# It allows the requestor of a Payment Request to voluntarily sign the original request and provide a certificate to allow the payee to know who they are transacting with.
# It encrypts the Payment Request that is returned, before handing it off to the SSL/TLS layer to prevent man in the middle viewing of the Payment Request details.
The motivation for defining this extension to the BIP70 Payment Protocol is to allow 2 parties to exchange payment information in a permissioned and encrypted way such that wallet address communication can become a more automated process. Additionally, this extension allows for the requestor of a PaymentRequest to supply a certificate and signature in order to facilitate identification for address release. This also allows for automated creation of off blockchain transaction logs that are human readable, containing who you transacted with, in addition to the information that it contains today.
The motivation for this extension to BIP70 is twofold:
# Ensure that the payment details can only be seen by the participants in the transaction, and not any third party. By encrypting at the application layer we protect the payment request from being intercepted by a man in the middle, and allow mobile and desktop wallets to use a server to act as a “store and forward server” or “meet point” for serving Payment Requests without having to worry the server operator can spy on their transactions.
# Allow a sender of funds the option of sharing their identity with the receiver. This information could then be used to:
* Automate the creation and maintenance of an "address book" of payees, without relying on static addresses or BIP32 X-Pubs which can become outdated and/or compromise privacy
* nonce MUST be set to a non-repeating number. The current epoch time in microseconds SHOULD be used, unless the creating device doesn't have access to a RTC (in the case of a smart card, for example)
* Amount is optional. If the amount is not specified by the InvoiceRequest, the Receiver MAY specify the amount in the returned PaymentRequest. If an amount is specified by the InvoiceRequest and a PaymentRequest cannot be generated for that amount, the InvoiceRequest SHOULD be rejected with HTTP status code 406.
** Set pki_data as it would be set in BIP-0070 (see [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0070.mediawiki#Certificates Certificates]) section)
===ECDH Point Generation and AES-256 (CBC Mode) Setup===
* Generate the '''secret point''' using [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve_Diffie–Hellman ECDH] using the local entity's private key and the remote entity's public key as inputs.
A reference implementation for a Store & Forward server supporting this proposal can be found here: [https://github.com/netkicorp/addressimo Addressimo]
A reference client implementation can be found in the InvoiceRequest functional testing for Addressimo here: [https://github.com/netkicorp/addressimo/blob/master/functest/functest_ir.py InvoiceRequest Client Reference Implementation]
==BIP70 Extension==
The following flowchart is borrowed from BIP70 and expanded upon in order to visually describe how this BIP is an extension to BIP70.
<img src="bip-ir/bip70-extension.png"></img>
==Mobile to Mobile Example==
The following diagram shows a sample flow in which one mobile client is sending value to a second mobile client with the use
of an InvoiceRequest, a Store & Forward server, and a ReturnPaymentRequest.