This document specifies <tt>raw()</tt> and <tt>addr()</tt> output script descriptors.
<tt>raw()</tt> encapsulates a raw script as a descriptor.
<tt>addr()</tt> encapsulates an address as a descriptor.
This BIP is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.
In order to make descriptors maximally compatible with scripts in use today, it is useful to be able to wrap any arbitrary output script or an address into a descriptor.
Two new script expressions are defined: <tt>raw()</tt> and <tt>addr()</tt>.
The <tt>raw(HEX)</tt> expression can only be used as a top level descriptor.
As the argument, it takes a hex string representing a Bitcoin script.
The output script produced by this descriptor is the script represented by <tt>HEX</tt>.
The <tt>addr(ADDR)</tt> expression can only be used as a top level descriptor.
It takes an address as its single argument.
The output script produced by this descriptor is the output script produced by the address <tt>ADDR</tt>.