2016-02-21 14:00:02 -08:00
// Simple Bitcoin Payment Protocol messages
// Use fields 1000+ for extensions;
// to avoid conflicts, register extensions via pull-req at
// https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/bip-0070/extensions.mediawiki
package payments ;
option java_package = "org.bitcoin.protocols.payments" ;
option java_outer_classname = "Protos" ;
// Generalized form of "send payment to this/these bitcoin addresses"
message Output {
optional uint64 amount = 1 [ default = 0 ] ; // amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
required bytes script = 2 ; // usually one of the standard Script forms
message PaymentDetails {
optional string network = 1 [ default = "main" ] ; // "main" or "test"
2016-03-09 18:57:48 -08:00
repeated Output outputs = 2 ; // Where payment should be sent
required uint64 time = 3 ; // Timestamp; when payment request created
optional uint64 expires = 4 ; // Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid
optional string memo = 5 ; // Human-readable description of request for the customer
optional string payment_url = 6 ; // URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
optional bytes merchant_data = 7 ; // Arbitrary data to include in the Payment message
optional uint64 subtractable_fee = 1000 ; // How many Satoshis can be subtracted from the requested amount and instead applied towards the fee
optional uint64 fee_per_kb = 1001 ; // Minimum transaction fee that must be included with the transaction in order for it to be accepted with zero confirmations.
optional bool replace_by_fee = 1002 ; // Indicates the sender can enable the Replace By Fee flag for this transaction and the receiver will still consider it accepted with zero confirmations. Otherwise, RBF transactions will not be accepted by the receiver until they are confirmed.
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message PaymentRequest {
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [ default = 1 ] ;
optional string pki_type = 2 [ default = "none" ] ; // none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
optional bytes pki_data = 3 ; // depends on pki_type
required bytes serialized_payment_details = 4 ; // PaymentDetails
optional bytes signature = 5 ; // pki-dependent signature
message X509Certificates {
repeated bytes certificate = 1 ; // DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
message Payment {
optional bytes merchant_data = 1 ; // From PaymentDetails.merchant_data
repeated bytes transactions = 2 ; // Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
repeated Output refund_to = 3 ; // Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
optional string memo = 4 ; // Human-readable message for the merchant
message PaymentACK {
required Payment payment = 1 ; // Payment message that triggered this ACK
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optional string memo = 2 ; // Human-readable message for customer
2016-02-21 14:00:02 -08:00
// BIP-IR Extensions
message InvoiceRequest {
required bytes sender_public_key = 1 ; // Sender's EC Public Key
optional uint64 amount = 3 [ default = 0 ] ; // amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
optional string pki_type = 4 [ default = "none" ] ; // none / x509+sha256
optional bytes pki_data = 5 ; // Depends on pki_type
optional string memo = 6 ; // Human-readable description of invoice request for the receiver
optional string notification_url = 7 ; // URL to notify on EncryptedPaymentRequest ready
optional bytes signature = 8 ; // PKI-dependent signature
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message EncryptedInvoiceRequest {
required bytes encrypted_invoice_request = 1 ; // AES-256-CBC Encrypted InvoiceRequest as defined in InvoiceRequest Spec
required bytes invoice_request_hash = 2 ; // SHA256 Hash of Non-Encrypted, Serialized InvoiceRequest (used for authentication)
required bytes sender_public_key = 3 ; // Sender's EC Public Key
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required bytes receiver_public_key = 4 ; // Receiver's EC Public Key
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required uint64 nonce = 5 ; // Microseconds since epoch
optional bytes identifier = 6 ; // Unique key to identify this entire exchange on the server. invoice_request_hash SHOULD be used by default
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optional bytes signature = 7 ; // Signature of this message using Sender's EC key
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2016-02-21 14:00:02 -08:00
message EncryptedPaymentRequest {
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required bytes encrypted_payment_request = 1 ; // AES-256-CBC Encrypted PaymentRequest as defined in InvoiceRequest Spec
required bytes payment_request_hash = 2 ; // SHA256 Hash of Non-Encrypted, Serialized PaymentRequest (used for authentication)
required bytes receiver_public_key = 3 ; // Receiver's EC Public Key
required bytes sender_public_key = 4 ; // Sender's EC Public Key
required uint64 nonce = 5 ; // Microseconds since epoch
optional bool requires_payment_message = 6 [ default = false ] ; // Requires Payment/PaymentACK message exchange
optional bytes signature = 7 ; // Signature of this message using Receiver's EC key
optional bytes identifier = 8 ; // MUST use the identifier specified with the InvoiceRequest if the PaymentRequest is in response to an InvoiceRequest. Otherwise, use payment_request_hash or other unique value.
2016-02-21 14:00:02 -08:00
message EncryptedPayment {
2016-02-22 12:04:54 -08:00
required bytes encrypted_payment = 1 ; // AES-256-CBC Encrypted BIP70 Payment as defined in InvoiceRequest Spec
required bytes payment_hash = 2 ; // SHA256 Hash of Non-Encrypted, Serialized BIP70 Payment
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required bytes sender_public_key = 3 ; // Sender's EC Public Key
required bytes receiver_public_key = 4 ; // Receiver's EC Public Key
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required uint64 nonce = 5 ; // Microseconds since epoch
required bytes signature = 6 ; // Signature over EncryptedPayment with Sender's EC Key
optional bytes identifier = 7 ; // Use the identifier specified with the EncryptedPaymentRequest, if any.
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message EncryptedPaymentACK {
2016-02-22 12:04:54 -08:00
required bytes encrypted_payment_ack = 1 ; // AES-256-CBC Encrypted BIP70 PaymentACK as defined in InvoiceRequest Spec
required bytes payment_ack_hash = 2 ; // SHA256 Hash of Non-Encrypted, Serialized BIP70 PaymentACK
required bytes receiver_public_key = 3 ; // Receiver's EC Public Key
required bytes sender_public_key = 4 ; // Sender's EC Public Key
required uint64 nonce = 5 ; // Microseconds since epoch
required bytes signature = 6 ; // Signature over EncryptedPaymentACK with Receiver's EC Key
optional bytes identifier = 7 ; // Use the identifier specified with the EncryptedPaymentRequest, if any.