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synced 2025-02-22 14:42:37 +01:00
* Refactoring: Move arbitration package inside dispute package * Use abstract base class DisputeResolver for arbitrator * Refactoring: Move mediator to mediator package. * Let Mediator inherit DisputeResolver. * Do not use protobuf inheritance - Do not use protobuf inheritance for Arbitrator and Mediator as it would break backward compatibility (and protobuf inheritance sucks anyway) * Refactoring: Move ArbitratorModule to parent package * Refactoring: Rename ArbitratorModule to DisputeModule * Add mediators to Filter * Add mediators to filter window * Use abstract DisputeResolverService as base class for ArbitratorService - Add common base class for ArbitratorService and MediatorService * Fix test * Use abstract DisputeResolverManager as base class for ArbitratorManager - Add common base class for ArbitratorManager and MediatorManager * Refactor: Move arbitratorregistration package inside register pkg * Refactor: Rename arbitratorregistration package to arbitrator * Add registration view for mediator - With cmd+D one can open the mediator regisration in account screen. For arbitrator its cmd+R * Separate pub key list for mediator (no new keys added yet) * Set new pubkeys for mediator registration - Before release set new keys from maintainer who manages keys * Set disputes @Nullable. Add null checks * Remove pre v0.9 handling for supported arbitrators from offer - We changed handling of arbitrator selection with v0.9 so the supported arbitrators in the offer is not used anymore. As we enforced v1.2 a while back for trading we can be sure no pre v0.9 clients are used anymore and we can remove the optional code part. * Remove supported arbitrators info in offer details window - As we do not use supported arbitraors in offer anymore since v0.9 we can remove that. * Remove check for matching arbitrator languages As we do not use the supported arbitratos from offer since v0.9 we can remove that check. * Remove not used classes * Remove checks for arbitrator and mediator in offer We do not use those fields anymore. We still need to keep the fields not nullable as old clients have the check still. * Add check if sig of proto object is not empty We got in dev testing sometimes an empty protobuf Alert. Might be caused from protobuf copatibility issues during development but not 100% clear. As it causes an exception and corrupted user db file we prefer to set it to null. * Remove TakerSelectMediator This is not used anymore. Currently we would get an exception in the trade but with follow up changes we will fix that... Mediator handling and selection will be done the same way like arbitrator. The current mediator handling was a relict from earlier partial support for mediators which never got completed. As still a null check is in place we need to ensure backward compatibility. * Set arbitratorNodeAddresses and mediatorNodeAddresses to deprecated We do not use arbitratorNodeAddresses and mediatorNodeAddresses anymore but as there is a null check we still need to keep the field ans set it to an empty arrayList. * Make ArbitratorSelection generic. Add MEDIATOR_ADDRESS We want to use the same selection algorithm for mediators as for arbitrators, so we make ArbitratorSelection generic. We add MEDIATOR_ADDRESS as extraMap entry to TradeStatistics2 to be able to track number of trades with specific mediators. ExtraMap is used to add new data to existing protobuf definitions which is supported also by not updated clients. Adding a new protobuf field would only be supported by new clients. As mediator support is a new feature we could add a new field but to keep it in the same style like arbitrator we prefer to use the map here as well. * Refactor: Rename ArbitratorSelection to DisputeResolverSelection * Add mediator to OfferAvailabilityResponse and mediatorNodeAddress to OpenOffer WIP for supporting mediator selection the same way like arbitrators. * Make arbitrator not nullable We can ensure that all users are post v0.9 so we can remove the nullable support. * Add selectedMediator to OfferAvailabilityModel Remove nullable support in ProcessOfferAvailabilityResponse as we can ensure all clients are post v0.9 * Refactor: Rename method * Add todo for using more generic keys for display strings * Refactor: Rename method * Fix wrong handling of registeredMediator Fix copy/paste error * Add mediatorNodeAddress to trade * Handle nullable mediator in ProcessOfferAvailabilityResponse We do not get the mediator set from old clients but we expect a not null value so we use the DisputeResolverSelection in case it is null. We need to pass mediatorManager and tradeStatisticsManager to the OfferAvailabilityModel. * Change log level, cleanup * Revert changes in OfferPayload due backward compatibility issues Because of backward compatibility issues we needed to revert the removal of arbitratorNodeAddresses and mediatorNodeAddresses. The signature check for the offer would fail as an old client would send a not-empty list but new clients would have had an empty list, so the hash would be different and the sig check fail and we would not accept that offer. That is the reason why we still need to support those data even it is not used anymore. This is one of the more tricky cases for backward compatibility issues. This version now is tested between new and old clients and trade and disputes work. * Add checks if any mediator is available * Cleanup classes * Fix test * Add mediator DisputeStates Add isMediationDispute to Dispute class. If a dispute opening gets requested we check if state is DisputeState.NO_DISPUTE and the open mediation. If state is DisputeState.MEDIATION_REQUESTED we open arbitration. * Cleanup; support isMediationDispute * Handle mediator data in Dispute domain - Add getConflictResolverNodeAddress method to Dispute to resolve arbitrator or mediator address based on isMediationDispute flag. - Rename arbitratorPubKeyRing to conflictResolverPubKeyRing in Dispute. We cannot rename arbitratorPubKeyRing in the protobuf definition as it would break backward compatibility. * Add support for mediation in dispute domain - Add isMediationDispute method to ChatSession - Add isMediationDispute method to DisputeCommunicationMessage - Add isMediationDispute to dispute id - Refactor findDispute method - Add null checks - Cleanups * Remove impossible case Reserved and locked funds are used for offers and trades only. * Fix typos * Handle mediator and arbitrator strings - Work in progress of adjusting correct terms. - Cleanups * Refactor: Rename arbitrator package to disputeresolvers * Refactor: Rename ArbitratorDisputeView classes to DisputeResolverView * Add support for close ticket from mediator (WIP) In mediator case we do not create any transaction but only send the dispute result which contains the mediators recommended payout distribution. At teh traders we set the disputeState in the trade to closed. This will be used in the next commits to update the trade so that the traders get displayed the recommended payout and get asked if they agree to that. * Refactoring: Rename class Rename MessageDeliveryFailedException to DisputeMessageDeliveryFailedException * Refactoring: Move dispute classes to dispute package * Refactoring: Move Attachment class to dispute package * Refactoring: Move package one level up Move bisq.core.dispute.arbitration.messages to bisq.core.dispute.messages * Add todo comment * Use ARBITRATION instead of DISPUTE * Make DisputeManager abstract base class for ArbitrationDisputeManager WIP for separating DisputeManager to ArbitrationDisputeManager and MediationDisputeManager * Add MediationDisputeManager * Add MediationDisputeManager and ArbitrationDisputeManager to test * Add mediationDisputeManager to relevant classes There are some cases where arbitrationDisputeManager only is used. Those are usually related to the payout tx. As mediators do not do a payout we don't need it there. * Add TradersArbitrationDisputeView and TradersMediationDisputeView WIP for separating TraderDisputeView * Refactor: Rename class * Refactor: Rename support.tab.support to support.tab.mediation.support I am aware that committing non default translation files is not recommended, but I think in that case it helps to avoid to show errors for developers who use non-english locale. The changes will be overwritten by transifex once it gets synced... * Add DisputeView as common base class Further refactor separation of diff. dispute views * Refactor: Rename package * Refactor: Rename DisputesView to SupportView * Refactor: Rename package * Add MediationDisputeManager to CorePersistedDataHost * Add MediationDisputeList as db file, refactor DisputeList WIP for making Dispute domain more generic. We want to separate arbitration and mediation clearly. * Further refactoring to split mediation and arbitration * Further refactoring to split mediation and arbitration Move methods used for arbitration only to ArbitrationDisputeManager * Refactor: Rename package Rename bisq.core.dispute to bisq.core.support No other changes in that commit. We want to improve the data structure with the trader chat. Support will be the top level. Then dispute containing arbitration and mediation. Next to dispute will be trader chat. bisq.core.support bisq.core.support.dispute.arbitration bisq.core.support.dispute.mediation bisq.core.support.traderchat (not happy with name for that yet) * Refactor: Move dispute domain classes into isq.core.support.dispute package * Refactor: Move classes Move bisq.core.chat.ChatSession to bisq.core.support.ChatSession Move bisq.core.chat.ChatManager to bisq.core.support.ChatManager Move bisq.core.trade.TradeChatSession to bisq.core.support.traderchat.TradeChatSession * Refactor: Move DisputeCommunicationMessage * Refactor: Rename DisputeCommunicationMessage to ChatMessage * Add comments * Refactor: Move class * Refactor: Rename class * Refactor: Rename addDisputeCommunicationMessage and strings and variables Rename disputeCommunicationMessage to chatMessage * Refactor: Rename method * Refactor: Rename methods and strings * Add ArbitrationChatMessage and DisputeChatMessage * Refactor: Rename class * Move ChatMessage.Type to SupportType Add to all supportMessages the SupportType so that we can filter in our chatSessions the messages we are interested in. * Refactor: Move classed to new package * Refactor: Rename package * Refactor: Move classed to new package * Refactor: Move classed to new package * Refactor: Rename classes * Refactor: Rename package * Refactor: Rename classes * Refactor: Rename classes * Remove empty DisputeModule * Refactor: Rename classes * Refactor SupportManager domain (WIP) * Refactor SupportSession domain (WIP) * Remove methods from SupportSession * Dont expose p2pService in SupportManager * Remove supportType in SupportSession * Remove supportSession from getPeerNodeAddress method * Remove isBuyer from supportSession * Move creation of ChatMessage to SupportManager * Remove isMediationDispute fielf in ChatMessage * Remove chatMessage.isMediationDispute() * Refactor: Rename trade.getCommunicationMessages() * Move creation of ChatMessage to Chat * Refactor: Rename class * Refactor: Move ChatView class * Refactor: Move PriceFeedComboBoxItem class to shared package * Refactor: Use 'public abstract' instead of 'abstract public' * Refactor: Use 'protected abstract' instead of 'abstract protected' * Add traderChatManager.onAllServicesInitialized() to BisqSetup * Remove unused param * Refactor: Rename addChatMessage to addAndPersistChatMessage * Fix missing check at ack msg handling Various WIP refactorings/improvements * Remove addAndPersistChatMessage from SupportSession * Remove disputeManager from DisputeSession * Fix missing getConcreteDisputeChatSession impl. * Refactor: Rename package * Refactor: Rename classes Avoid trader as it might confuse with trader chat. As for mediation/arbitration the agent (mediator/arbitrator) are acting a bit like a server we use the client terminology for the traders. * Refactor: Move classes to new package * Fix missing protobuf data - Add missing SupportType to protobuf - Remove is_mediation_dispute from Dispute protobuf definition - Add getAgentNodeAddress method - Var. other refactorings, cleanups * Clone list at persisting to avoid ConcurrentModificationException * Fix order of SupportType Old clients fall back to enum at slot 0. * Add getDisputeState_StartedByPeer template method * Add trade protocol tasks for mediation result tx signing and msg sending * Complete protocol tasks for mediation * Refactor: Remove unneeded SuppressWarnings type: "WeakerAccess" * Complete mediation result protocol Works now all but not much tested.... * Add activation date and capability We need to make sure that not updated users cannot cause problems once mediation is supported. We would get mixed cases where one has a mediation ticket and the not updated user an arbitration ticket. To avoid that we set an activation date with about 10 days from release. Until that date mediation is not supported. Additionally we use OfferRestrictions.REQUIRE_UPDATE_DATE for hiding offers from users how have not updated (we use the fact that mediator and arbitrator has been same in old version, in new version they are different). An old client cannot take an offer from a new maker as he does not has set the new MEDIATION capability. He will get an null value as AvailabilityResult as he has not the new entry MISSING_MANDATORY_CAPABILITY. We will also use the min version for trading in the filter, so that not updated users get a popup telling them to update and they see all offers deactivated. * Various fixes * Remove code part which does not make sense (anymore) Maybe in older versions there was use of openDisputes and closedDisputes but now it does not make sense anymore and arbitrator never gets 4 cases opened if offline. * Add check of balance is > 0 * Only close trade if payout tx is set * Add missing check if arbitrator and mediator are available * Fix wrong key * Improve handling of checks and popup display For create and take offer we check certain conditions and show a popup if not met. This commit moves that to GuiUtils. * Rename any occurrance of DisputeResolver to DisputeAgent * Fix handling of mediatorPubKeyRing * Remove disputeSummaryWindow.evidence fields * Add missing persistence for MediationResultState * Fix tests * Make text more compact to not exceed space * Refactor NotificationGroup * Improve text, add dev testing feature for popups * Improve text * Renamed a key and assigned a new text * Fix states * Do not set errorMessage Do not set errorMessage if both peers have opened a dispute and agent was not online * Remove logs used for dev testing * Fix getMedian method with empty list * Add new methods and tests Add fromCommaSeparatedOrdinals and toCommaSeparatedOrdinals to convert from string representations (used for handling backward compatibility with mediation release). Add check if int >= 0 to fromIntList * Move error log outside of delayed call * Add capabilities entry to extraDataMap in offer The previous implementation did not work for supporting updates and hiding offers from not updated clients. We use now the capabilities converted to a string list and put it into the extraDataMap. If a use with old persisted offers updates his offers gets converted to add the capabilities. Updated clients will ignore offers without the mediation capability set in the offer. * Rename non sync protobuf definitions As Christoph Sturm pointed out we can rename protobuf entries. Only index number must not be changed. * Fix UI state when arbitration has started Only set mediation state if we are not in arbitration state. * Remove restriction * Fix typo; remove errorMessage If both have opened a dispute and agent was not online we dont treat it as error. * Improve text * Store full address for localhost dev testing The arbitrator/mediator selection is based on statistics of usage of agents in past trades. We put the first 4 chars into the trade statistics, but for localhost that would be same vale for 2 diff nodes. * Remove errorMessage If both have opened a dispute and agent was not online we dont treat it as error. * Improve text * Keep accept or reject button enabled after accept - If peer never accepts the trader who has accepted first can change to reject to open a arbitration dispute. We could improve that by adding a new state to open arbitration directly and show a diff. button text and popup. But I think for now thats ok as well.... * Cleanups (no functional change) - remove unused params - remove not used code - reformat - clean up comments - fix log levels - remove redundant annotations * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Update core/src/main/resources/i18n/displayStrings.properties Co-Authored-By: Steve Jain <mfiver@gmail.com> * Improve text * Auto fill remaining amount in custom payout If mediator or arbitrator are doing a custom payout, we auto-fill counterpart field with remaining amount, so he does not need to calculate. |
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