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synced 2025-03-03 18:56:59 +01:00
Problem: we use soft 4-space tabs throughout the Bisq codebase, and the new makefile is a break to this rule due to make's default requirement for hard tabs in recipes. Solution: This commit updates our Editorconfig settings to reflect this exception. For vim users, it is also recommended that you add the following entry to your .vimrc: au FileType make set tw=72 noet cc=72 It will ensure that you wrap (documentation) lines at 72 chars. It also sets noexpandtab explicitly. Even though .editorconfig should already be doing this for you when working in Bisq, this more general vim configuration will ensure you use tabs correctly in any makefile. The `cc=72` setting adds a visual right margin at 72 characters. This commit also updates the existing makefile, wrapping lines of documentation that had exceeded the 72-char margin.
245 lines
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245 lines
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# This makefile is designed to help Bisq contributors get up and running
# as quickly as possible with a local regtest Bisq network deployment,
# or 'localnet' for short. A localnet is a complete and self-contained
# "mini Bisq network" suitable for development and end-to-end testing
# efforts.
# You'll need the following to proceed:
# - Linux, macOS or similar *nix with standard tools like `make`
# - bitcoind and bitcoin-cli (`brew install bitcoin` on macOS)
# - JDK 10 to build and run Bisq binaries; see
# https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-archive-javase10-downloads.html
# The following commands (and a couple manual instructions) will get
# your localnet up and running quickly.
# STEP 1: Build all Bisq binaries and set up localnet resources. This
# will take a few minutes the first time through.
# $ make
# Notes:
# - When complete, you'll have a number of scripts available in the
# root directory. They will be used in the make targets below to start
# the various Bisq seed and desktop nodes that will make up your
# localnet:
# $ ls -1 bisq-*
# bisq-desktop
# bisq-monitor
# bisq-pricenode
# bisq-relay
# bisq-seednode
# bisq-statsnode
# - You will see a new '.localnet' directory containing the data dirs
# for your regtest Bitcoin and Bisq nodes. Once you've deployed them in
# the step below, the directory will look as follows:
# $ tree -d -L 1 .localnet
# .localnet
# ├── alice
# ├── bitcoind
# ├── bob
# ├── mediator
# ├── seednode
# └── seednode2
# STEP 2: Deploy the Bitcoin and Bisq nodes that make up the localnet.
# Run each of the following in a SEPARATE TERMINAL WINDOW, as they are
# long-running processes.
# $ make bitcoind
# $ make seednode
# $ make seednode2
# $ make mediator
# $ make alice
# $ make bob
# Tip: Those familiar with the `screen` terminal multiplexer can
# automate the above by running the `deploy` target found below.
# Notes:
# - The 'seednode' targets launch headless Bisq nodes that help
# desktop nodes discover other peers, as well as storing and
# forwarding p2p network messages for nodes as they go on and
# offline.
# - As you run the 'mediator', 'alice' and 'bob' targets above,
# you'll see a Bisq desktop node window appear for each. The Alice
# and Bob instances represent two traders who can make and take
# offers with one another. The Mediator instance represents a Bisq
# contributor who can help resolve any technical problems or disputes
# that come up between the two traders.
# STEP 3: Configure the mediator Bisq node. In order to make and take
# offers, Alice and Bob will need to have a mediator and a refund agent
# registered on the network. Follow the instructions below to complete
# that process:
# a) Go to the Account screen in the Mediator instance and press CMD+N
# and a popup will appear. Click 'Unlock' and then click 'Register' to
# register the instance as a mediator.
# b) While still in the Account screen, press CMD+D and follow the same
# steps as above to register the instance as a refund agent.
# When the steps above are complete, your localnet should be up and
# ready to use. You can now test in isolation all Bisq features and use
# cases.
# Set up everything necessary for deploying your localnet. This is the
# default target.
setup: build .localnet
clean: clean-build clean-localnet
./gradlew clean
rm -rf .localnet ./dao-setup
# Build all Bisq binaries and generate the shell scripts used to run
# them in the targets below
./gradlew build
# Unpack and customize a Bitcoin regtest node and Alice and Bob Bisq
# nodes that have been preconfigured with a blockchain containing the
# BSQ genesis transaction
# Unpack the old dao-setup.zip and move things around for more
# concise and intuitive naming. This is a temporary measure until we
# clean these resources up more thoroughly.
unzip docs/dao-setup.zip
mv dao-setup .localnet
mv .localnet/Bitcoin-regtest .localnet/bitcoind
mv .localnet/bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Alice_dao .localnet/alice
mv .localnet/bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Bob_dao .localnet/bob
# Remove the preconfigured bitcoin.conf in favor of explicitly
# parameterizing the invocation of bitcoind in the target below
rm -v .localnet/bitcoind/bitcoin.conf
# Avoid spurious 'runCommand' errors in the bitcoind log when nc
# fails to bind to one of the listed block notification ports
echo exit 0 >> .localnet/bitcoind/blocknotify
# Alias '.localnet' to 'localnet' so the target is discoverable in tab
# completion
localnet: .localnet
# Deploy a complete localnet by running all required Bitcoin and Bisq
# nodes, each in their own named screen window. If you are not a screen
# user, you'll need to run each of the make commands manually in a
# separate terminal or as a background job.
# NOTE: You MUST already be attached to a screen session for the
# following commands to work properly.
deploy: setup
screen -t bitcoin make bitcoind
sleep 2 # wait for bitcoind rpc server to start
make block # generate a block to ensure Bisq nodes get dao-synced
screen -t seednode make seednode
screen -t seednode2 make seednode2
screen -t alice make alice
screen -t bob make bob
screen -t mediator make mediator
bitcoind: .localnet
bitcoind \
-regtest \
-prune=0 \
-txindex=1 \
-server \
-rpcuser=bisqdao \
-rpcpassword=bsq \
-datadir=.localnet/bitcoind \
-blocknotify='.localnet/bitcoind/blocknotify %s'
seednode: build
./bisq-seednode \
--baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST \
--useLocalhostForP2P=true \
--useDevPrivilegeKeys=true \
--fullDaoNode=true \
--rpcUser=bisqdao \
--rpcPassword=bsq \
--rpcBlockNotificationPort=5120 \
--nodePort=2002 \
--userDataDir=.localnet \
seednode2: build
./bisq-seednode \
--baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST \
--useLocalhostForP2P=true \
--useDevPrivilegeKeys=true \
--fullDaoNode=true \
--rpcUser=bisqdao \
--rpcPassword=bsq \
--rpcBlockNotificationPort=5121 \
--nodePort=3002 \
--userDataDir=.localnet \
mediator: build
./bisq-desktop \
--baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST \
--useLocalhostForP2P=true \
--useDevPrivilegeKeys=true \
--nodePort=4444 \
--appDataDir=.localnet/mediator \
alice: setup
./bisq-desktop \
--baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST \
--useLocalhostForP2P=true \
--useDevPrivilegeKeys=true \
--nodePort=5555 \
--fullDaoNode=true \
--rpcUser=bisqdao \
--rpcPassword=bsq \
--rpcBlockNotificationPort=5122 \
--genesisBlockHeight=111 \
--genesisTxId=30af0050040befd8af25068cc697e418e09c2d8ebd8d411d2240591b9ec203cf \
--appDataDir=.localnet/alice \
bob: setup
./bisq-desktop \
--baseCurrencyNetwork=BTC_REGTEST \
--useLocalhostForP2P=true \
--useDevPrivilegeKeys=true \
--nodePort=6666 \
--appDataDir=.localnet/bob \
# Generate a new block on your Bitcoin regtest network. Requires that
# bitcoind is already running. See the `bitcoind` target above.
bitcoin-cli \
-regtest \
-rpcuser=bisqdao \
-rpcpassword=bsq \
getnewaddress \
| xargs bitcoin-cli \
-regtest \
-rpcuser=bisqdao \
-rpcpassword=bsq \
generatetoaddress 1
.PHONY: build seednode