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mirror of https://github.com/bitcoin/bips.git synced 2025-03-04 03:03:53 +01:00

184 lines
7.2 KiB

from reference import *
def gen_key_agg_vectors():
print("key_agg_vectors.json: Intermediate tweaking result is point at infinity")
sk = bytes.fromhex("7FB9E0E687ADA1EEBF7ECFE2F21E73EBDB51A7D450948DFE8D76D7F2D1007671")
pk = individual_pk(sk)
keygen_ctx = key_agg([pk])
aggpoint, _, _ = keygen_ctx
aggsk = key_agg_coeff([pk], pk)*int_from_bytes(sk) % n
t = n - aggsk
assert point_add(point_mul(G, t), aggpoint) == None
is_xonly = False
tweak = bytes_from_int(t)
assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: apply_tweak(keygen_ctx, tweak, is_xonly), lambda e: True)
print(" pubkey:", pk.hex().upper())
print(" tweak: ", tweak.hex().upper())
def check_sign_verify_vectors():
with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'sign_verify_vectors.json')) as f:
test_data = json.load(f)
X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
pnonce = fromhex_all(test_data["pnonces"])
aggnonces = fromhex_all(test_data["aggnonces"])
msgs = fromhex_all(test_data["msgs"])
valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
for (i, test_case) in enumerate(valid_test_cases):
pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
pubnonces = [pnonce[i] for i in test_case["nonce_indices"]]
aggnonce = aggnonces[test_case["aggnonce_index"]]
assert nonce_agg(pubnonces) == aggnonce
msg = msgs[test_case["msg_index"]]
signer_index = test_case["signer_index"]
expected = bytes.fromhex(test_case["expected"])
session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, pubkeys, [], [], msg)
(Q, _, _, _, R, _) = get_session_values(session_ctx)
# Make sure the vectors include tests for both variants of Q and R
if i == 0:
assert has_even_y(Q) and not has_even_y(R)
if i == 1:
assert not has_even_y(Q) and has_even_y(R)
if i == 2:
assert has_even_y(Q) and has_even_y(R)
def check_tweak_vectors():
with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'vectors', 'tweak_vectors.json')) as f:
test_data = json.load(f)
X = fromhex_all(test_data["pubkeys"])
pnonce = fromhex_all(test_data["pnonces"])
tweak = fromhex_all(test_data["tweaks"])
valid_test_cases = test_data["valid_test_cases"]
for (i, test_case) in enumerate(valid_test_cases):
pubkeys = [X[i] for i in test_case["key_indices"]]
tweaks = [tweak[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
_, gacc, _ = key_agg_and_tweak(pubkeys, tweaks, is_xonly)
# Make sure the vectors include tests for gacc = 1 and -1
if i == 0:
assert gacc == n - 1
if i == 1:
assert gacc == 1
def sig_agg_vectors():
sk = fromhex_all([
pubkeys = list(map(lambda secret: individual_pk(secret), sk))
indices32 = [i.to_bytes(32, 'big') for i in range(6)]
secnonces, pnonces = zip(*[nonce_gen_internal(r, None, pubkeys[0], None, None, None) for r in indices32])
tweaks = fromhex_all([
msg = bytes.fromhex("599C67EA410D005B9DA90817CF03ED3B1C868E4DA4EDF00A5880B0082C237869")
psigs = [None] * 9
valid_test_cases = [
"aggnonce": None,
"nonce_indices": [0, 1],
"key_indices": [0, 1],
"tweak_indices": [],
"is_xonly": [],
"psig_indices": [0, 1],
}, {
"aggnonce": None,
"nonce_indices": [0, 2],
"key_indices": [0, 2],
"tweak_indices": [],
"is_xonly": [],
"psig_indices": [2, 3],
}, {
"aggnonce": None,
"nonce_indices": [0, 3],
"key_indices": [0, 2],
"tweak_indices": [0],
"is_xonly": [False],
"psig_indices": [4, 5],
}, {
"aggnonce": None,
"nonce_indices": [0, 4],
"key_indices": [0, 3],
"tweak_indices": [0, 1, 2],
"is_xonly": [True, False, True],
"psig_indices": [6, 7],
for (i, test_case) in enumerate(valid_test_cases):
is_xonly = test_case["is_xonly"]
nonce_indices = test_case["nonce_indices"]
key_indices = test_case["key_indices"]
psig_indices = test_case["psig_indices"]
vec_pnonces = [pnonces[i] for i in nonce_indices]
vec_pubkeys = [pubkeys[i] for i in key_indices]
vec_tweaks = [tweaks[i] for i in test_case["tweak_indices"]]
aggnonce = nonce_agg(vec_pnonces)
test_case["aggnonce"] = aggnonce.hex().upper()
session_ctx = SessionContext(aggnonce, vec_pubkeys, vec_tweaks, is_xonly, msg)
for j in range(len(key_indices)):
# WARNING: An actual implementation should _not_ copy the secnonce.
# Reusing the secnonce, as we do here for testing purposes, can leak the
# secret key.
secnonce_tmp = bytearray(secnonces[nonce_indices[j]][:64] + pubkeys[key_indices[j]])
psigs[psig_indices[j]] = sign(secnonce_tmp, sk[key_indices[j]], session_ctx)
sig = partial_sig_agg([psigs[i] for i in psig_indices], session_ctx)
keygen_ctx = key_agg_and_tweak(vec_pubkeys, vec_tweaks, is_xonly)
# To maximize coverage of the sig_agg algorithm, we want one public key
# point with an even and one with an odd Y coordinate.
if i == 0:
if i == 1:
assert(not has_even_y(keygen_ctx[0]))
aggpk = get_xonly_pk(keygen_ctx)
assert schnorr_verify(msg, aggpk, sig)
test_case["expected"] = sig.hex().upper()
error_test_case = {
"aggnonce": None,
"nonce_indices": [0, 4],
"key_indices": [0, 3],
"tweak_indices": [0, 1, 2],
"is_xonly": [True, False, True],
"psig_indices": [7, 8],
"error": {
"type": "invalid_contribution",
"signer": 1
"comment": "Partial signature is invalid because it exceeds group size"
vec_pnonces = [pnonces[i] for i in error_test_case["nonce_indices"]]
aggnonce = nonce_agg(vec_pnonces)
error_test_case["aggnonce"] = aggnonce.hex().upper()
def tohex_all(l):
return list(map(lambda e: e.hex().upper(), l))
"pubkeys": tohex_all(pubkeys),
"pnonces": tohex_all(pnonces),
"tweaks": tohex_all(tweaks),
"psigs": tohex_all(psigs),
"msg": msg.hex().upper(),
"valid_test_cases": valid_test_cases,
"error_test_cases": [error_test_case]
}, indent=4))