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synced 2025-01-18 13:26:08 +01:00
Switch to even-y tiebreaker for pubkeys
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@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ In the case of ''R'' the third option is slower at signing time but a bit faster
for elliptic curve operations). The two other options require a possibly
expensive conversion to affine coordinates first. This would even be the case if the sign or oddness were explicitly coded (option 2 in the list above). We therefore choose option 3.
For ''P'' the speed of signing and verification does not significantly differ between any of the three options because affine coordinates of the point have to be computed anyway. For consistency reasons we choose the same option as for ''R''. The signing algorithm ensures that the signature is valid under the correct public key by negating the secret key if necessary.
For ''P'', using the third option comes at the cost of computing a Jacobi symbol (test for squaredness) at key generation or signing time, without avoiding a conversion to affine coordinates (as public keys will use affine coordinates anyway). We choose the second option, making public keys implicitly have an even Y coordinate, to maximize compatibility with existing key generation algorithms and infrastructure.
Implicit Y coordinates are not a reduction in security when expressed as the number of elliptic curve operations an attacker is expected to perform to compute the secret key. An attacker can normalize any given public key to a point whose Y coordinate is a square by negating the point if necessary. This is just a subtraction of field elements and not an elliptic curve operation<ref>This can be formalized by a simple reduction that reduces an attack on Schnorr signatures with implicit Y coordinates to an attack to Schnorr signatures with explicit Y coordinates. The reduction works by reencoding public keys and negating the result of the hash function, which is modeled as random oracle, whenever the challenge public key has an explicit Y coordinate that is not a square. A proof sketch can be found [https://medium.com/blockstream/reducing-bitcoin-transaction-sizes-with-x-only-pubkeys-f86476af05d7 here].</ref>.
Implicit Y coordinates are not a reduction in security when expressed as the number of elliptic curve operations an attacker is expected to perform to compute the secret key. An attacker can normalize any given public key to a point whose Y coordinate is even by negating the point if necessary. This is just a subtraction of field elements and not an elliptic curve operation<ref>This can be formalized by a simple reduction that reduces an attack on Schnorr signatures with implicit Y coordinates to an attack to Schnorr signatures with explicit Y coordinates. The reduction works by reencoding public keys and negating the result of the hash function, which is modeled as random oracle, whenever the challenge public key has an explicit Y coordinate that is odd. A proof sketch can be found [https://medium.com/blockstream/reducing-bitcoin-transaction-sizes-with-x-only-pubkeys-f86476af05d7 here].</ref>.
'''Tagged Hashes''' Cryptographic hash functions are used for multiple purposes in the specification below and in Bitcoin in general. To make sure hashes used in one context can't be reinterpreted in another one, hash functions can be tweaked with a context-dependent tag name, in such a way that collisions across contexts can be assumed to be infeasible. Such collisions obviously can not be ruled out completely, but only for schemes using tagging with a unique name. As for other schemes collisions are at least less likely with tagging than without.
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ For example, without tagged hashing a BIP340 signature could also be valid for a
This proposal suggests to include the tag by prefixing the hashed data with ''SHA256(tag) || SHA256(tag)''. Because this is a 64-byte long context-specific constant and the ''SHA256'' block size is also 64 bytes, optimized implementations are possible (identical to SHA256 itself, but with a modified initial state). Using SHA256 of the tag name itself is reasonably simple and efficient for implementations that don't choose to use the optimization.
'''Final scheme''' As a result, our final scheme ends up using public key ''pk'' which is the X coordinate of a point ''P'' on the curve whose Y coordinate is a square and signatures ''(r,s)'' where ''r'' is the X coordinate of a point ''R'' whose Y coordinate is a square. The signature satisfies ''s⋅G = R + tagged_hash(r || pk || m)⋅P''.
'''Final scheme''' As a result, our final scheme ends up using public key ''pk'' which is the X coordinate of a point ''P'' on the curve whose Y coordinate is even and signatures ''(r,s)'' where ''r'' is the X coordinate of a point ''R'' whose Y coordinate is a square. The signature satisfies ''s⋅G = R + tagged_hash(r || pk || m)⋅P''.
=== Specification ===
@ -117,16 +117,17 @@ The following conventions are used, with constants as defined for [https://www.s
** The function ''int(x)'', where ''x'' is a 32-byte array, returns the 256-bit unsigned integer whose most significant byte first encoding is ''x''.
** The function ''is_square(x)'', where ''x'' is an integer, returns whether or not ''x'' is a quadratic residue modulo ''p''. Since ''p'' is prime, it is equivalent to the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol Legendre symbol] ''(x / p) = x<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> mod p'' being equal to ''1''<ref>For points ''P'' on the secp256k1 curve it holds that ''y(P)<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> ≠ 0 mod p''.</ref>.
** The function ''has_square_y(P)'', where ''P'' is a point, is defined as ''not is_infinite(P) and is_square(y(P))''<ref>For points ''P'' on the secp256k1 curve it holds that ''has_square_y(P) = not has_square_y(-P)''.</ref>.
** The function ''lift_x(x)'', where ''x'' is an integer in range ''0..p-1'', returns the point ''P'' for which ''x(P) = x''<ref>
** The function ''has_even_y(x)'', where ''P'' is a point, returns ''y(P) mod 2 = 0''.
** The function ''lift_x_square_y(x)'', where ''x'' is an integer in range ''0..p-1'', returns the point ''P'' for which ''x(P) = x''<ref>
Given a candidate X coordinate ''x'' in the range ''0..p-1'', there exist either exactly two or exactly zero valid Y coordinates. If no valid Y coordinate exists, then ''x'' is not a valid X coordinate either, i.e., no point ''P'' exists for which ''x(P) = x''. The valid Y coordinates for a given candidate ''x'' are the square roots of ''c = x<sup>3</sup> + 7 mod p'' and they can be computed as ''y = ±c<sup>(p+1)/4</sup> mod p'' (see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_residue#Prime_or_prime_power_modulus Quadratic residue]) if they exist, which can be checked by squaring and comparing with ''c''.
</ref> and ''has_square_y(P)''<ref>
If ''P := lift_x(x)'' does not fail, then ''y := y(P) = c<sup>(p+1)/4</sup> mod p'' is square. Proof: If ''lift_x'' does not fail, ''y'' is a square root of ''c'' and therefore the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol Legendre symbol] ''(c / p)'' is ''c<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> = 1 mod p''. Because the Legendre symbol ''(y / p)'' is ''y<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> mod p = c<sup>((p+1)/4)((p-1)/2)</sup> mod p = 1<sup>((p+1)/4)</sup> mod p = 1 mod p'', ''y'' is square.
</ref>, or fails if no such point exists. The function ''lift_x(x)'' is equivalent to the following pseudocode:
If ''P := lift_x_square_y(x)'' does not fail, then ''y := y(P) = c<sup>(p+1)/4</sup> mod p'' is square. Proof: If ''lift_x_square_y'' does not fail, ''y'' is a square root of ''c'' and therefore the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol Legendre symbol] ''(c / p)'' is ''c<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> = 1 mod p''. Because the Legendre symbol ''(y / p)'' is ''y<sup>(p-1)/2</sup> mod p = c<sup>((p+1)/4)((p-1)/2)</sup> mod p = 1<sup>((p+1)/4)</sup> mod p = 1 mod p'', ''y'' is square.
</ref>, or fails if no such point exists. The function ''lift_x_square_y(x)'' is equivalent to the following pseudocode:
*** Let ''c = x<sup>3</sup> + 7 mod p''.
*** Let ''y = c<sup>(p+1)/4</sup> mod p''.
*** Fail if ''c ≠ y<sup>2</sup> mod p''.
*** Return the unique point ''P'' such that ''x(P) = x'' and ''y(P) = y'', or fail if no such point exists.
** The function ''point(x)'', where ''x'' is a 32-byte array, returns the point ''P = lift_x(int(x))''.
** The function ''lift_x_even_y(x)'', where ''x'' is an integer in range ''0..p-1'', returns the point ''P'' for which ''x(P) = x'' and ''has_even_y(P)'', or fails if no such point exists. If such a point does exist, it is always equal to either ''lift_x_square_y(x)'' or ''-lift_x_square_y(x)'', which suggests implementing it in terms of ''lift_x_square_y'', and optionally negating the result.
** The function ''hash<sub>tag</sub>(x)'' where ''tag'' is a UTF-8 encoded tag name and ''x'' is a byte array returns the 32-byte hash ''SHA256(SHA256(tag) || SHA256(tag) || x)''.
==== Public Key Generation ====
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ The algorithm ''Sign(sk, m)'' is defined as:
* Let ''d' = int(sk)''
* Fail if ''d' = 0'' or ''d' ≥ n''
* Let ''P = d'⋅G''
* Let ''d = d' '' if ''has_square_y(P)'', otherwise let ''d = n - d' ''.
* Let ''d = d' '' if ''has_even_y(P)'', otherwise let ''d = n - d' ''.
* Let ''rand = hash<sub>BIPSchnorrDerive</sub>(bytes(d) || m)''.
* Let ''k' = int(rand) mod n''<ref>Note that in general, taking a uniformly random 256-bit integer modulo the curve order will produce an unacceptably biased result. However, for the secp256k1 curve, the order is sufficiently close to ''2<sup>256</sup>'' that this bias is not observable (''1 - n / 2<sup>256</sup>'' is around ''1.27 * 2<sup>-128</sup>'').</ref>.
* Fail if ''k' = 0''.
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ Input:
* A signature ''sig'': a 64-byte array
The algorithm ''Verify(pk, m, sig)'' is defined as:
* Let ''P = point(pk)''; fail if ''point(pk)'' fails.
* Let ''P = lift_x_even_y(int(pk))''; fail if that fails.
* Let ''r = int(sig[0:32])''; fail if ''r ≥ p''.
* Let ''s = int(sig[32:64])''; fail if ''s ≥ n''.
* Let ''e = int(hash<sub>BIPSchnorr</sub>(bytes(r) || bytes(P) || m)) mod n''.
@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ The algorithm ''Verify(pk, m, sig)'' is defined as:
For every valid secret key ''sk'' and message ''m'', ''Verify(PubKey(sk),m,Sign(sk,m))'' will succeed.
Note that the correctness of verification relies on the fact that ''point(pk)'' always returns a point with a square Y coordinate. A hypothetical verification algorithm that treats points as public keys, and takes the point ''P'' directly as input would fail any time a point with non-square Y is used. While it is possible to correct for this by negating points with non-square Y coordinate before further processing, this would result in a scheme where every (message, signature) pair is valid for two public keys (a type of malleability that exists for ECDSA as well, but we don't wish to retain). We avoid these problems by treating just the X coordinate as public key.
Note that the correctness of verification relies on the fact that ''lift_x_even_y'' always returns a point with an even Y coordinate. A hypothetical verification algorithm that treats points as public keys, and takes the point ''P'' directly as input would fail any time a point with odd Y is used. While it is possible to correct for this by negating points with odd Y coordinate before further processing, this would result in a scheme where every (message, signature) pair is valid for two public keys (a type of malleability that exists for ECDSA as well, but we don't wish to retain). We avoid these problems by treating just the X coordinate as public key.
==== Batch Verification ====
@ -206,11 +207,11 @@ Input:
The algorithm ''BatchVerify(pk<sub>1..u</sub>, m<sub>1..u</sub>, sig<sub>1..u</sub>)'' is defined as:
* Generate ''u-1'' random integers ''a<sub>2...u</sub>'' in the range ''1...n-1''. They are generated deterministically using a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographically_secure_pseudorandom_number_generator CSPRNG] seeded by a cryptographic hash of all inputs of the algorithm, i.e. ''seed = seed_hash(pk<sub>1</sub>..pk<sub>u</sub> || m<sub>1</sub>..m<sub>u</sub> || sig<sub>1</sub>..sig<sub>u</sub> )''. A safe choice is to instantiate ''seed_hash'' with SHA256 and use [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8439 ChaCha20] with key ''seed'' as a CSPRNG to generate 256-bit integers, skipping integers not in the range ''1...n-1''.
* For ''i = 1 .. u'':
** Let ''P<sub>i</sub> = point(pk<sub>i</sub>)''; fail if ''point(pk<sub>i</sub>)'' fails.
** Let ''P<sub>i</sub> = lift_x_even_y(int(pk<sub>i</sub>))''; fail if it fails.
** Let ''r<sub>i</sub> = int(sig<sub>i</sub>[0:32])''; fail if ''r<sub>i</sub> ≥ p''.
** Let ''s<sub>i</sub> = int(sig<sub>i</sub>[32:64])''; fail if ''s<sub>i</sub> ≥ n''.
** Let ''e<sub>i</sub> = int(hash<sub>BIPSchnorr</sub>(bytes(r<sub>i</sub>) || bytes(P<sub>i</sub>) || m<sub>i</sub>)) mod n''.
** Let ''R<sub>i</sub> = lift_x(r<sub>i</sub>)''; fail if ''lift_x(r<sub>i</sub>)'' fails.
** Let ''R<sub>i</sub> = lift_x_square_y(r<sub>i</sub>)''; fail if ''lift_x_square_y(r<sub>i</sub>)'' fails.
* Fail if ''(s<sub>1</sub> + a<sub>2</sub>s<sub>2</sub> + ... + a<sub>u</sub>s<sub>u</sub>)⋅G ≠ R<sub>1</sub> + a<sub>2</sub>⋅R<sub>2</sub> + ... + a<sub>u</sub>⋅R<sub>u</sub> + e<sub>1</sub>⋅P<sub>1</sub> + (a<sub>2</sub>e<sub>2</sub>)⋅P<sub>2</sub> + ... + (a<sub>u</sub>e<sub>u</sub>)⋅P<sub>u</sub>''.
* Return success iff no failure occurred before reaching this point.
@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ The following rules only apply when such an output is being spent. Any other out
* Let ''q'' be the 32-byte array containing the witness program (the second push in the scriptPubKey) which represents a public key according to [[bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]].
* Fail if the witness stack has 0 elements.
* If there are at least two witness elements, and the first byte of the last element is 0x50<ref>'''Why is the first byte of the annex <code>0x50</code>?''' The <code>0x50</code> is chosen as it could not be confused with a valid P2WPKH or P2WSH spending. As the control block's initial byte's lowest bit is used to indicate the public key's Y squareness, each leaf version needs an even byte value and the immediately following odd byte value that are both not yet used in P2WPKH or P2WSH spending. To indicate the annex, only an "unpaired" available byte is necessary like <code>0x50</code>. This choice maximizes the available options for future script versions.</ref>, this last element is called ''annex'' ''a''<ref>'''What is the purpose of the annex?''' The annex is a reserved space for future extensions, such as indicating the validation costs of computationally expensive new opcodes in a way that is recognizable without knowing the scriptPubKey of the output being spent. Until the meaning of this field is defined by another softfork, users SHOULD NOT include <code>annex</code> in transactions, or it may lead to PERMANENT FUND LOSS.</ref> and is removed from the witness stack. The annex (or the lack of thereof) is always covered by the signature and contributes to transaction weight, but is otherwise ignored during taproot validation.
* If there are at least two witness elements, and the first byte of the last element is 0x50<ref>'''Why is the first byte of the annex <code>0x50</code>?''' The <code>0x50</code> is chosen as it could not be confused with a valid P2WPKH or P2WSH spending. As the control block's initial byte's lowest bit is used to indicate the public key's Y oddness, each leaf version needs an even byte value and the immediately following odd byte value that are both not yet used in P2WPKH or P2WSH spending. To indicate the annex, only an "unpaired" available byte is necessary like <code>0x50</code>. This choice maximizes the available options for future script versions.</ref>, this last element is called ''annex'' ''a''<ref>'''What is the purpose of the annex?''' The annex is a reserved space for future extensions, such as indicating the validation costs of computationally expensive new opcodes in a way that is recognizable without knowing the scriptPubKey of the output being spent. Until the meaning of this field is defined by another softfork, users SHOULD NOT include <code>annex</code> in transactions, or it may lead to PERMANENT FUND LOSS.</ref> and is removed from the witness stack. The annex (or the lack of thereof) is always covered by the signature and contributes to transaction weight, but is otherwise ignored during taproot validation.
* If there is exactly one element left in the witness stack, key path spending is used:
** The single witness stack element is interpreted as the signature and must be valid (see the next section) for the public key ''q'' (see the next subsection).
* If there are at least two witness elements left, script path spending is used:
** Call the second-to-last stack element ''s'', the script.
** The last stack element is called the control block ''c'', and must have length ''33 + 32m'', for a value of ''m'' that is an integer between 0 and 128<ref>'''Why is the Merkle path length limited to 128?''' The optimally space-efficient Merkle tree can be constructed based on the probabilities of the scripts in the leaves, using the Huffman algorithm. This algorithm will construct branches with lengths approximately equal to ''log<sub>2</sub>(1/probability)'', but to have branches longer than 128 you would need to have scripts with an execution chance below 1 in ''2<sup>128</sup>''. As that is our security bound, scripts that truly have such a low chance can probably be removed entirely.</ref>, inclusive. Fail if it does not have such a length.
** Let ''p = c[1:33]'' and let ''P = point(p)'' where ''point'' and ''[:]'' are defined as in [[bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]]. Fail if this point is not on the curve.
** Let ''p = c[1:33]'' and let ''P = lift_x_even_y(int(p))'' where ''lift_x_even_y'' and ''[:]'' are defined as in [[bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]]. Fail if this point is not on the curve.
** Let ''v = c[0] & 0xfe'' and call it the ''leaf version''<ref>'''What constraints are there on the leaf version?''' First, the leaf version cannot be odd as ''c[0] & 0xfe'' will always be even, and cannot be ''0x50'' as that would result in ambiguity with the annex. In addition, in order to support some forms of static analysis that rely on being able to identify script spends without access to the output being spent, it is recommended to avoid using any leaf versions that would conflict with a valid first byte of either a valid P2WPKH pubkey or a valid P2WSH script (that is, both ''v'' and ''v | 1'' should be an undefined, invalid or disabled opcode or an opcode that is not valid as the first opcode). The values that comply to this rule are the 32 even values between ''0xc0'' and ''0xfe'' and also ''0x66'', ''0x7e'', ''0x80'', ''0x84'', ''0x96'', ''0x98'', ''0xba'', ''0xbc'', ''0xbe''. Note also that this constraint implies that leaf versions should be shared amongst different witness versions, as knowing the witness version requires access to the output being spent.</ref>.
** Let ''k<sub>0</sub> = hash<sub>TapLeaf</sub>(v || compact_size(size of s) || s)''; also call it the ''tapleaf hash''.
** For ''j'' in ''[0,1,...,m-1]'':
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ The following rules only apply when such an output is being spent. Any other out
**** If ''k<sub>j</sub> ≥ e<sub>j</sub>'': ''k<sub>j+1</sub> = hash<sub>TapBranch</sub>(e<sub>j</sub> || k<sub>j</sub>)''.
** Let ''t = hash<sub>TapTweak</sub>(p || k<sub>m</sub>)''.
** If ''t ≥ 0xFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFE BAAEDCE6 AF48A03B BFD25E8C D0364141'' (order of secp256k1), fail.
** Let ''Q = point(q) if (c[0] & 1) = 1 and -point(q) otherwise''<ref>'''Why is it necessary to reveal a bit to indicate if the point represented by the output public key is negated in a script path spend?''' The ''point'' function (defined in [[bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]]) always constructs a point with a square Y coordinate, but because ''Q'' is constructed by adding the taproot tweak to the internal public key ''P'', it cannot easily be guaranteed that ''Q'' in fact has such a Y coordinate. Therefore, before verifying the taproot tweak the original point is restored by negating if necessary. We can not ignore the Y coordinate because it would prevent batch verification. Trying out multiple internal keys until there's such a ''Q'' is possible but undesirable and unnecessary since this information about the Y coordinate only consumes an unused bit.</ref>. Fail if this point is not on the curve.
** Let ''Q = lift_x_even_y(int(q)) if (c[0] & 1) = 0 and -lift_x_even_y(int(q)) otherwise''<ref>'''Why is it necessary to reveal a bit to indicate if the point represented by the output public key is negated in a script path spend?''' The ''lift_x_even_y'' function (defined in [[bip-0340.mediawiki#design|BIP340]]) always constructs a point with an even Y coordinate, but because ''Q'' is constructed by adding the taproot tweak to the internal public key ''P'', it cannot easily be guaranteed that ''Q'' in fact has such a Y coordinate. Therefore, before verifying the taproot tweak the original point is restored by negating if necessary. We can not ignore the Y coordinate because it would prevent batch verification. Trying out multiple internal keys until there's such a ''Q'' is possible but undesirable and unnecessary since this information about the Y coordinate only consumes an unused bit.</ref>. Fail if this point is not on the curve.
** If ''Q ≠ P + int(t)G'', fail.
** Execute the script, according to the applicable script rules<ref>'''What are the applicable script rules in script path spends?''' [[bip-0342.mediawiki|BIP342]] specifies validity rules that apply for leaf version 0xc0, but future proposals can introduce rules for other leaf versions.</ref>, using the witness stack elements excluding the script ''s'', the control block ''c'', and the annex ''a'' if present, as initial stack.
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Satisfying any of these conditions is sufficient to spend the output.
'''Initial steps''' The first step is determining what the internal key and the organization of the rest of the scripts should be. The specifics are likely application dependent, but here are some general guidelines:
* When deciding between scripts with conditionals (<code>OP_IF</code> etc.) and splitting them up into multiple scripts (each corresponding to one execution path through the original script), it is generally preferable to pick the latter.
* When a single condition requires signatures with multiple keys, key aggregation techniques like MuSig can be used to combine them into a single key. The details are out of scope for this document, but note that this may complicate the signing procedure.
* If one or more of the spending conditions consist of just a single key (after aggregation), the most likely one should be made the internal key. If no such condition exists, it may be worthwhile adding one that consists of an aggregation of all keys participating in all scripts combined; effectively adding an "everyone agrees" branch. If that is inacceptable, pick as internal key a point with unknown discrete logarithm. One example of such a point is ''H = point(0x0250929b74c1a04954b78b4b6035e97a5e078a5a0f28ec96d547bfee9ace803ac0)'' which is [https://github.com/ElementsProject/secp256k1-zkp/blob/11af7015de624b010424273be3d91f117f172c82/src/modules/rangeproof/main_impl.h#L16 constructed] by taking the hash of the standard uncompressed encoding of the [https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf secp256k1] base point ''G'' as X coordinate. In order to avoid leaking the information that key path spending is not possible it is recommended to pick a fresh integer ''r'' in the range ''0...n-1'' uniformly at random and use ''H + rG'' as internal key. It is possible to prove that this internal key does not have a known discrete logarithm with respect to ''G'' by revealing ''r'' to a verifier who can then reconstruct how the internal key was created.
* If one or more of the spending conditions consist of just a single key (after aggregation), the most likely one should be made the internal key. If no such condition exists, it may be worthwhile adding one that consists of an aggregation of all keys participating in all scripts combined; effectively adding an "everyone agrees" branch. If that is inacceptable, pick as internal key a point with unknown discrete logarithm. One example of such a point is ''H = lift_x_even_y(0x0250929b74c1a04954b78b4b6035e97a5e078a5a0f28ec96d547bfee9ace803ac0)'' which is [https://github.com/ElementsProject/secp256k1-zkp/blob/11af7015de624b010424273be3d91f117f172c82/src/modules/rangeproof/main_impl.h#L16 constructed] by taking the hash of the standard uncompressed encoding of the [https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf secp256k1] base point ''G'' as X coordinate. In order to avoid leaking the information that key path spending is not possible it is recommended to pick a fresh integer ''r'' in the range ''0...n-1'' uniformly at random and use ''H + rG'' as internal key. It is possible to prove that this internal key does not have a known discrete logarithm with respect to ''G'' by revealing ''r'' to a verifier who can then reconstruct how the internal key was created.
* If the spending conditions do not require a script path, the output key should commit to an unspendable script path instead of having no script path. This can be achieved by computing the output key point as ''Q = P + int(hash<sub>TapTweak</sub>(bytes(P)))G''. <ref>'''Why should the output key always have a taproot commitment, even if there is no script path?'''
If the taproot output key is an aggregate of keys, there is the possibility for a malicious party to add a script path without being noticed by the other parties.
This allows to bypass the multiparty policy and to steal the coin.
@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ def taproot_tweak_pubkey(pubkey, h):
t = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("TapTweak", pubkey + h))
if t >= SECP256K1_ORDER:
raise ValueError
Q = point_add(point(pubkey), point_mul(G, t))
is_negated = not has_square_y(Q)
Q = point_add(lift_x_even_y(int_from_bytes(pubkey)), point_mul(G, t))
is_negated = not has_even_y(Q)
return bytes_from_int(x(Q)), is_negated
def taproot_tweak_seckey(seckey0, h):
P = point_mul(G, int_from_bytes(seckey0))
seckey = SECP256K1_ORDER - seckey0 if not has_square_y(P) else seckey
seckey = seckey0 if has_even_y(P) else SECP256K1_ORDER - seckey0
t = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("TapTweak", bytes_from_int(x(P)) + h))
if t >= SECP256K1_ORDER:
raise ValueError
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