mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 01:32:17 +01:00
- Our Info.plist file was not included but an auto generated file was used instead. The app category entry was not set. The icon entry was wrong so I removed it here.
110 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
110 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable file
cd $(dirname $0)/../../
mkdir -p deploy
set -e
cd ..
./gradlew :desktop:build -x test shadowJar
cd desktop
# we need to strip out Java 9 module configuration used in the fontawesomefx library as it causes the javapackager to stop,
# because of this existing module information, although it is not used as a module.
echo Unzipping jar to delete module config
unzip -o -q $EXE_JAR -d $tmp
rm $tmp/module-info.class
echo Zipping jar again without module config
cd $tmp; zip -r -q -X "../desktop-$version-all.jar" *
cd ../../../; rm -rf $tmp
echo SHA 256 before stripping jar file:
shasum -a256 $EXE_JAR | awk '{print $1}'
# We make a deterministic jar by stripping out comments with date, etc.
# jar file created from https://github.com/ManfredKarrer/tools
java -jar ./package/macosx/tools-1.0.jar $EXE_JAR
echo SHA 256 after stripping jar file to get a deterministic jar:
shasum -a256 $EXE_JAR | awk '{print $1}' | tee deploy/Bisq-$version.jar.txt
# vmPath=/Volumes
mkdir -p $linux32 $linux64 $win32 $win64
cp $EXE_JAR "deploy/Bisq-$version.jar"
# copy app jar to VM shared folders
cp $EXE_JAR "$linux32/Bisq-$version.jar"
cp $EXE_JAR "$linux64/Bisq-$version.jar"
# At windows we don't add the version nr as it would keep multiple versions of jar files in app dir
cp $EXE_JAR "$win32/Bisq.jar"
cp $EXE_JAR "$win64/Bisq.jar"
# copy bouncycastle jars to VM shared folders
# bc_lib1=bcpg-jdk15on-1.56.jar
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib1 "$linux32/$bc_lib1"
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib1 "$linux64/$bc_lib1"
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib1 "$win32/$bc_lib1"
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib1 "$win64/$bc_lib1"
# bc_lib2=bcprov-jdk15on-1.56.jar
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib2 "$linux32/$bc_lib2"
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib2 "$linux64/$bc_lib2"
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib2 "$win32/$bc_lib2"
# cp build/app/lib/$bc_lib2 "$win64/$bc_lib2"
# Copy packager scripts to VM. No need to checkout the source as we only are interested in the build scripts.
rm -rf "$linux32/package"
rm -rf "$linux64/package"
rm -rf "$win32/package"
rm -rf "$win64/package"
mkdir -p "$linux32/package"
mkdir -p "$linux64/package"
mkdir -p "$win32/package"
mkdir -p "$win64/package"
cp -r package/linux "$linux32/package"
cp -r package/linux "$linux64/package"
cp -r package/windows "$win32/package"
cp -r package/windows "$win64/package"
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
echo "Using JAVA_HOME: $JAVA_HOME"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javapackager \
-deploy \
-BappVersion=$version \
-Bmac.CFBundleIdentifier=io.bisq.CAT \
-Bmac.CFBundleName=Bisq \
-Bicon=package/macosx/Bisq.icns \
-Bruntime="$JAVA_HOME/jre" \
-native dmg \
-name Bisq \
-title Bisq \
-vendor Bisq \
-outdir deploy \
-srcdir deploy \
-srcfiles "Bisq-$version.jar" \
-appclass bisq.desktop.app.BisqAppMain \
-outfile Bisq
open deploy
cd package/macosx