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synced 2025-03-04 11:08:05 +01:00
In this commit, we split the Universe trees into transfer vs issuance. The leaf sum value for issuance is the number of units, while for transfer just `1` (accumulator). For Multiverse trees, we make a similar distinction. The sum value for an issuance multiverse is just 1, so it tracks the total amount of assets committed to. For transfer multiverses, the value here is the same as the root of a transfer universe, this ends up summing to the total number of transfer committed to.
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BIP: ???
Layer: Applications
Title: Taproot Asset Universes
Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <laolu32@gmail.com>
Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
Comments-URI: https://git
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2021-12-10
License: BSD-2-Clause
Taproot Asset provenance is defined by the lineage of an asset all the way back
to the genesis point, which is the outpoint that the unique asset identifier is
derived from. A Taproot Asset Universe is proposed as a way for users/holders
of an asset to easily bootstrap their recognition of a given genesis point as
the root of an asset. A Universe is an MS-SMT that indexes into the set of
spent outpoints that track asset movement/transfer. A Universe can contain the
set of genesis outpoints for an asset, several assets, track individual
transactions, and also be used as an aggregation layer.
This document is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.
In order to give users/holders of an asset an easy way to bootstrap provenance,
as well as track the total amount of units issued for a given asset, an
on-chain merkleized indexing structure is necessary. Further, if we define
constraints w.r.t how a "canonical" Universe can be updated, then users are
able to watch a set of on-chain outputs to be notified of further chain
issuance. Continuing to build off this structure, if users are able to maintain
a trust relationship with the issuer of an asset (say the asset belongs to a
closed source game), then they can delegate update rights to a single or
federated set of parties, allowing them to bundle several asset updates in a
single transaction, thereby scaling on-chain transfers.
A Taproot Asset Universe MS-SMT differs from the normal MS-SMT in that the key
index of the lowest tree is derived from an ''outpoint'' and `script key``
rather than an asset script key as given an outpoint where an asset ''was''
present, the asset Universe maps to the Taproot Asset transaction+spending meta
data. Given this outpoint indexing structure, if we create a new "re genesis"
(to create a virtual tx graph) outpoint, then we can construct a new virtual
Taproot Asset transaction graph which provably tracks the movement of assets in
an off-chain manner, relying on a single or federated party to handle updates.
====Asset Universes====
An Asset Universe is a publicly audit able merkle-sum sparse merkle tree
(MS-SMT) over one or several assets. Unlike the normal Taproot Asset tree, a
Universe isn't used to custody Taproot Assets. Instead, a Universe commits to a
subset of the history of one, or many assets. A close analogue to a public
Universe is a block explorer. A Universe can be used to:
* Bootstrap proof verification by committing to the set of genesis outputs.
* Generate more compact proofs w/ an additional trust assumption.
* Audit to the total amount of units in existence for a given asset.
* Track new asset issuance for a given asset ID.
Universes can also be used to essentially compress the history of a series of
transfers into a single on-chain transaction. This variant is called a Pocket
Universe. From this PoV, a Pocket Universe can be seen as a sort of Taproot
Asset channel wherein one party (or a consortium/threshold of them) can batch
update a tree to clear countless transfers in a single on-chain transaction.
Such a Universe can also be created over multiple assets, effectively becoming
a Universe of Universes, or a ''Multiverse''.
During asset creation, the party creating the asset (identified by it's all
zero <code>prev_asset_id</code> value) MAY also specify a
<code>canonical_universe</code> field which specifies additional constraints
on the set of outputs produced. Namely, if this field is specified during asset
creation, then the ''first'' output of the next spend after the genesis
outpoint MUST commit to an updated base Universe that indexes into the prior
genesis outpoint spend (asset creation). In addition, the internal key used for
the output MUST be the <code>asset_group_key</code> field specified during
asset creation. After each subsequent asset issuance event, this output SHOULD
be updated to commit to the new updated base Universe that indexes into all
asset issuance transactions on chain.
Specifying a key effectively blesses a public key on-chain, allowing it to be
used to commit to the "canonical" history of an asset. In addition, those
wishing to be "notified" of new asset issuance can watch this output on-chain
to track any modifications.
=====Issuance Universes & Genesis Asset Verification=====
Unlike a normal Taproot Asset asset tree, a base Universe for a given asset
only commits to the set of ''genesis outpoints'' for an asset. The value for
each of the leaves contains enough information to fully verify the existence of
the transaction that created the asset. As this type of Universe only commits
to the set of constituent assets present at the Beginning, that all other
transfers depend on, we call this a ''Root'' Universe.
Such a Universe can be used to bootstrap provenance and proof verification, as
assuming a party knows which Universe to query, they're able to verify the
provenance of a purported valid asset. In addition to bootstrapping provenance
verification, as Universe trees are themselves an MS-SMT, they can be used to
audit the total amount of a given asset in existence.
A Issuance Universe, is an MS-SMT with the following structure:
* The MS-SMT root commits to the sum of the total set of issued assets for a given <code>genesis_asset_id</code>
** A <code>genesis_asset_id</code> can either be a normal <code>assetID</code> or <code>sha256(asset_group_key)</code>. In the latter case, all values in the tree MUST share the same <code>asset_group_key</code>.
** <code>key</code>: an <code>sha256(outpoint || scriptKey)</code>. Given the asset ID, this uniquely locates a new minting event in the target outpoint.
** <code>value</code>: <code>universe_proof_leaf</code>
** <code>sum_value</code>: the total amount of asset units issued by the proof leaf.
The key of the Issuance Universe is a serialized Bitcoin outpoint. As a result, the
Universe structure can be used to query for the existence of Taproot Assets
rooted at a given outpoint. For a Issuance Universe, the only outpoints tracked are
outpoints that ''create'' a Taproot Asset asset.
As the MS-SMT is keyed by the <code>sha256(outpoint || scriptKey)</code>, it
can be used to bootstrap any proof verification of a purported asset, as the
initial linkage is dependent on the provenance of the referenced
<code>genesisOutpoint</code> (verification starts at the Beginning and works
A <code>universe_proof_leaf</code>: is the state transition proof from
<code>bip-tap-proof-file.mediawiki</code> format:
* type: 0 (<code>prev_out</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>36*byte</code>:<code>txid || output_index</code>]
* type: 1 (<code>block_header</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>80*byte</code>:<code>bitcoin_header</code>]
* type: 2 (<code>anchor_tx</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>serialized_bitcoin_tx</code>]
* type: 3 (<code>anchor_tx_merkle_proof</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>merkle_inclusion_proof</code>]
* type: 4 (<code>taproot_asset_leaf</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>tlv_blob</code>:<code>serialized_tlv_leaf</code>]
* type: 5 (<code>taproot_asset_inclusion_proofs</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code>]
**** type: 0 (<code>output_index</code>
***** value: [<code>int32</code>:<code>index</code>]
**** type: 1 (<code>internal_key</code>
***** value: [<code>33*byte</code>:<code>y_parity_byte || schnorr_x_only_key</code>]
**** type: 2 (<code>taproot_asset_proof</code>)
***** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>asset_proof</code>]
****** type: 0 (<code>taproot_asset_proof</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>asset_inclusion_proof</code>]
******* type: 0
******** value: [<code>uint32</code>:<code>proof_version</code>]
******* type: 1
******** value: [<code>32*byte</code>:<code>asset_id</code>]
******* type: 2
******** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>ms_smt_inclusion_proof</code>]
****** type: 1 (<code>taproot_asset_inclusion_proof</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_inclusion_proof</code>]
******* type: 0
******** value: [<code>uint32</code>:<code>proof_version</code>]
******* type: 1
******** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>ms_smt_inclusion_proof</code>]
******* type: 2 (<code>taproot_sibling_preimage</code>)
******** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>tapscript_preimage</code>]
**** type: 3 (<code>taproot_asset_commitment_exclusion_proof</code>
***** value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_exclusion_proof</code>]
****** type: 0 (<code>tap_image_1</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>tapscript_preimage</code>]
****** type: 1 (<code>tap_image_2</code>)
******* value: [<code>...*byte</code>:<code>tapscript_preimage</code>]
* type: 6 (<code>taproot_exclusion_proofs</code>)
** value:
*** [<code>uint16</code>:<code>num_proofs</code>][<code>...*byte</code>:<code>taproot_asset_taproot_proof</code>]
This is the same state transition proof that would be used to prove asset
creation to a third party. The leaf value of the Issuance Universe allows
verifiers to fully verify the creation of the asset based on the genesis
outpoint spent.
======Canonical Issuance Universe State Transition Rules======
In order to provide an authoritative source of truth for the supply and
issuance events of a given asset, an asset MAY specify a Canonical Root
Universe at initial minting time. If the <code>canonical_universe</code> TLV is
present in the genesis asset, then the following restrictions MUST be applied
to subsequent transactions that spend the minting output:
* When the minting output is spent, the ''first'' output of the resulting transaction MUST:
** Use the internal key of the revealed <code>asset_group_key</code> as the internal key of the V1 Taproot witness program.
** The tapscript tree of the newly created output MUST contain a new Issuance Universe commitment that includes the initial minting event.
** We refer to this output as the <code>root_asset_commitment</code>.
*** If multiple assets within a singular <code>asset_group</code> were issued in the prior transaction, then the Issuance Universe MUST contain all new assets.
* For assets that were issued with an <code>asset_group_key</code>, each time a new asset is issued:
** The latest unspent <code>root_asset_commitment</code> output MUST be spent.
*** This serves to link new issuance events, with the reveal of a new Canonical Issuance Universe hash.
** The ''first'' output of this spending transaction inherits the requirements above:
*** A new updated Issuance Universe commitment is included in the <code>root_asset_commitment</code>.
*** This new <code>root_asset_commitment</code> becomes the new updated supply anchor for the asset.
The stated rules above effectively serve as an iterated commit and reveal game.
Each time a new asset is issued (the issuance commitment spent), then the first
output of the resulting transaction MUST commit to the new Issuance Universe hash.
All other subsequent issuance events MUST then spend that same output, updating
the commitment to the Issuance Universe hash.
As a result of the above chain commitment structure, all queries against for
the latest Canonical Issuance Universe of an asset can be authenticated using a
series of merkle proofs:
* A merkle proof anchored in the block header that mined the transaction with the <code>root_asset_commitment</code>.
* A tapscript merkle proof to show the Issuance Universe hash is included in the tapscript tree.
* A MS-SMT merkle proof to show that the asset being verified is indeed part of the Issuance Universe commitment chain.
In order to enforce uniqueness of the Issuance Universe has commitment, we leverage
the same tapscript commitment uniqueness rules in
<code>bip-tap.mediawiki</code>. We use a modified commitment structure of:
* <code>tagged_hash("TapLeaf", leaf_version || universe_marker || universe_version || root_universe_hash)</code>
* <code>universe_marker</code>: is the `sha256` hash of the ascii string "universe".
* <code>universe_version<code>: is the version of the Universe commitment used.
* <code>issuance_universe_hash<code>: is the root hash of the Issuance Universe.
As the Issuance Universe for a given asset can be known at the initial asset
creation time, based on the referenced <code>universeKey</code> those wishing
to track any new asset issuance related to a given <code>genesis_asset_id</code>
can watch the output on chain. Each time the output is spent indicates a new
minting event. As a result, clients are able to watch a select set of outputs
on-chain, one for each <code>genesis_asset_id</code> they care about, effectively
using the blockchain to be notified each time the total amount of issued assets
=====Transfer Universes & Transaction Archiving=====
Unlike an Issuance Universe which only stores TAP state transitions that
_create_ new assets, a Transfer Universe (a.k.a Universe Archive) stores TAP
state transitions that are related to sending/receiving assets. A Transfer
Universe is useful for archiving TAP related transaction data, and also as a
way to non-iteratively transmit transfer proofs from sender to receiver.
A Transfer Universe is specific to a given <code>asset_id</code> or
A Transfer Universe, is an MS-SMT with the following structure:
* The MS-SMT root commits to the total number of transfer state transition proofs for a given <code>genesis_asset_id</code>
** A <code>genesis_asset_id</code> can either be a normal <code>assetID</code> or <code>sha256(asset_group_key)</code>. In the latter case, all values in the tree MUST share the same <code>asset_group_key</code>.
** <code>key</code>: an <code>sha256(outpoint || scriptKey)</code>. Given the asset ID, this uniquely locates a new minting event in the target outpoint.
** <code>value</code>: <code>universe_proof_leaf</code>
** <code>sum_value</code>: <code>1</code>
Instead of committing to the total number of issued units, the Transfer
Universe commits to the total number of transfers within the asset Universe.
The value of the Transfer Universe leaf is the same as the Issuance Universe:
as <code>universe_proof_leaf</code>.
====Asset Multiverses====
An Asset Multiverse is a Universe of Universes. Rather than just storing the
set of constituent assets (the set of <code>genesisOutpoints</code>), a
Multiverse commits to several root <code>assetIDs</code>, and may also commit
to proofs of asset transfers (including splits+merges). A Multiverse is
therefore effectively a commitment to every asset transfer that may have ever
happened. Importantly, one cannot prove that a Multiverse has complete
history, as a Multiverse can only commit to what it directly observed, or was
shown to it.
Similar normal Universes, a Multiverse can either commit to the set of Issuance
Universes for a set of assets, or the set of Transfer Universes for the set of
assets. One can be used to bundle the bootstrap of a bundle of assets, while
the other can be used to store the complete transfer history of a set of
A Multiverse has the following structure:
* Similar to normal Taproot Asset commitments, the Multiverse itself contains two nested MS-SMT trees. The upper tree commits to the set of asset groups observed, with the inner tree committing to the transaction history of each of the asset groups.
* Upper tree structure:
** <code>key</code>: <code>asset_id</code> or <code>sha256(asset_key_family)</code>
** <code>value</code>: <code>asset_group_tree_root</code>
** <code>sum_value</code>::
*** For ''Transfer Universes'': a value of <code>1</code>
*** For ''Issuance Universes'': the <code>sum_value</code> of the Transfer Universe root, this sums to the total number of transactions in the Multiverse.
* Inner tree structure:
** <code>key</code>: an <code>sha256(outpoint || scriptKey)</code>, serialized in a <code>txid:vout</code> structure as we find in Bitcoin.
** <code>value</code>: <code>universe_proof_leaf</code>
** <code>sum_value</code>:
*** For ''Transfer Universes'': the total amount of asset units issued by the proof leaf.
*** For ''Issuance Universes'': a value of <code>1</code>
A Multiverse therefore commits to the set of known genesis IDs, and at a second
level the set of complete Universe trees for each watched asset.
With this structure, it's possible for the maintainers of the Multiverse to
also store subjectively complete history of the set of transfers. In addition,
this structure can be used to trace the set of transfers/lineage for a given
asset. Notice that we effectively commit to the set of all created outputs
associated with an asset, with the very first spend being the
<code>genesisOutpoint</code> spend. As a result, a full proof of an asset's
provenance is simply a series of keys stored at the lowest level of an SMT,
with verifies following the transfer from outpoint to outpoint within a tree.
Using the trait presented above, one can create a flat file that proves the
provenance of an asset simply by extracting select branches from a Multiverse
tree, and enumerating the set of keys one needs to assert for validation.
====Pocket Universes: Off-Chain Taproot Asset Transfer Compression====
All leaves within a Multiverse are themselves a commitment to an event that
happened on chain: A Taproot Asset transfer. Proofs for unique assets have a nice
property that they scale linearly in the number of asset transfers (you can't
split/merge so the same unit is being transferred to a differing set of
owners). Normal assets give a greater degree of flexibility, but scale worse
as a single asset held might actually be the merging of several Taproot Asset
UTXOs, thereby increasing proofs size as a function of the number of
splits/merges in an asset's history. Pocket Universes are an off-chain transfer
compression system that allows a consortium to stamp asset transfers that take
place in an "imaginary" universe.
To further reduce validation costs, verifiers can choose to only verify a
single input split all the way back to the genesis outpoint. This implements a
naive form of probabilistic validation, as the probability that each unverified
split is invalid decrease exponentially.
A Pocket Universe is similar to a commit chain. A single party, or a set of
parties, commits to a set of transfers within the main chain, which themselves
are anchored to an initial verifiable <code>genesisOutpoint</code>. A Pocket
Universe is therefore a scaling tool, as with a single new commitment on-chain,
an essentially unbounded amount of transfers can be timestamped within the
chain. Pocket Universes may be useful in cases where a party has issued
assets, that can only be used with the aide of the issuer, for example in-game
assets. Although the Pocket Universe relies on a federation, unilateral exist
is possible, given a proof of censorship event.
=====Pocket Universes Creation=====
In order to create a new empty Pocket Universe, the Pocket Universe
orchestrator first creates a new unique tapscript commitment within a segwit v1
output (Taproot) with the following structure:
* <code>tagged_hash("TapLeaf", leaf_version || pocket_universe_marker || pocket_universe_version || pocket_universe_hash)</code>
* <code>pockt_universe_marker</code>: is the `sha256` hash of the ascii string "pocket universe".
* <code>pocket_universe_version</code>: is the version of the Universe commitment used.
* <code>pocket_universe_hash</code>: is the root hash of the Pocket Universe.
** The Pocket Universe is a normal Taproot Asset MS-SMT with the exception that the referenced previous outpoints of the <code>prev_id</code> for each asset only exists within the Taproot Asset Virtual Transaction Graph.
This serves to create a new empty Pocket Universe, as the
<code>pocket_universe_hash</code> will simply be the empty MS-SMT hash as no
contents are currently present in the Pocket Universe.
The outpoint that commits to the creation of a Pocket Universe is hence
referred to as the <code>pocketGenesisOutpoint</code>. A NUMS point derived
from this outpoint can then be computed as <code>M =
NUMS(pocketGenesisOutpoint)</code>. The traditional "hash and increment" approach to
generating NUMS points can be used, or any other variant. As performance isn't
a concern, the naive approach will likely be used in practice.
======Pocket Universe Dynamic Membership: Taproot Asset Virtual Transaction Graphs======
Within a Pocket Universe, rather than reference the on chain location of
committed assets, a new virtual transaction graph is created, which is rooted
at the <code>pocketGenesisOutpoint</code>. In order to join a Pocket Universe,
an asset must first be suspended. Once suspended, they can be added to the
Pocket Universe commitment, using the <code>pocketGenesisOutpoint</code> as a
''new'' minting/issuance event. Subsequent transfers will then reference the
''virtual transaction outpoint'' (as computed in the VM) as previous inputs.
Assets can also be minted ''directly'' into a Pocket Universe by the
orchestrator. To do this, the orchestrator creates a normal genesis asset, but
uses the normal all zero prev ID within the new Pocket Universe leaf.
======Joining a Pocket Universe======
In order to join a Pocket Universe, a party holding an asset `A` carries out
the following steps:
* In the same txn, send to the Pocket Universe NUMS key
* Create a new entry in the Pocket Universe for that output
* Within the new leaf, reference the pocket universe outpoint
Assets can be moved into a pocket Universe which is another commitment in the
main Tapscript tree by "sending" the set of outpoints to a special NUMS asset
key which is derived from the <code>genesisOutpoint</code> of the given asset.
Once the assets have been from the PoV of the base Universe, a new parallel
pocket Universe commitment can be created, which uses the ''new'' outpoint
created as a result of the above transfer transaction as the very first
spending input. From here, new transfers can be created, refreezing the
created outpoints of the virtual Taproot Asset VM validation transaction. The
result is an effective ''freezing'' of assets anchored in the main chain, which
then permits them to be batched and transferred in the maintained Pocket
======Pocket Universe Transactions======
=======Leaving a Pocket Universe=======
====Asset Universe APIs & Federated Sync====
A Universe server communicates with clients and other Universe servers using
the standard Universe API. As a Universe is a tree-based structure, it lends
well to bisection based reconciliation protocols. A set of Universe servers can
peer with each other to form a Universe Federation. A users submit issuance and
transfer proofs to a sub-set of the Federation, gradual tree-based
reconciliation will serve to eventually synchronize the new state across the
set of federated Universe servers.
=====Universe gRPC API=====
The Universe gRPC API is implemented by the following standard gRPC service:
<source lang="python">
service Universe {
AssetRoots queries for the known Universe roots associated with each known
asset. These roots represent the supply/audit state for each known asset.
rpc AssetRoots (AssetRootRequest) returns (AssetRootResponse);
QueryAssetRoots attempts to locate the current Universe root for a specific
asset. This asset can be identified by its asset ID or group key.
rpc QueryAssetRoots (AssetRootQuery) returns (QueryRootResponse);
AssetLeafKeys queries for the set of Universe keys associated with a given
asset_id or group_key. Each key takes the form: (outpoint, script_key),
where outpoint is an outpoint in the Bitcoin blockchain that anchors a
valid Taproot Asset commitment, and script_key is the script_key of the
asset within the Taproot Asset commitment for the given asset_id or
rpc AssetLeafKeys (ID) returns (AssetLeafKeyResponse);
AssetLeaves queries for the set of asset leaves (the values in the Universe
MS-SMT tree) for a given asset_id or group_key. These represents either
asset issuance events (they have a genesis witness) or asset transfers that
took place on chain. The leaves contain a normal Taproot Asset asset proof,
as well as details for the asset.
rpc AssetLeaves (ID) returns (AssetLeafResponse);
QueryProof attempts to query for an issuance proof for a given asset based
on its UniverseKey. A UniverseKey is composed of the Universe ID
(asset_id/group_key) and also a leaf key (outpoint || script_key). If
found, then the issuance proof is returned that includes an inclusion proof
to the known Universe root, as well as a Taproot Asset state transition or
issuance proof for the said asset.
rpc QueryProof (UniverseKey) returns (AssetProofResponse);
InsertProof attempts to insert a new issuance proof into the
Universe tree specified by the UniverseKey. If valid, then the proof is
inserted into the database, with a new Universe root returned for the
updated asset_id/group_key.
rpc InsertProof (AssetProof) returns (AssetProofResponse);
The service allows users to fetch the complete set of asset roots, fetch the
Universe root for a given asset, fetch the set of leaves/keys, and also attempt
to add a new issuance/transfer proof to the target Universe server.
The definition of each of the proto messages follows:
<source lang="python">
message AssetRootRequest {}
message MerkleSumNode {
// The MS-SMT root hash for the branch node.
bytes root_hash = 1;
// The root sum of the branch node. This is hashed to create the root_hash
// along with the left and right siblings. This value represents the total
// known supply of the asset.
int64 root_sum = 2;
message ID {
oneof id {
// The 32-byte asset ID.
bytes asset_id = 1;
// The 32-byte asset ID encoded as a hex string.
string asset_id_str = 2;
// The 32-byte asset group key.
bytes group_key = 3;
// The 32-byte asset group key encoded as hex string.
string group_key_str = 4;
message UniverseRoot {
ID id = 1;
// The merkle sum sparse merkle tree root associated with the above
// universe ID.
MerkleSumNode mssmt_root = 3;
message AssetRootResponse {
// A map of the set of known universe roots for each asset. The key in the
// map is the 32-byte asset_id or group key hash.
map<string, UniverseRoot> universe_roots = 1;
message AssetRootQuery {
// An ID value to uniquely identify a Universe root.
ID id = 1;
message QueryRootResponse {
// The asset root for the given asset ID or group key.
UniverseRoot asset_root = 1;
message Outpoint {
// The output as a hex encoded (and reversed!) string.
string hash_str = 1;
// The index of the output.
int32 index = 2;
message AssetKey {
// The outpoint of the asset key, either as a single hex encoded string, or
// an unrolled outpoint.
oneof outpoint {
string op_str = 1;
Outpoint op = 2;
// The script key of the asset.
oneof script_key {
bytes script_key_bytes = 3;
string script_key_str = 4;
message AssetLeafKeyResponse {
// The set of asset leaf keys for the given asset ID or group key.
repeated AssetKey asset_keys = 1;
message AssetLeaf {
// The asset included in the leaf.
taprpc.Asset asset = 1;
// TODO(roasbeef): only needed for display? can get from proof below ^
// The asset issuance proof, which proves that the asset specified above
// was issued properly.
bytes issuance_proof = 2;
message AssetLeafResponse {
// The set of asset leaves for the given asset ID or group key.
repeated AssetLeaf leaves = 1;
message UniverseKey {
// The ID of the asset to query for.
ID id = 1;
// The asset key to query for.
AssetKey leaf_key = 2;
message AssetProofResponse {
// The request original request for the issuance proof.
UniverseKey req = 1;
// The Universe root that includes this asset leaf.
UniverseRoot universe_root = 2;
// An inclusion proof for the asset leaf included below. The value is that
// issuance proof itself, with a sum value of the amount of the asset.
bytes universe_inclusion_proof = 3;
// The asset leaf itself, which includes the asset and the issuance proof.
AssetLeaf asset_leaf = 4;
message AssetProof {
// The ID of the asset to insert the proof for.
UniverseKey key = 1;
// The asset leaf to insert into the Universe tree.
AssetLeaf asset_leaf = 4;
enum UniverseSyncMode {
// A sync node that indicates that only new asset creation (minting) proofs
// should be synced.
// A syncing mode that indicates that all asset proofs should be synced.
// This includes normal transfers as well.
message SyncTarget {
ID id = 1;
message SyncRequest {
string universe_host = 1;
// The sync mode. This determines what type of proofs are synced.
UniverseSyncMode sync_mode = 2;
// The set of assets to sync. If none are specified, then all assets are
// synced.
repeated SyncTarget sync_targets = 3;
message SyncedUniverse {
// The old Universe root for the synced asset.
UniverseRoot old_asset_root = 1;
// The new Universe root for the synced asset.
UniverseRoot new_asset_root = 2;
// The set of new asset leaves that were synced.
repeated AssetLeaf new_asset_leaves = 3;
message SyncResponse {
// The set of synced asset Universes.
repeated SyncedUniverse synced_universes = 1;
=====Universe REST API=====
In addition to a gRPC API, Universe servers also observe a matching REST API.
The REST API is the mirror of the gRPC API, and is structured to enable
familiar access to Universe information as one would expect in a block
The following yaml describes the REST interface for Universe servers:
<source lang="yaml">
type: google.api.Service
config_version: 3
- selector: universerpc.Universe.AssetRoots
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/roots"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.QueryAssetRoots
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/roots/asset-id/{id.asset_id_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.QueryAssetRoots
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/roots/group-key/{id.group_key_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.AssetLeafKeys
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/keys/asset-id/{asset_id_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.AssetLeafKeys
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/keys/group-key/{group_key_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.AssetLeaves
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/leaves/asset-id/{asset_id_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.AssetLeaves
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/leaves/group-key/{group_key_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.QueryProof
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/proofs/asset-id/{id.asset_id_str}/{leaf_key.op.hash_str}/{leaf_key.op.index}/{leaf_key.script_key_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.QueryProof
get: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/proofs/group-key/{id.group_key_str}/{leaf_key.op.hash_str}/{leaf_key.op.index}/{leaf_key.script_key_str}"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.InsertProof
post: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/proofs/asset-id/{key.id.asset_id_str}/{key.leaf_key.op.hash_str}/{key.leaf_key.op.index}/{key.leaf_key.script_key_str}"
body: "*"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.InsertProof
post: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/proofs/group-key/{key.id.group_key_str}/{key.leaf_key.op.hash_str}/{key.leaf_key.op.index}/{key.leaf_key.script_key_str}"
body: "*"
- selector: universerpc.Universe.SyncUniverse
post: "/v1/taproot-assets/universe/sync"
body: "*"
As an example, in order to query for any issued assets residing at the outpoint
`txid:vout`, for an assetiD `x` a user can hit the following endpoint:
=====Simple Universe Sync=====
As mentioned above, the tree based structure of a Universe server lends easily
to bisection based set reconciliation. In this case, the keys comprise the set
being synchronized.
In this section, we describe a simple linear algorithm for syncing a local
Universe, with a remote Universe server:
<source lang="python">
sync_with_universe(local_universe: UniverseServer, remote_universe: UniverseServer) -> None
// First fetch the set of roots from the local + remote server.
local_roots = local_universe.asset_roots()
remote_roots = remote_universe.asset_roots()
// If the local roots match the remote roots, then we're done.
if local_roots == remote_roots:
// Otherwise, for each root, we'll figure out which leaves we're missing.
for i, remote_root in range(remote_roots):
if remote_roots == local_roots[i]:
remote_asset_keys = remote_universe.asset_leaf_keys(remote_root.id)
local_asset_keys = local_universe.asset_leaf_keys(local_root.id)
missing_keys = set(remote_asset_keys) - set(local_asset_keys)
for missing_key in range missing_keys:
missing_leaf = remote_universe.query_issuance_proofs(missing_key)
A simple sync can be augmented by first recursively fetching the mismatched
sibling until an acceptable depth is reached before fetching all the leaves in
the terminal sub-tree. Each step serves to cut in half the total number of keys
that need to be sent in order to reconcile state.
==Test Vectors==
==Backwards Compatibility==
==Reference Implementation==