taproot_exclusion_proofs</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>uint16</code>:<code>num_proofs</code>][<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code>]
* type: 8 (<code>split_root_proof</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code>]
* type: 9 (<code>meta_reveal</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>asset_meta_reveal</code>]
**** type: 0 (<code>meta_type</code>
***** value: [<code>uint8</code>:<code>type</code>]
**** type: 1 (<code>meta_data</code>
***** value: [<code>*byte</code>:<code>meta_data_bytes</code>]
* type: 10 (<code>taproot_asset_input_splits</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>nested_proof_map</code>]
* type: 11 (<code>challenge_witness</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>challenge_witness</code>]
* type: 12 (<code>block_height</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>uint32</code>:<code>block_height</code>]
* <code>version</code>: is the version of the single mint or transition proof, currently fixed to value <code>0</code>.
* <code>prev_out</code>: is the 36-byte outpoint of the Taproot Asset committed output being spent. If this is the very first proof, then this value will be the "genesis outpoint" for the given asset.
* <code>block_header</code>: is the 80-byte block header that includes a spend of the above outpoint.
* <code>merkle_inclusion_proof</code>: is the merkle inclusion proof of the transaction spending the <code>previous_outpoint</code>. This is serialized with a <code>BigSize</code> length prefix as:
** <code>proof_node_count || serialized_proof || proof_direction_bits</code>
** where:
*** <code>proof_node_count</code> is a <code>BigSize</code> integer specifying the number of nodes in the proof.
*** <code>serialized_proof</code> is <code>proof_node_count*32</code> bytes for the proof path.
*** <code>proof_direction_bits</code> is a bitfield of size <code>length_of_proof</code> with a value of <code>0</code> indicating a left direction, and <code>1</code> indicating a right direction.
* <code>anchor_tx</code>: is the transaction spending the <code>previous_outpoint</code>. This transaction commits to at least a single Taproot Asset tree within one of its outputs.
* <code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code>: is a nested TLV that can be used to prove either inclusion or a Taproot Asset, or the lack of a Taproot Asset commitment via the <code>taproot_asset_commitment_exclusion_proof</code>.
* <code>taproot_exclusion_proofs</code>: is a series of _exclusion_ proofs that prove that the other outputs in a transaction don't commit to a valid Taproot Asset. This re-uses the <code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code> structure, but will only contain an <code>taproot_asset_commitment_exclusion_proof</code> value and not also a <code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code> value.
* <code>split_root_proof</code>: is an optional <code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code> that proves the inclusion of the split commitment's root asset in case of an asset split.
* <code>taproot_asset_input_splits</code>: is an optional list of nested full proofs for any additional inputs found within the resulting asset.
* <code>asset_meta_reveal</code>: is an mandatory field (for genesis assets) that reveals the pre-image of the <code>asset_meta_hash</code> contained in the asset TLV.
** The <code>meta_type</code> field can be used to indicate how to parse/render the meta data pre-image.
*** The meta type currently defined are:
**** <code>0</code>: no true type, just designates an opaque data blob.
** The <code>meta_data</code> is the raw meta data itself.
*** If the contained asset is a genesis asset (has a valid genesis witness), then a verifier SHOULD verify that: `sha256(tlv_encode(meta_reveal)) == asset_meta_hash`.
*** This field MUST only be present for genesis asset proofs.
* <code>challenge_witness</code> is an optional asset witness over a well-defined asset state transition that proves ownership of the <code>script_key</code> the asset currently resides at.
* <code>block_height</code>: is the block height of the block that includes a spend of the <code>prev_out</code> outpoint.
The final flat proof file has the following format:
* [<code>u32</code>:<code>file_version</code>] version of proof file format, currently fixed to <code>0</code>.
* [<code>BigSize</code>:<code>num_proofs</code>] number of proofs contained in the file
* [<code>num_proof*proof</code>:<code>proofs</code>] encoded proofs
** [<code>BigSize</code>:<code>proof_len</code>] length of encoded proof
** [<code>proof_len*byte</code>:<code>proof_tlv_bytes</code>] a single proof encoded as a TLV stream as defined above
** [<code>32*byte</code>:<code>proof_checksum</code>] the checksum of the proof, which is <code>SHA256(prev_hash || proof_tlv_bytes)</code> where <code>prev_hash</code> is the checksum of the previous proof or a zero hash for the first proof.
====Proof Verification====
Verification of a proof file starts at the first entry (the genesis output
creation) and walks forward, validating each state transition and inclusion
proof in series. If any state transition is found to be invalid, then the asset
proof is invalid. Otherwise, if the file is consumed in full without any
violations, the proof is said to be valid.
Given a proof file for a given asset <code>f_proof</code>, genesis outpoint
<code>g</code> verification is defined as follows:
# Verify the integrity of the proof file:
## For each proof, extract the <code>proof_len</code>, <code>proof_len</code> number of bytes as <code>proof_tlv_bytes</code> and 32 bytes <code>proof_checksum</code>.
## Compute <code>SHA256(prev_hash || proof_tlv_bytes)</code> where <code>prev_hash</code> is the <code>proof_checksum</code> of the previous proof or a 32-byte zero hash for the first proof in a file.
## If this computed value doesn't match <code>proof_checksum</code>, verification fails.
# Verify each inclusion proof and state transition:
## Parse the next proof block from the flat file.
## If this is the first proof to be verified:
### Store the <code>previous_outpoint</code> as the genesis outpoint.
## Otherwise, verify that the <code>anchor_transaction</code> has an inputs that spends the ''prior'' <code>previous_outpoint</code>
## Given the <code>anchor_transaction</code> verify that the included <code>merkle_inclusion_proof</code> rooted at the merkle root of the <code>block_header</code> is valid.
## Parse the <code>tlv_proof_map</code>.
## If the <code>anchor_transaction</code> does not have ''at least'' <code>asset_output_pos</code> outputs, verification fails.
## Verify that the <code>asset_leaf_proof</code> embeds the <code>taproot_asset_leaf</code> at the outpout rooted at the <code>asset_output_pos</code> using the specified <code>internal_key</code> to compute the taproot commitment.
## Verify that the asset witness included at the <code>prev_asset_witness</code> field of the <code>taproot_asset_leaf</code> is valid based on the specific <code>asset_script_version</code>
## If a <code>split_commitment_opening</code> is present, verify that the included leaf is a valid opening rooted at the <code>taproot_asset_leaf</code>'s <code>split_commitment_root</code> field.
## If a <code>split_commitment_opening</code> is present, verify that an inclusion proof for the <code>split_commitment_root</code>'s leaf is present in <code>split_root_proof</code>.
## If the asset is a genesis asset, and the <code>asset_meta</code> field is present, then verify that <code>sha256(asset_meta) == asset.asset_meta_hash</code>
A pseudo-code routine for flat file verification follows:
<source lang="python">
verify_asset_file_proof(file_proof []byte, genesis_outpoint OutPoint,
assetID [32]byte) -> bool
genesis_outpoint, prev_outpoint = None
file_reader = new_bytes_reader(file_proof)
prev_hash = bytes(32)
while file_reader.len() != 0:
proof_block = parse_proof_block(file_reader)
sha_sum = sh256(prev_hash + proof_block.bytes())
if proof_block.proof_checksum != sha_sum:
return false
if genesis_outpoint is None:
genesis_outpoint = proof_block.previous_outpoint
txn = proof_block.txn
if genesis_outpoint is not None:
if !spends_prev_out(txn):
return false
if !verify_merkle_proof(
proof_block.block_header, proof_block.merkle_inclusion_proof, txn,
return false
proof_tlv_map = proof_block.tlv_map
if len(txn.outputs) < proof_tlv_map.asset_output_pos:
return false
if !verify_asset_tree_proof(
txn, proof_tlv_map.taproot_asset_leaf, proof_tlv_map.asset_leaf_proof,
return false
if !verify_taproot_asset_state_transition(proof_tlv_map.taproot_asset_leaf):
return false
if proof_tlv_map.challenge_witness is not None:
new_leaf = clone_unique_leaf(proof_tlv_map.taproot_asset_leaf)
new_leaf.script_key = NUMS_key
new_leaf.prev_witnesses = {{
prev_id: {
asset_id: proof_tlv_map.taproot_asset_leaf.asset_id
outpoint: 00000000...0000000:0
script_key: proof_tlv_map.taproot_asset_leaf.script_key
tx_witness: proof_tlv_map.challenge_witness
if !verify_taproot_asset_state_transition(new_leaf):
return false
if proof_tlv_map.split_commitment_opening is not None:
if !verify_split_commitment(
return false
if !verify_asset_tree_proof(
return false
has_meta_reveal = proof_tlv_map.meta_reveal is not None
has_meta_hash = proof_tlv_map.asset.meta_hash is not None
is_genesis_asset = is_genesis_asset(proof_tlv_map.asset)
case has_meta_reveal && !is_genesis_asset:
return false
case has_meta_reveal && is_genesis_asset:
meta_hash := sha256(meta_reveal)
if meta_hash != proof_tlv_map.asset.meta_hash:
return false
case has_meta_hash && is_genesis_asset && !has_meta_reveal:
return false
case !has_meta_reveal && is_genesis_asset:
return false
return true
=====Ownership proof=====
An optional ownership proof can be added to a proof through the
<code>challenge_witness</code> field. That witness must be a valid asset
<code>tx_witness</code> over a well-defined asset state transition that spends
the full amount of the asset to the NUMS key.
The state transition can be created with the following steps:
# Create a deep copy of the asset to prove ownership of.
# Truncate the <code>prev_witnesses</code> list to just a single element.
# Set the <code>prev_witnesses[0].prev_id.out_point</code> to the empty outpoint (all zero hash and zero index).
# Set the <code>prev_witnesses[0].prev_id.script_key</code> to the asset's script key.
# Set the asset's <code>script_key</code> to the NUMS key.
# Create a signature for the asset state transition, using the interactive flow (no split tomb stone).
# Extract just the <code>prev_witnesses[0].tx_witness</code> from the signed state transition and append that to the proof as the <code>challenge_witness</code>.
==Test Vectors==
Test vectors for the [[File Serialization]] can be found here:
* [[bip-tap-proof-file/proof_tlv_encoding_generated.json|Proof TLV encoding test vectors]]
* [[bip-tap-proof-file/proof_tlv_encoding_error_cases.json|Proof TLV encoding error test vectors]]
* [[bip-tap-proof-file/proof_tlv_encoding_regtest.json|Fully valid regtest proof TLV encoding test vectors]]
Some of the test vectors are automatically generated by
[https://github.com/lightninglabs/taproot-assets/tree/main/proof unit tests in
the Taproot Assets GitHub repository].
==Backwards Compatibility==
==Reference Implementation==