This BIP defines the derivation scheme for HD wallets using the P2WPKH ([[bip-0173.mediawiki|BIP 173]]) serialization format for segregated witness transactions.
With the usage of P2WPKH transactions it is necessary to have a common derivation scheme.
It allows the user to use different HD wallets with the same masterseed and/or a single account seamlessly.
Thus the user needs to create dedicated segregated witness accounts, which ensures that only wallets compatible with this BIP will detect the accounts and handle them appropriately.
We use the same rationale as described in Considerations section of [[bip-0049.mediawiki|BIP 49]].
This BIP defines the two needed steps to derive multiple deterministic addresses based on a [[bip-0032.mediawiki|BIP 32]] root account.
===Public key derivation===
To derive a public key from the root account, this BIP uses the same account-structure as defined in [[bip-0044.mediawiki|BIP 44]] and [[bip-0049.mediawiki|BIP 49]], but only uses a different purpose value to indicate the different transaction serialization method.
When serializing extended keys, this scheme uses alternate version bytes. Extended public keys use <code>0x04b24746</code> to produce a "zpub" prefix, and private keys use <code>0x04b2430c</code> to produce a "zprv" prefix. Testnet uses <code>0x045f1cf6</code> "vpub" and <code>0x045f18bc</code> "vprv."
This BIP is not backwards compatible by design as described under [[#considerations|considerations]]. An incompatible wallet will not discover accounts at all and the user will notice that something is wrong.