1.**Developers implementing phrase generation or checksum verification must separate words using ideographic spaces / accommodate users inputting ideographic spaces.**
1. Words can be uniquely determined typing the first 4 characters (sometimes less).
2. Special Spanish characters like 'ñ', 'ü', 'á', etc... are considered equal to 'n', 'u', 'a', etc... in terms of identifying a word. Therefore, there is no need to use a Spanish keyboard to introduce the passphrase, an application with the Spanish wordlist will be able to identify the words after the first 4 chars have been typed even if the chars with accents have been replaced with the equivalent without accents.
3. There are no words in common between the Spanish wordlist and any other language wordlist, therefore it is possible to detect the language with just one word.
1. High priority on simple and common french words.
2. Only words with 5-8 letters.
3. A word is fully recognizable by typing the first 4 letters (special french characters "é-è" are considered equal to "e", for exemple "museau" and "musée" can not be together).
4. Only infinitive verbs, adjectives and nouns.
5. No pronouns, no adverbs, no prepositions, no conjunctions, no interjections (unless a noun/adjective is also popular than its interjection like "mince;chouette").
6. No numeral adjectives.
7. No words in the plural (except invariable words like "univers", or same spelling than singular like "heureux").
8. No female adjectives (except words with same spelling for male and female adjectives like "magique").
9. No words with several senses AND different spelling in speaking like "verre-vert", unless a word has a meaning much more popular than another like "perle" and "pairle".
10. No very similar words with 1 letter of difference.
11. No essentially reflexive verbs (unless a verb is also a noun like "souvenir").
12. No words with "ô;â;ç;ê;œ;æ;î;ï;û;ù;à;ë;ÿ".
13. No words ending by "é;ée;è;et;ai;ait".
14. No demonyms.
15. No words in conflict with the spelling corrections of 1990 (http://goo.gl/Y8DU4z).
16. No embarrassing words (in a very, very large scope) or belonging to a particular religion.
17. No identical words with the Spanish wordlist (as Y75QMO wants).