2018-02-23 21:40:34 -05:00

1859 lines
109 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# Keep display strings organized by domain
# Naming convention: We use camelCase and dot separated name spaces.
# Use as many sub spaces as required to make the structure clear, but as little as possible.
# E.g.: [main-view].[component].[description]
# In some cases we use enum values or constants to map to display strings
# A annoying issue with property files is that we need to use 2 single quotes in display string
# containing variables (e.g. {0}), otherwise the variable will not be resolved.
# In display string which do not use a variable a single quote is ok.
# E.g. Don''t .... {1}
# We use sometimes dynamic parts which are put together in the code and therefore sometimes use line breaks or spaces
# at the end of the string. Please never remove any line breaks or spaces. They are there with a purpose!
# To make longer strings with better readable you can make a line break with \ which does not result in a line break
# in the display but only in the editor.
# Please use in all language files the exact same order of the entries, that way a comparison is easier.
# Please try to keep the length of the translated string similar to english. If it is longer it might break layout or
# get truncated. We will need some adjustments in the UI code to support that but we want to keep effort at the minimum.
# Shared
shared.readMore=Read more
shared.openHelp=Open Help
shared.iUnderstand=I understand
shared.shutDown=Shut down
shared.reportBug=Report bug at Github issues
shared.buyBitcoin=Buy bitcoin
shared.sellBitcoin=Sell bitcoin
shared.buyCurrency=Buy {0}
shared.sellCurrency=Sell {0}
shared.buyingBTCWith=buying BTC with {0}
shared.sellingBTCFor=selling BTC for {0}
shared.buyingCurrency=buying {0} (selling BTC)
shared.sellingCurrency=selling {0} (buying BTC)
shared.openOffers=open offers
shared.openTrades=open trades
shared.priceWithCur=Price in {0}
shared.priceInCurForCur=Price in {0} for 1 {1}
shared.amountWithCur=Amount in {0}
shared.volumeWithCur=Volume in {0}
shared.sumWithCur=Sum in {0}
shared.paymentMethod=Payment method
shared.tradeCurrency=Trade currency
shared.offerType=Offer type
shared.balanceWithCur=Balance in {0}
shared.txId=Transaction ID
shared.revert=Revert Tx
shared.tradeId=Trade ID
shared.offerId=Offer ID
shared.bankName=Bank name
shared.acceptedBanks=Accepted banks
shared.amountMinMax=Amount (min - max)
shared.goTo=Go to {0}
shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - max)
shared.removeOffer=Remove offer
shared.dontRemoveOffer=Don't remove offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR-Code window
shared.tradingAccount=Trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ web page
shared.yesCancel=Yes, cancel
shared.nextStep=Next step
shared.selectTradingAccount=Select trading account
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transfer funds from Bisq wallet
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Open your external wallet for funding
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Opening a default bitcoin wallet application has failed. Perhaps you don't have one installed?
shared.distanceInPercent=Distance in % from market price
shared.enterPercentageValue=Enter % value
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet.\nYou need {0} but you have only {1} in your Bisq wallet.\n\nPlease fund that trade from an external Bitcoin wallet or fund your Bisq wallet at \"Funds/Receive funds\".
shared.waitingForFunds=Waiting for funds...
shared.depositTransactionId=Deposit transaction ID
shared.TheBTCBuyer=The BTC buyer
shared.reasonForPayment=Reason for payment
shared.sendingConfirmation=Sending confirmation...
shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Please send confirmation again
shared.exportCSV=Export to csv
shared.noDateAvailable=No date available
shared.arbitratorsFee=Arbitrator's fee
shared.noDetailsAvailable=No details available
shared.notUsedYet=Not used yet
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}.\nRequired transaction fee is: {3} ({4} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
shared.copyToClipboard=Copy to clipboard
shared.applyAndShutDown=Apply and shut down
shared.selectPaymentMethod=Select payment method
shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=That account name is already used in a saved account.\nPlease use another name.
shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Do you really want to delete the selected account?
shared.cannotDeleteAccount=You cannot delete that account because it is used in an open offer or in a trade.
shared.noAccountsSetupYet=There are no accounts set up yet
shared.manageAccounts=Manage accounts
shared.addNewAccount=Add new account
shared.ExportAccounts=Export Accounts
shared.importAccounts=Import Accounts
shared.createNewAccount=Create new account
shared.saveNewAccount=Save new account
shared.selectedAccount=Selected account
shared.deleteAccount=Delete account
shared.errorMessageInline=\nError message: {0}
shared.errorMessage=Error message:
shared.onionAddress=Onion address
shared.supportTicket=support ticket
shared.allEuroCountries=All Euro countries
shared.acceptedTakerCountries=Accepted taker countries
shared.arbitrator=Selected arbitrator:
shared.tradePrice=Trade price
shared.tradeAmount=Trade amount
shared.tradeVolume=Trade volume
shared.invalidKey=The key you entered was not correct.
shared.enterPrivKey=Enter private key to unlock:
shared.makerFeeTxId=Maker fee transaction ID:
shared.takerFeeTxId=Taker fee transaction ID:
shared.payoutTxId=Payout transaction ID:
shared.contractAsJson=Contract in JSON format:
shared.viewContractAsJson=View contract in JSON format
shared.contract.title=Contract for trade with ID: {0}
shared.paymentDetails=BTC {0} payment details:
shared.securityDeposit=Security deposit
shared.yourSecurityDeposit=Your security deposit
shared.messageArrived=Message arrived.
shared.messageStoredInMailbox=Message stored in mailbox.
shared.messageSendingFailed=Message sending failed. Error: {0}
shared.toReceive=to receive:
shared.toSpend=to spend:
shared.btcAmount=BTC amount
shared.yourLanguage=Your languages:
shared.addLanguage=Add language
shared.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
shared.tradeWalletAddress=Trade wallet address:
shared.tradeWalletBalance=Trade wallet balance:
shared.makerTxFee=Maker: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Taker: {0}
shared.securityDepositBox.description=Security deposit for BTC {0}
shared.iConfirm=I confirm
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=equivalent to {0} used as mining fee
shared.paidWithBsq=paid with BSQ
shared.availableBsqBalance=Available BSQ balance
shared.unverifiedBsqBalance=Unverified BSQ balance
shared.totalBsqBalance=Total BSQ balance
# UI views
# MainView
#################################################################### BTC BTC
mainView.marketPrice.provider=Market price provider:
mainView.marketPrice.bisqInternalPrice=Price of latest Bisq trade
mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.bisqInternalPrice=There is no market price from external price feed providers available.\n\
The displayed price is the latest Bisq trade price for that currency.
mainView.marketPrice.tooltip=Market price is provided by {0}{1}\nLast update: {2}\nProvider node URL: {3}
mainView.marketPrice.tooltip.altcoinExtra=If the altcoin is not available at Poloniex we use
mainView.balance.available=Available balance
mainView.balance.reserved=Reserved in offers
mainView.balance.locked=Locked in trades
mainView.footer.usingTor=(using Tor)
mainView.footer.btcInfo=Bitcoin network peers: {0} / {1} {2}
mainView.footer.btcInfo.synchronizedWith=synchronized with
mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectingTo=connecting to
mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectionFailed=connection failed
mainView.footer.p2pInfo= P2P network peers: {0}
mainView.bootstrapState.connectionToTorNetwork=(1/4) Connecting to Tor network...
mainView.bootstrapState.torNodeCreated=(2/4) Tor node created
mainView.bootstrapState.hiddenServicePublished=(3/4) Hidden Service published
mainView.bootstrapState.initialDataReceived=(4/4) Initial data received
mainView.bootstrapWarning.noSeedNodesAvailable=No seed nodes available
mainView.bootstrapWarning.noNodesAvailable=No seed nodes and peers available
mainView.bootstrapWarning.bootstrappingToP2PFailed=Bootstrapping to P2P network failed
mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.noNodesAvailable=There are no seed nodes or persisted peers available for requesting data.\nPlease check your internet connection or try to restart the application.
mainView.p2pNetworkWarnMsg.connectionToP2PFailed=Connecting to the P2P network failed (reported error: {0}).\nPlease check your internet connection or try to restart the application.
mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.timeout=Connecting to the bitcoin network failed because of a timeout.
mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.connectionError=Connection to the bitcoin network failed because of an error: {0}
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=You lost the connection to all {0} network peers.\nMaybe you lost your internet connection or your computer was in standby mode.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=You lost the connection to the localhost Bitcoin node.\nPlease restart the Bisq application to connect to other Bitcoin nodes or restart the localhost Bitcoin node.
mainView.version.update=(Update available)
# MarketView
market.tabs.offerBook=Offer book
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.chart.title=Offer book for {0}
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Buy {0} (sell {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Sell {0} (buy {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Buy {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Sell {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Sell {0} to
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Buy {0} from want to buy bitcoin
market.offerBook.sell=I want to sell bitcoin
# SpreadView
market.spread.numberOfOffersColumn=All offers ({0})
market.spread.numberOfBuyOffersColumn=Buy BTC ({0})
market.spread.numberOfSellOffersColumn=Sell BTC ({0})
market.spread.totalAmountColumn=Total BTC ({0})
# TradesChartsView
market.trades.nrOfTrades=Trades: {0}
market.trades.tooltip.volumeBar=Volume: {0}\nNo. of trades: {1}\nDate: {2}
# OfferView
offerbook.createOffer=Create offer
offerbook.takeOffer=Take offer
offerbook.offerersBankId=Maker''s bank ID: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Maker''s bank name: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Maker''s seat of bank country: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Accepted seat of bank countries (taker): All Euro countries
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Accepted seat of bank countries (taker):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Available offers
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filter by currency:
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filter by payment method
offerbook.nrOffers=No. of offers: {0}
offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
# e.g: Create new offer to buy BTC - {0} buy or sell, {1} BTC or other currency like ETH
offerbook.createOfferTo=Create new offer to {0} {1}
# postfix to previous. e.g.: Create new offer to buy BTC with ETH or Create new offer to sell BTC for ETH
offerbook.buyWithOtherCurrency=with {0}
offerbook.sellForOtherCurrency=for {0}
offerbook.wantTo=I want to:
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Take offer for {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Yes, create offer
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Set up a new trading account
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Remove offer was successful.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Remove offer failed:\n{0}
offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=Deactivating of offer failed:\n{0}
offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Publishing of offer failed:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=You can withdraw the funds you paid in from the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No trading account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a trading account for the selected currency.\nDo you want to create an offer with one of your existing trading accounts?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching trading account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=You don't have a trading account with the payment method required for that offer.\nYou need to setup a trading account with that payment method if you want to take this offer.\nDo you want to do this now?
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=That offer requires a different protocol version as the one used in your version of the software.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version installed, otherwise the user who created the offer has used an older version.\n\nUsers cannot trade with an incompatible trade protocol version.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=You have added that user's onion address to your ignore list.
offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=That offer was blocked by the Bisq developers.\nProbably there is an unhandled bug causing issues when taking that offer.
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=The currency used in that offer was blocked by the Bisq developers.\nPlease visit the Bisq Forum for more information.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=The payment method used in that offer was blocked by the Bisq developers.\nPlease visit the Bisq Forum for more information.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=The onion address of that trader was blocked by the Bisq developers.\nProbably there is an unhandled bug causing issues when taking offers from that trader.
offerbook.warning.tradeLimitNotMatching=Your payment account has been created {0} days ago. Your trade limit is based on the account age and is not sufficient for that offer.\n\n\
Your trade limit is: {1}\n\
The min. trade amount of the offer is: {2}.\n\n\
You cannot take that offer at the moment. Once your account is older than 2 months this restriction gets removed.
# Offerbook / Create offer
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of BTC to {0} in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Security deposit in BTC
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Trade fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bisq trade with ID {0}
createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} security deposit, {1} trade fee, {2} mining fee)
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published can manage your open offers at \"Portfolio/My open offers\".
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Review: Place offer to {0} bitcoin
createOffer.alreadyFunded=You had already funded that offer.\nYour funds have been moved to your local Bisq wallet and are available for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Send funds\" screen.
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Fund your offer
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Trade amount: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to this offer.\n\nThose funds are reserved in your local wallet and will get locked into the Multisig deposit address once someone takes your offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Mining fee: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
# only first part "An error occurred when placing the offer:" has been used before. We added now the rest (need update in existing translations!)
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}\n\n\
No funds have left your wallet yet.\n\
Please restart your application and check your network connection.
createOffer.setAmountPrice=Set amount and price
createOffer.warnCancelOffer=You have already funded that offer.\nIf you cancel now, your funds will be moved to your local Bisq wallet and are available for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Send funds\" screen.\nAre you sure you want to cancel?
createOffer.timeoutAtPublishing=A timeout occurred at publishing the offer.
createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nThe maker fee is already paid. In the worst case you have lost that fee.\nPlease try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.warning=You have set the security deposit to a lower value than the recommended default value of {0}.\n\
Are you sure you want to use a lower security deposit?
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsSeller=It gives you less protection in case the trading peer does not follow the trade protocol.
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsBuyer=It gives less protection for the trading peer that you follow the trade protocol as you have less deposit at risk. \
Other users might prefer to take other offers instead of yours.
createOffer.resetToDefault=No, reset to the default value
createOffer.useLowerValue=Yes, use my lower value
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=The price you have entered is outside the max. allowed deviation from the market price.\nThe max. allowed deviation is {0} and can be adjusted in the preferences.
createOffer.changePrice=Change price
createOffer.tac=With publishing this offer I agree to trade with any trader who fulfills the conditions as defined in this screen.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Trade fee
createOffer.feeCurrencyAndDeposit=Set fee currency and security deposit
createOffer.setDeposit=Set buyer's security deposit
# Offerbook / Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC of BTC to sell
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Amount of BTC to buy
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Price per bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=That input amount would create dust change for the BTC seller.
takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your trade
takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Check if offer is available ...
takeOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Amount to sell:
takeOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Trade fee:
takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Total mining fees:
takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Take offer in progress ...
takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bisq trade with ID {0}
takeOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} security deposit, {1} trade fee, {2} mining fee)
takeOffer.success.headline=You have successfully taken an offer. can see the status of your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\".
takeOffer.error.message=An error occurred when taking the offer.\n\n{0}
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Review: Take offer to {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=You cannot take that offer as it uses a percentage price based on the market price but there is no price feed available.
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.movedFunds=You had already funded that offer.\nYour funds have been moved to your local Bisq wallet and are available for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Send funds\" screen.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Fund your trade
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Trade amount: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} for taking this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=If you have already paid in funds you can withdraw it in the \"Funds/Send funds\" screen.
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Payment info
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Set amount
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=You have already funded that offer.\nIf you cancel now, your funds will be moved to your local Bisq wallet and are available for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Send funds\" screen.\nAre you sure you want to cancel?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Take offer request failed because the offer is not available anymore. Maybe another trader has taken the offer in the meantime.
takeOffer.failed.offerTaken=You cannot take that offer because the offer was already taken by another trader.
takeOffer.failed.offerRemoved=You cannot take that offer because the offer has been removed in the meantime.
takeOffer.failed.offererNotOnline=Take offer request failed because maker is not online anymore.
takeOffer.failed.offererOffline=You cannot take that offer because the maker is offline.
takeOffer.warning.connectionToPeerLost=You lost connection to the maker.\nHe might have gone offline or has closed the connection to you because of too many open connections.\n\nIf you can still see his offer in the offerbook you can try to take the offer again.
takeOffer.error.noFundsLost=\n\nNo funds have left your wallet yet.\nPlease try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
takeOffer.error.feePaid=\n\nThe taker fee is already paid. In the worst case you have lost that fee.\nPlease try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
takeOffer.error.depositPublished=\n\nThe deposit transaction is already published.\nPlease try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.\nIf the problem still remains please contact the developers for support.
takeOffer.error.payoutPublished=\n\nThe payout transaction is already published.\nPlease try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.\nIf the problem still remains please contact the developers for support.
takeOffer.tac=With taking this offer I agree to the trade conditions as defined in this screen.
takeOffer.currencyForFee=Trade fee
takeOffer.feeCurrency=Set fee currency
# Portfolio
#################################################################### open offers trades
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Wait for blockchain confirmation
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Start payment
portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPaymentStarted=Wait until payment has started
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.waitPaymentArrived=Wait until payment arrived
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceived=Confirm payment received
portfolio.pending.step5.completed=Completed transaction has been published.\n{0} need to wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction still did not get confirmed.\nThat might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction still did not get confirmed.\nThat might happen in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from the external wallet was too low.\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\n\nYou can wait longer or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n(You can wait for more confirmations if you want - 6 confirmations are considered as very secure.)\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.copyPaste=(You can copy & paste the values from the main screen after closing that popup.)
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=DO NOT use any additional notice in the \"reason for payment\" text like Bitcoin, BTC or Bisq.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.accountDetails=Here are the trade account details of the BTC seller:\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.tradeId=Please don't forget to add the trade ID
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.assign=as \"reason for payment\" so the receiver can assign your payment to this trade.\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=If your bank charges fees you have to cover those fees.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Please transfer from your external {0} wallet\n{1} to the BTC seller.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" go to a bank and pay {0} to the BTC seller.\n\n REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment write on the paper receipt: NO REFUNDS.\nThen tear it in 2 parts, make a photo and send it to the BTC seller's email address.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion=Please pay {0} to the BTC seller by using Western Union.\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnion.extra=IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT:\nAfter you have done the payment send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\n\
The receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, city, country and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.postal=Please send {0} by \"US Postal Money Order\" to the BTC seller.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" go to your online banking web page and pay {0} to the BTC seller.\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Start payment using {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Amount to transfer:
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Seller''s {0} address:
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Payment started
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.warn=You still have not done your {0} payment!\nPlease note that the trade has to be completed by {1} otherwise the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.openForDispute=You have not completed your payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\n\nPlease contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paperReceipt.headline=Did you send the paper receipt to the BTC seller?
You need to write on the paper receipt: NO REFUNDS.\n\
Then tear it in 2 parts, make a photo and send it to the BTC seller's email address.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.headline=Send MTCN and receipt
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.msg=You need to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller.\n\
The receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, city, country and the amount. The seller''s email is: {0}.\n\n\
Did you send the MTCN and contract to the seller?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.headline=Confirm that you have started the payment
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.msg=Did you initiate the {0} payment to your trading partner?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.confirmStart.yes=Yes, I have started the payment
portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.headline=Wait for payment
portfolio.pending.step2_seller.waitPayment.msg=The deposit transaction has at least one blockchain confirmation.\nYou need to wait until the BTC buyer starts the {0} payment.
portfolio.pending.step2_seller.warn=The BTC buyer still has not done the {0} payment.\nYou need to wait until he starts the payment.\nIf the trade has not been completed on {1} the arbitrator will investigate.
portfolio.pending.step2_seller.openForDispute=The BTC buyer has not started his payment!\nThe max. allowed period for the trade has elapsed.\nYou can wait longer and give the trading peer more time or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.headline=Wait for BTC seller's payment confirmation for the BTC seller''s confirmation for the receipt of the {0} payment.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1a=on the {0} blockchain
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1b=at your payment provider (e.g. bank)
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=The BTC seller still has not confirmed your payment!\nPlease check {0} if the payment sending was successful.\nIf the BTC seller does not confirm the receipt of your payment by {1} the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=The BTC seller has not confirmed your payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\nYou can wait longer and give the trading peer more time or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.part=Your trading partner has confirmed that he initiated the {0} payment.\n\n
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin={0}Please check on your favorite {1} blockchain explorer if the transaction to your receiving address\n\
has already sufficient blockchain confirmations.\nThe payment amount has to be {3}\n\n\
You can copy & paste your {4} address from the main screen after closing that popup.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.postal={0}Please check if you have received {1} with \"US Postal Money Order\" from the BTC buyer.\n\n\
The trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{2}\" trading partner has confirmed that he initiated the {0} payment.\n\n\
Please go to your online banking web page and check if you have received {1} from the BTC buyer.\n\n\
The trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{2}\"\n\nBecause the payment is done via Cash Deposit the BTC buyer has to write \"NO REFUND\" on the paper receipt, tear it in 2 parts and send you a photo by email.\n\n\
To avoid chargeback risk, only confirm if you received the email and if you are sure the paper receipt is valid.\n\
If you are not sure, {0}
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.westernUnion=The buyer has to send you the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email.\n\
The receipt must clearly show your full name, city, country and the amount. Please check your email if you received the MTCN.\n\n\
After closing that popup you will see the BTC buyer's name and address for picking up the money from Western Union.\n\n\
Only confirm receipt after you have successfully picked up the money!
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bankCheck=\n\nPlease also verify that the sender's name in your bank statement matches that one from the trade contract:\nSender's name: {0}\n\n\
If the name is not the same as the one displayed here, {1}
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openDispute=please don't confirm but open a dispute by entering \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\".
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceipt=Confirm payment receipt
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amountToReceive=Amount to receive:
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAddress=Your {0} address:
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAddress=Buyers {0} address:
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAccount=Your trading account:
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAccount=Buyers trading account:
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmReceipt=Confirm payment receipt
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment=The BTC buyer has started the {0} payment.\n{1}
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.altcoin=Check for blockchain confirmations at your altcoin wallet or block explorer and confirm the payment when you have sufficient blockchain confirmations. at your trading account (e.g. bank account) and confirm when you have received the payment.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1a=on the {0} blockchain
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1b=at your payment provider (e.g. bank)
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part2=You still have not confirmed the receipt of the payment!\nPlease check {0} if you have received the payment.\nIf you don''t confirm receipt by {1} the trade will be investigated by the arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openForDispute=You have not confirmed the receipt of the payment!\nThe max. period for the trade has elapsed.\nPlease confirm or contact the arbitrator for opening a dispute.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.part1=Have you received the {0} payment from your trading partner?\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" trade ID (\"reason for payment\" text) of the transaction is: \"{0}\"\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" also verify that the sender's name in your bank statement matches that one from the trade contract:\nSender's name: {0}\n\nIf the name is not the same as the one displayed here, please don't confirm but open a dispute by entering \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\".\n\n
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.note=Please note, that as soon you have confirmed the receipt, the locked trade amount will be released to the BTC buyer and the security deposit will be refunded.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.headline=Confirm that you have received the payment
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Yes, I have received the payment
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Summary of completed trade
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Trade fee:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Mining fee:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total mining fees:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Refunded security deposit:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Withdraw your bitcoin
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Amount to withdraw:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Withdraw to address:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Move funds to Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Withdraw to external wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Your funds have already been withdrawn.\nPlease check the transaction history.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Confirm withdrawal request
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=The amount to transfer is lower than the transaction fee and the min. possible tx value (dust).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Withdrawal completed
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Your completed trades are stored under \"Portfolio/History\".\nYou can review all your bitcoin transactions under \"Funds/Transactions\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=You have bought:
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=You have paid:
portfolio.pending.step5_seller.sold=You have sold:
portfolio.pending.step5_seller.received=You have received:
portfolio.pending.role=My role
portfolio.pending.tradeInformation=Trade information
portfolio.pending.remainingTime=Remaining time
portfolio.pending.remainingTimeDetail={0} (until {1})
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=After the first blockchain confirmation, the trade period starts. Based on the payment method used, a different maximum allowed trade period is applied.
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=If the period is exceeded both traders can open a dispute.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Trade not completed in time (until {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Trade process
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not got a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Open dispute again
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Open support ticket
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use that only in emergency case if you don't get displayed a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by the arbitrator
portfolio.pending.openDispute=Open a dispute
portfolio.pending.disputeOpened=Dispute opened
portfolio.pending.openSupport=Open support ticket
portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpened=Support ticket opened
portfolio.pending.requestSupport=Request support
portfolio.pending.error.requestSupport=Please report the problem to your arbitrator.\n\nHe will forward the information to the developers to investigate the problem.\nAfter the problem has been analyzed you will get back all locked funds.
portfolio.pending.communicateWithArbitrator=Please communicate in the \"Support\" screen with the arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedMyUser=You opened already a support ticket.\n{0}
portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedMyUser=You opened already a dispute.\n{0}
portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedByPeer=Your trading peer opened a dispute\n{0}
portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpenedByPeer=Your trading peer opened a support ticket.\n{0}
portfolio.pending.noReceiverAddressDefined=No receiver address defined
portfolio.pending.removeFailedTrade=If the arbitrator could not close that trade you can move it yourself to the failed trades screen.\n\
Do you want to remove that failed trade from the Pending trades screen?
portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Ticket closed
# Funds
#################################################################### funds funds funds funds
funds.deposit.usedInTx=Used in {0} transaction(s)
funds.deposit.fundBisqWallet=Fund Bisq wallet
funds.deposit.noAddresses=No deposit addresses have been generated yet
funds.deposit.fundWallet=Fund your wallet
funds.deposit.amount=Amount in BTC (optional):
funds.deposit.generateAddress=Generate new address
funds.deposit.selectUnused=Please select an unused address from the table above rather than generating a new one.
funds.withdrawal.arbitrationFee=Arbitration fee
funds.withdrawal.inputs=Inputs selection
funds.withdrawal.useAllInputs=Use all available inputs
funds.withdrawal.useCustomInputs=Use custom inputs
funds.withdrawal.receiverAmount=Receiver's amount
funds.withdrawal.senderAmount=Sender's amount
funds.withdrawal.feeExcluded=Amount excludes mining fee
funds.withdrawal.feeIncluded=Amount includes mining fee
funds.withdrawal.fromLabel=Withdraw from address:
funds.withdrawal.toLabel=Withdraw to address:
funds.withdrawal.withdrawButton=Withdraw selected
funds.withdrawal.noFundsAvailable=No funds are available for withdrawal
funds.withdrawal.confirmWithdrawalRequest=Confirm withdrawal request
funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses=Withdraw from multiple addresses ({0})
funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses.tooltip=Withdraw from multiple addresses:\n{0}
funds.withdrawal.notEnoughFunds=You don't have enough fund in your wallet.
funds.withdrawal.selectAddress=Select a source address from the table
funds.withdrawal.setAmount=Set the amount to withdraw
funds.withdrawal.fillDestAddress=Fill in your destination address
funds.withdrawal.warn.noSourceAddressSelected=You need to select a source address in the table above.
funds.withdrawal.warn.amountExceeds=You don't have sufficient funds available from the selected address.\n\
Consider to select multiple addresses in the table above or change the fee toggle to include the miner fee.
funds.reserved.noFunds=No funds are reserved in open offers
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet for offer with ID: {0}
funds.locked.noFunds=No funds are locked in trades
funds.locked.locked=Locked in MultiSig for trade with ID: {0}
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Sent to:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Received with:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Tx fee payment for BSQ tx
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=MultiSig deposit: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=MultiSig payout: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason: {0}
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=No refund from dispute
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Received funds
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Withdrawn from wallet
funds.tx.noTxAvailable=No transactions available
funds.tx.txSent=Transaction successfully sent to a new address in the local Bisq wallet.
funds.tx.direction.self=Sent to yourself
funds.tx.compRequest=Compensation request
# Support
#################################################################### tickets's support tickets's support tickets
support.filter=Filter list:
support.noTickets=There are no open tickets
support.sendingMessage=Sending Message...
support.receiverNotOnline=Receiver is not online. Message is saved to his mailbox.
support.wrongVersion=The offer in that dispute has been created with an older version of Bisq.\n\
You cannot close that dispute with your version of the application.\n\n\
Please use an older version with protocol version {0}
support.openFile=Open file to attach (max. file size: {0} kb)
support.attachmentTooLarge=The total size of your attachments is {0} kb and is exceeding the max. allowed message size of {1} kB.
support.maxSize=The max. allowed file size is {0} kB.
support.tooManyAttachments=You cannot send more then 3 attachments in one message. file to disk
support.input.prompt=Please enter here your message to the arbitrator
support.addAttachments=Add attachments
support.closeTicket=Close ticket
support.savedInMailbox=Message saved in receiver's mailbox
support.arrived=Message arrived at receiver
support.buyerAddress=BTC buyer address
support.sellerAddress=BTC seller address
support.buyerOfferer=BTC buyer/Maker
support.sellerOfferer=BTC seller/Maker
support.buyerTaker=BTC buyer/Taker
support.sellerTaker=BTC seller/Taker
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company and not operating any kind of customer support.\n\n\
If there are disputes in the trade process (e.g. one trader does not follow the trade protocol) \
the application will display a \"Open dispute\" button after the trade period is over \
for contacting the arbitrator.\n\
In cases of software bugs or other problems, which are detected by the application there will \
be displayed a \"Open support ticket\" button to contact the arbitrator who will forward the issue \
to the developers.\n\n\
In cases where a user got stuck by a bug without getting displayed that \"Open support ticket\" button, \
you can open a support ticket manually with a special short cut.\n\n\
Please use that only if you are sure that the software is not working like expected. \
If you have problems how to use Bisq or any questions please review the FAQ at the \ web page or post in the Bisq forum at the support section.\n\n\
If you are sure that you want to open a support ticket please select the trade which causes the problem \
under \"Portfolio/Open trades\" and type the key combination \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\" to open \
the support ticket.
support.initialInfo=Please note the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\
1. You need to respond to the arbitrators requests in between 2 days.\n\
2. The maximum period for the dispute is 14 days.\n\
3. You need to fulfill what the arbitrator is requesting from you to deliver evidence for your case.\n\
4. You accepted the rules outlined in the wiki in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\n\
Please read more in detail about the dispute process in our wiki:\n
support.systemMsg=System message: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.
support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}
support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due technical problems. Please wait for further instructions.
support.peerOpenedDispute=Your trading peer has requested a dispute.\n\n{0}
# Settings
#################################################################### info
setting.preferences.general=General preferences
setting.preferences.explorer=Bitcoin block explorer:
setting.preferences.deviation=Max. deviation from market price:
setting.preferences.autoSelectArbitrators=Auto select arbitrators:
setting.preferences.deviationToLarge=Values higher than {0}% are not allowed.
setting.preferences.txFee=Withdrawal transaction fee (satoshi/byte):
setting.preferences.useCustomValue=Use custom value
setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshi/byte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshi/byte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshi/byte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignore peers with onion address (comma sep.):
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Currencies in market price feed list
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferred currency:
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Display national currencies:
setting.preferences.noFiat=There are no national currencies selected
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=You cannot remove your selected preferred display currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Display altcoins:
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=There are no altcoins selected
setting.preferences.addFiat=Add national currency
setting.preferences.addAltcoin=Add altcoin
setting.preferences.displayOptions=Display options
setting.preferences.showOwnOffers=Show my own offers in offer book:
setting.preferences.useAnimations=Use animations:
setting.preferences.sortWithNumOffers=Sort market lists with no. of offers/trades:
setting.preferences.resetAllFlags=Reset all \"Don't show again\" flags:
settings.preferences.languageChange=To apply the language change to all screens requires a restart.
settings.preferences.selectCurrencyNetwork=Select base currency network network onion address: custom Bitcoin Core nodes: peers: Tor for Bitcoin network: Core nodes to connect to: provided Bitcoin Core nodes public Bitcoin network custom Bitcoin Core nodes you use the public bitcoin network you are exposed to a severe privacy problem caused by the broken bloom filter design and implementation which is used for SPV wallets like BitcoinJ (used in Bisq). Any full node you are connected to could find out that all your wallet addresses belong to one entity.\n\n\
Please read more about the details at:\n\n\
Are you sure you want want to use the public nodes?, use provided nodes, use public network be sure that your Bitcoin node is a trusted Bitcoin Core node!\n\n\
Connecting to nodes which are not following the Bitcoin Core consensus rules could screw up your wallet and cause problems in the trade process.\n\n\
Users who connect to nodes that violate consensus rules are responsible for any damage created by that. \
Disputes caused by that would be decided in favor of the other peer. No technical support will be given \
to users who ignore our warning and protection mechanisms! information: If you are running a local bitcoin node (localhost) you get connected exclusively to that.) peers: address traffic: type Tor settings need to restart the application to apply that change.\nDo you want to do that now? known yet... {0}, received: {1}[IP address:port | host name:port | onion address:port] (comma separated). Port can be omitted if default is used (8333). node (direct) SPV chain SPV file and resync SPV chain file will be deleted at the next startup. You need to restart your application now.\n\n\
After the restart it can take a while for resyncing with the network and you will only see all transactions once the resync is completed.\n\nPlease make another restart after the resync has completed because there are sometimes inconsistencies leading to incorrect balance display. SPV chain file has been deleted. Please have patience, it can take a while when resyncing with the network. resync is now completed. Please restart the application. not delete SPV chain file.\nError: {0}
setting.about.aboutBisq=About Bisq
setting.about.about=Bisq is an open source project and a decentralized network of users who want to exchange Bitcoin with national currencies or alternative crypto currencies in a privacy protecting way. Learn more about Bisq on our project web page.
setting.about.web=Bisq web page
setting.about.code=Source code
setting.about.agpl=AGPL License Bisq
setting.about.def=Bisq is not a company but a community project and open for participation. If you want to participate or support Bisq please follow the links below.
setting.about.providers=Data providers
setting.about.apisWithFee=Bisq uses 3rd party APIs for Fiat and Altcoin market prices as well as for mining fee estimation.
setting.about.apis=Bisq uses 3rd party APIs for Fiat and Altcoin market prices.
setting.about.pricesProvided=Market prices provided by:
setting.about.pricesProviders={0}, {1} and {2}
setting.about.feeEstimation.label=Mining fee estimation provided by:
setting.about.versionDetails=Version details
setting.about.version=Application version:
setting.about.subsystems.label=Versions of subsystems:
setting.about.subsystems.val=Network version: {0}; P2P message version: {1}; Local DB version: {2}; Trade protocol version: {3}
# Account
#################################################################### registration to your Bisq Account you can setup trading accounts for national currencies & altcoins, select arbitrators and backup your wallet & account data.\n\n\
An empty Bitcoin wallet was created the first time you started Bisq.\n\
We recommend that you write down your Bitcoin wallet seed words (see button on the left) and consider adding a password before funding. Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are managed in the \"Funds\" section.\n\n\
Privacy & Security:\n\
Bisq is a decentralized exchange meaning all of your data is kept on your computer, there are no servers and we have no access to your personal info, your funds or even your IP address. Data such as bank account numbers, altcoin & Bitcoin addresses, etc are only shared with your trading partner to fulfill trades you initiate (in case of a dispute the arbitrator will see the same data like your trading peer). currency accounts accounts selection password seed
account.arbitratorRegistration.pubKey=Public key:
account.arbitratorRegistration.register=Register arbitrator
account.arbitratorRegistration.revoke=Revoke registration note that you need to stay available for 15 days after revoking as there might be trades which are using you as arbitrator. The max. allowed trade period is 8 days and the dispute process might take up to 7 days.
account.arbitratorRegistration.warn.min1Language=You need to set at least 1 language.\nWe added the default language for you.
account.arbitratorRegistration.removedSuccess=You have successfully removed your arbitrator from the P2P network.
account.arbitratorRegistration.removedFailed=Could not remove arbitrator.{0}
account.arbitratorRegistration.registerSuccess=You have successfully registered your arbitrator to the P2P network.
account.arbitratorRegistration.registerFailed=Could not register arbitrator.{0}
account.arbitratorSelection.minOneArbitratorRequired=You need to set at least 1 language.\nWe added the default language for you.
account.arbitratorSelection.whichLanguages=Which languages do you speak?
account.arbitratorSelection.whichDoYouAccept=Which arbitrators do you accept
account.arbitratorSelection.autoSelect=Auto select all arbitrators with matching language
account.arbitratorSelection.regDate=Registration date
account.arbitratorSelection.cannotSelectHimself=An arbitrator cannot select himself for trading.
account.arbitratorSelection.noMatchingLang=No matching language.
account.arbitratorSelection.noLang=You can only select arbitrators who are speaking at least 1 common language.
account.arbitratorSelection.minOne=You need to have at least one arbitrator selected.
account.altcoin.yourAltcoinAccounts=Your altcoin accounts:
account.altcoin.popup.wallet.msg=Please be sure that you follow the requirements for the usage of {0} wallets as \
described on the {1} web page.\nUsing wallets from centralized exchanges where you don''t have your keys under \
your control or using a not compatible wallet software can lead to loss of the traded funds!\nThe arbitrator is \
not a {2} specialist and cannot help in such cases.
account.altcoin.popup.wallet.confirm=I understand and confirm that I know which wallet I need to use.
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.msg=If you want to trade XMR on Bisq please be sure you understand and fulfill \
the following requirements:\n\n\
For sending XMR you need to use either the official Monero GUI wallet or the Monero simple wallet with the \
store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions).\n\
Please be sure that you can access the tx key (use the get_tx_key command in simplewallet) as that \
would be required in case of a dispute to enable the arbitrator to verify the XMR transfer with \
the XMR checktx tool (\n\
At normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\n\
You need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n\
- The tx private key\n\
- The transaction hash\n\
- The recipient's public address\n\n\
If you cannot provide the above data or if you used an incompatible wallet it would result in losing the \
dispute case. The XMR sender is responsible to be able to verify the XMR transfer to the \
arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\n\
There is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\n\n\
If you are not sure about that process visit the Monero forum ( to find more information.
account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=When using {0} you can only use the transparent addresses (starting with t) not \
the z-addresses (private), because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with z-addresses.
account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=When using {0} you can only use the transparent (traceable) addresses not \
the untraceable addresses, because the arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with untraceable addresses at a block explorer.
account.altcoin.popup.bch=Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Clashic suffer from replay protection. If you use those coins be sure you take sufficient precautions and understand all implications.\
You can suffer losses by sending one coin and unintentionally send the same coins on the other block chain.\
Because those "airdrop coins" share the same history with the Bitcoin blockchain there are also security risks and a considerable risk for losing privacy.\n\n\
Please read at the Bisq Forum more about that topic:
account.altcoin.popup.btg=Because Bitcoin Gold shares the same history as the Bitcoin blockchain it comes with certain security risks and a considerable risk for losing privacy.\
If you use Bitcoin Gold be sure you take sufficient precautions and understand all implications.\n\n\
Please read at the Bisq Forum more about that topic: national currency\naccounts:
account.backup.title=Backup wallet
account.backup.location=Backup location:
account.backup.selectLocation=Select backup location
account.backup.backupNow=Backup now (backup is not encrypted!)
account.backup.appDir=Application data directory
account.backup.logFile=Log file
account.backup.openDirectory=Open directory
account.backup.openLogFile=Open Log file
account.backup.success=Backup successfully saved at:\n{0}
account.backup.directoryNotAccessible=The directory you have chosen is not accessible. {0}
account.password.removePw.button=Remove password
account.password.removePw.headline=Remove password protection for wallet
account.password.setPw.button=Set password
account.password.setPw.headline=Set password protection for wallet password protection you need to enter your password when withdrawing bitcoin \
out of your wallet or if you want to view or restore a wallet from seed words as well as at application startup.
account.seed.backup.title=Backup your wallets seed words write down both wallet seed words and the date! \
You can recover your wallet any time with those seed words and the date.\n\
The seed words are used for both the BTC and the BSQ wallet.\n\n\
You should write down the seed words on a sheet of paper and not save them on your computer.\n\n\
Please note that the seed words are NOT a replacement for a backup.\n\
You need to backup the whole application directory at the \"Account/Backup\" screen to recover the valid application state and data.\n\
Importing seed words is only recommended for emergency cases. The application will not be functional without a proper backup of the database files and keys!
account.seed.warn.noPw.msg=You have not setup a wallet password which would protect the display of the seed words.\n\n\
Do you want to display the seed words?
account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Yes, and don't ask me again
account.seed.enterPw=Enter password to view seed words note that you cannot import a wallet from an old Bisq version (any version before 0.5.0), \
because the wallet format has changed!\n\n\
If you want to move the funds from the old version to the new Bisq application send it with a Bitcoin transaction.\n\n\
Also be aware that wallet restore is only for emergency cases and might cause problems with the internal wallet database.\n\
It is not a way for applying a backup! Please use a backup from the application data directory for restoring a previous application state.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, I understand and want to restore
#################################################################### wallet
dao.tx.summary=Voting fee: {0}\nMining fee: {1} ({2} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {3} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to send the transaction?
dao.tx.published.success=Your transaction has been successfully published.
dao.compensation.menuItem.createRequest=Create request
dao.compensation.menuItem.activeRequests=Active requests
dao.compensation.menuItem.pastRequests=Past requests phase: at block: at block:
dao.phase.COMPENSATION_REQUESTS=Open for compensation requests
dao.phase.BREAK1=Break before voting starts
dao.phase.OPEN_FOR_VOTING=Open for voting
dao.phase.BREAK2=Break before voting confirmation starts
dao.phase.VOTE_CONFIRMATION=Open for voting confirmation
dao.phase.BREAK3=Break before compensation requests starts
dao.phase.short.COMPENSATION_REQUESTS=Compensation requests
dao.phase.short.BREAK3= compensation request compensation request compensation request is not open anymore for funding. Please wait until the next funding period starts. compensation request not remove compensation request. on compensation request compensation request request successfully funded.
dao.compensation.create.createNew=Create new compensation request
dao.compensation.create.create.button=Create compensation request
dao.compensation.create.confirm=Confirm compensation request
dao.compensation.display.description.prompt=Add a short description (max. 500 characters) to detail info: a link to an issue at \"\" or the Bisq Forum.
dao.compensation.display.requestedBsq=Requested amount in BSQ:
dao.compensation.display.bsqAddress=BSQ address: request request with ID: {0} items for voting compensation request have already that compensation request added. parameter have already that parameter added. requests voted already. did not vote on any entry. voting fee payment transaction for change can be 0 to 254. 255 is not supported as we want a 0 value in the middle. Received value=
dao.wallet.dashboard.genesisBlockHeight=Genesis block height:
dao.wallet.dashboard.genesisTxId=Genesis transaction ID:
dao.wallet.dashboard.issuedAmount=Total issued amount:
dao.wallet.dashboard.availableAmount=Available amount:
dao.wallet.dashboard.burntAmount=Burnt amount (fees):
dao.wallet.dashboard.allTx=No. of all BSQ transactions:
dao.wallet.dashboard.utxo=No. of all unspent transaction outputs:
dao.wallet.dashboard.spentTxo=No. of all spent transaction outputs:
dao.wallet.dashboard.burntTx=No. of all fee payments transactions (burnt):
dao.wallet.dashboard.marketCap=Market capitalisation:
dao.wallet.receive.fundBSQWallet=Fund Bisq BSQ wallet
dao.wallet.receive.fundYourWallet=Fund your BSQ wallet
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds=Send funds
dao.wallet.send.amount=Amount in BSQ:
dao.wallet.send.setAmount=Set amount to withdraw (min. amount is {0})
dao.wallet.send.receiverAddress=Receiver's address:
dao.wallet.send.setDestinationAddress=Fill in your destination address
dao.wallet.send.send=Send BSQ funds
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Confirm withdrawal request
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Sending: {0}\nTo receiving address: {1}.\nRequired transaction fee is: {2} ({3} Satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {4} Kb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {5}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw that amount?
dao.wallet.bsqFee=BSQ fee payment
dao.wallet.chainHeightSynced=Synchronized up to block:{0} (latest block: {1})
dao.wallet.chainHeightSyncing=Synchronizing block: {0} (latest block: {1})
dao.tx.type.enum.UNDEFINED_TX_TYPE=Not recognized
dao.tx.type.enum.UNVERIFIED=Unverified BSQ transaction
dao.tx.type.enum.INVALID=Invalid BSQ transaction
dao.tx.type.enum.GENESIS=Genesis transaction
dao.tx.type.enum.TRANSFER_BSQ=Transfer BSQ
dao.tx.type.enum.received.TRANSFER_BSQ=Received BSQ
dao.tx.type.enum.sent.TRANSFER_BSQ=Sent BSQ
dao.tx.type.enum.PAY_TRADE_FEE=Pay trading fee transaction
dao.tx.type.enum.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Fee for compensation request
dao.tx.type.enum.VOTE=Fee for voting
dao.tx.type.enum.ISSUANCE=Issuance transaction
dao.tx.type.enum.LOCK_UP=Lock bonds transaction
dao.tx.type.enum.UN_LOCK=Unlock bonds transaction amount: {0}\n\
Compensation request fee: {1}\n\
Mining fee: {2} ({3} Satoshis/byte)\n\
Transaction size: {4} Kb\n\n\
Are you sure you want to publish the compensation request?
dao.compensation.create.missingFunds=You don''t have sufficient funds for creating the compensation request.\n\
Missing: {0}
# Windows
contractWindow.title=Dispute details
contractWindow.dates=Offer date / Trade date:
contractWindow.btcAddresses=Bitcoin address BTC buyer / BTC seller:
contractWindow.onions=Network address BTC buyer / BTC seller:
contractWindow.numDisputes=No. of disputes BTC buyer / BTC seller:
contractWindow.contractHash=Contract hash:
displayAlertMessageWindow.headline=Important information!
displayAlertMessageWindow.update.headline=Important update information!
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.downloadingFile=Downloading: {0}
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verifiedSigs=Signature verified with keys:
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.downloading=Downloading files...
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.status.verifying=Verifying signature...
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.label=Download installer and verify signature
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.downloadLater=Download later
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.button.ignoreDownload=Ignore this version
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.headline=A new Bisq update is available! failed failed.\n\
Please download and verify manually at
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\n\
Please download and verify manually at
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=The new version has been successfully downloaded and the signature verified.\n\n\
Please open the download directory, shut down the application and install the new version. download directory
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Ticket opening date:
disputeSummaryWindow.role=Trader's role:
disputeSummaryWindow.evidence.tamperProof=Tamper proof evidence Verification
disputeSummaryWindow.payout=Trade amount payout:
disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsTradeAmount=BTC {0} gets trade amount payout
disputeSummaryWindow.payout.getsAll=BTC {0} gets all
disputeSummaryWindow.payout.custom=Custom payout
disputeSummaryWindow.payout.adjustAmount=Amount entered exceeds available amount of {0}.\n\
We adjust this input field to the max possible value.
disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.buyer=Buyer's payout amount:
disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.seller=Seller's payout amount:
disputeSummaryWindow.payoutAmount.invert=Use loser as publisher:
disputeSummaryWindow.reason=Reason of dispute:
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.protocolViolation=Protocol violation
disputeSummaryWindow.reason.noReply=No reply
disputeSummaryWindow.summaryNotes=Summary notes:
disputeSummaryWindow.addSummaryNotes=Add summary notes
disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Close ticket
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n\n\
{1} delivered tamper proof evidence: {2}\n\
{3} did ID verification: {4}\n\
{5} did screencast or video: {6}\n\
Payout amount for BTC buyer: {7}\n\
Payout amount for BTC seller: {8}\n\n\
Summary notes:\n{9}
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=You need to close also the trading peers ticket!
emptyWalletWindow.headline=Emergency wallet tool use that only in emergency case if you cannot access your fund from the UI.\n\n\
Please note that all open offers will be closed automatically when using this tool.\n\n\
Before you use this tool, please backup your data directory. \
You can do this at \"Account/Backup\".\n\n\
Please report us your problem and file a bug report on Github or at the Bisq forum so that we can investigate what was causing the problem.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Your available wallet balance:
emptyWalletWindow.address=Your destination address:
emptyWalletWindow.button=Send all funds
emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.warn=You have open offers which will be removed if you empty the wallet.\nAre you sure that you want to empty your wallet?
emptyWalletWindow.openOffers.yes=Yes, I am sure
emptyWalletWindow.sent.success=The balance of your wallet was successfully transferred.
enterPrivKeyWindow.headline=Registration open for invited arbitrators only
filterWindow.headline=Edit filter list
filterWindow.offers=Filtered offers (comma sep.):
filterWindow.onions=Filtered onion addresses (comma sep.):
filterWindow.accounts=Filtered trading account data:\nFormat: comma sep. list of [payment method id | data field | value]
filterWindow.bannedCurrencies=Filtered currency codes (comma sep.):
filterWindow.bannedPaymentMethods=Filtered payment method IDs (comma sep.):
filterWindow.arbitrators=Filtered arbitrators (comma sep. onion addresses):
filterWindow.seedNode=Filtered seed nodes (comma sep. onion addresses):
filterWindow.priceRelayNode=Filtered price relay nodes (comma sep. onion addresses):
filterWindow.btcNode=Filtered Bitcoin nodes (comma sep. addresses + port):
filterWindow.preventPublicBtcNetwork=Prevent usage of public Bitcoin network:
filterWindow.add=Add filter
filterWindow.remove=Remove filter
offerDetailsWindow.minBtcAmount=Min. BTC amount:
offerDetailsWindow.min=(min. {0})
offerDetailsWindow.distance=(distance from market price: {0})
offerDetailsWindow.myTradingAccount=My trading account:
offerDetailsWindow.offererBankId=(maker's bank ID):
offerDetailsWindow.offerersBankName=(maker's bank name)
offerDetailsWindow.bankId=Bank ID (e.g. BIC or SWIFT):
offerDetailsWindow.countryBank=Maker's country of bank:
offerDetailsWindow.acceptedArbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
offerDetailsWindow.agree=I agree:
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Terms and conditions:
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirm: Place offer to {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirm: Take offer to {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.warn.noArbitrator=You have no arbitrator selected.\nPlease select at least one arbitrator.
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Creation date:
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Maker's onion address:
qRCodeWindow.msg=Please use that QR-Code for funding your Bisq wallet from your external wallet.
qRCodeWindow.request="Payment request:\n{0}
selectDepositTxWindow.headline=Select deposit transaction for dispute
selectDepositTxWindow.msg=The deposit transaction was not stored in the trade.\n\
Please select one of the existing MultiSig transactions from your wallet which was the \
deposit transaction used in the failed trade.\n\n\
You can find the correct transaction by opening the trade details window (click on the trade ID in the list)\
and following the trading fee payment transaction output to the next transaction where you see \
the Multisig deposit transaction (the address starts with 3). That transaction ID should be \
visible in the list presented here. Once you found the correct transaction select that transaction here and continue.\n\n\
Sorry for the inconvenience but that error case should happen very rarely and in future we will try \
to find better ways to resolve it. deposit transaction
selectBaseCurrencyWindow.headline=Market selection
selectBaseCurrencyWindow.msg=The selected default market is {0}.\n\n\
If you want to change to another base currency please select one from the drop down box.\n\
You can also change later the base currency at the \"Settings/Network\" screen. base currency
selectBaseCurrencyWindow.default=Use {0} as default market
sendAlertMessageWindow.headline=Send global notification
sendAlertMessageWindow.alertMsg=Alert message:
sendAlertMessageWindow.enterMsg=Enter message
sendAlertMessageWindow.isUpdate=Is update notification:
sendAlertMessageWindow.version=New version no.:
sendAlertMessageWindow.send=Send notification
sendAlertMessageWindow.remove=Remove notification
sendPrivateNotificationWindow.headline=Send private message
sendPrivateNotificationWindow.privateNotification=Private notification:
sendPrivateNotificationWindow.enterNotification=Enter notification
sendPrivateNotificationWindow.send=Send private notification
showWalletDataWindow.walletData=Wallet data
showWalletDataWindow.includePrivKeys=Include private keys:
# We do not translate the tac because of the legal nature. We would need translations checked by lawyers
# in each language which is too expensive atm.
tacWindow.headline=User agreement
tacWindow.agree=I agree
tacWindow.disagree=I disagree and quit
tacWindow.arbitrationSystem=Arbitration system
tradeDetailsWindow.disputedPayoutTxId=Disputed payout transaction ID:
tradeDetailsWindow.tradeDate=Trade date
tradeDetailsWindow.txFee=Mining fee:
tradeDetailsWindow.tradingPeersOnion=Trading peers onion address
tradeDetailsWindow.tradeState=Trade state:
walletPasswordWindow.headline=Enter password to unlock
torNetworkSettingWindow.header=Tor networks settings
torNetworkSettingWindow.noBridges=Don't use bridges
torNetworkSettingWindow.providedBridges=Connect with provided bridges
torNetworkSettingWindow.customBridges=Enter custom bridges
torNetworkSettingWindow.transportType=Transport type:
torNetworkSettingWindow.obfs4=obfs4 (recommended)
torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridge=Enter one or more bridge relays (one per line):
torNetworkSettingWindow.enterBridgePrompt=type address:port
torNetworkSettingWindow.restartInfo=You need to restart to apply the changes
torNetworkSettingWindow.openTorWebPage=Open Tor project web page
torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.header=Connection problems? you have repeated connection problems at start up, deleting outdated Tor files might help. To do that click the button below and restart afterwards.
torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.button=Delete outdated Tor files and shut down
torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.progress=Shut down Tor in progress
torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Outdated Tor files deleted successfully. Please restart.
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Is Tor blocked? Tor is blocked by your internet provider or by your country you can try to use Tor bridges.\n\
Visit the Tor web page at: to learn more about \
bridges and pluggable transports.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Choose currency for trade fee payment can choose to pay the trade fee in BSQ or in BTC. If you choose BSQ you appreciate the discounted trade fee.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Choose currency for trade fee payment:
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Use BTC
# Popups
popup.headline.instruction=Please note:
popup.headline.backgroundInfo=Background information
popup.doNotShowAgain=Don't show again
popup.reportError.log=Open log file
popup.reportError.gitHub=Report to Github issue tracker at Bisq forum
popup.reportError={0}\n\nTo help us to improve the software please report the bug at our issue tracker at Github (\n\
The error message will be copied to the clipboard when you click the below buttons.\n\
It will make debugging easier if you can attach the bisq.log file as well.
popup.error.tryRestart=Please try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
popup.error.createTx=Error at creating transaction: {0}
popup.error.takeOfferRequestFailed=An error occurred when someone tried to take one of your offers:\n{0}
error.spvFileCorrupted=An error occurred when reading the SPV chain file.\nIt might be that the SPV chain file is corrupted.\n\nError message: {0}\n\nDo you want to delete it and start a resync?
error.deleteAddressEntryListFailed=Could not delete AddressEntryList file.\nError: {0}
popup.warning.walletNotInitialized=The wallet is not initialized yet
popup.warning.wrongVersion=You probably have the wrong Bisq version for this computer.\n\
Your computer''s architecture is: {0}.\n\
The Bisq binary you installed is: {1}.\n\
Please shut down and re-install the correct version ({2}).
popup.warning.incompatibleDB=We detected incompatible data base files!\n\n\
Those database file(s) are not compatible with our current code base:\n{0}\n\n\
We made a backup of the corrupted file(s) and applied the default values to a new database version.\n\n\
The backup is located at:\n\
Please check if you have the latest version of Bisq installed.\n\
You can download it at:\n\\n\n\
Please restart the application.
popup.warning.cannotConnectAtStartup=You still did not get connected to the {0} network.\nIf you use Tor for Bitcoin it might be that you got an unstable Tor circuit.\nYou can wait longer or try to restart.
popup.warning.unknownProblemAtStartup=There is an unknown problem at startup.\nPlease restart and if the problem continues file a bug report.
popup.warning.startupFailed.timeout=The application could not startup after 4 minutes.\n\n{0}
popup.warning.startupFailed.twoInstances=Bisq is already running. You cannot run two instances of Bisq.
popup.warning.cryptoTestFailed=Seems that you use a self compiled binary and have not following the build instructions in\n\nIf that is not the case and you use the official Bisq binary, please file a bug report to the Github page.\nError={0}
popup.warning.oldOffers.msg=You have open offers which have been created with an older version of Bisq.\nPlease remove those offers as they are not valid anymore.\n\nOffers (ID): {0}
popup.warning.oldOffers.buttonText=Remove outdated offer(s)
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the half of the max. allowed trading period and is still not completed.\n\nThe trade period ends on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade state at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for further information.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator.
popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=You have not setup a trading account
popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=You need to setup a national currency or altcoin account before you can create an offer.\nDo you want to setup an account?
popup.warning.noArbitratorSelected.headline=You don't have an arbitrator selected.
popup.warning.noArbitratorSelected.msg=You need to setup at least one arbitrator to be able to trade.\nDo you want to do this now?
popup.warning.notFullyConnected=You need to wait until you are fully connected to the network.\nThat might take up to about 2 minutes at startup.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=You need to wait until you have at least {0} connections to the Bitcoin network.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=You need to wait until the download of missing Bitcoin blocks is complete.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove that offer?\nThe maker fee of {0} will be lost if you remove that offer.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=You cannot set a percentage of 100% or larger.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Please enter a percentage number like \"5.4\" for 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=There is no price feed available for that currency. You cannot use a percent based price.\nPlease select the fixed price.
popup.warning.sendMsgFailed=Sending message to your trading partner failed.\nPlease try again and if it continue to fail report a bug.
popup.warning.insufficientBtcFundsForBsqTx=You don''t have sufficient BTC funds for paying the miner fee for that BSQ transaction.\n\
Please fund your BTC wallet to be able to transfer BSQ.\nMissing funds: {0}
popup.warning.insufficientBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=You don''t have sufficient BSQ funds for paying the mining fee in BSQ.\n\
You can pay the fee in BTC or you need to fund your BSQ wallet. You can buy BSQ in Bisq.\nMissing BSQ funds: {0}
popup.warning.noBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=Your BSQ wallet does not have sufficient funds for paying the mining fee in BSQ.
popup.warning.messageTooLong=Your message exceeds the max. allowed size. Please send it in several parts or upload it to a service like
popup.warning.lockedUpFunds=You have locked up funds from a failed trade.\n\
Locked up balance: {0} \n\
Deposit tx address: {1}\n\
Trade ID: {2}.\n\n\
Please open a support ticket by selecting the trade in the pending trades screen and clicking \"alt + o\" or \"option + o\"."
popup.warning.offerWithoutAccountAgeWitness=Your offer with offer ID {0} was created with an older version of Bisq which was not supporting the account age verification.\n\
After first of February 2018 such offers are not valid anymore.\n\n\
Please remove that offer and create a new one instead.
popup.warning.offerWithoutAccountAgeWitness.confirm=Remove offer
popup.warning.nodeBanned=One of the {0} nodes got banned. Please restart your application to be sure to not be connected to the banned node.
popup.warning.priceRelay=price relay
popup.warning.seed=seed ensure that both traders follow the trade protocol they need to pay a security deposit.\n\nThe deposit will stay in your local trading wallet until the offer gets accepted by another trader.\nIt will be refunded to you after the trade has successfully completed.\n\nPlease note that you need to keep your application running if you have an open offer. When another trader wants to take your offer it requires that your application is online for executing the trade protocol.\nBe sure that you have standby mode deactivated as that would disconnect the network (standby of the monitor is not a problem).
popup.privateNotification.headline=Important private notification!
popup.securityRecommendation.headline=Important security recommendation
popup.securityRecommendation.msg=We would like to remind you to consider using password protection for your wallet if you have not already enabled that.\n\nIt is also highly recommended to write down the wallet seed words. Those seed words are like a master password for recovering your Bitcoin wallet.\nAt the \"Wallet Seed\" section you find more information.\n\nAdditionally you should backup the complete application data folder at the \"Backup\" section.
popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Shut down in progress
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Shutting down application can take a few seconds.\nPlease don't interrupt this process.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Attention required for trade with ID {0}
# Notifications
#################################################################### for trade with ID {0}
notification.ticket.headline=Support ticket for trade with ID {0} trade is now completed and you can withdraw your funds. offer has been accepted by a BTC {0}. trade has at least one blockchain confirmation.\nYou can start the payment now. BTC buyer has started the payment. trade trading peer has opened a {0}. {0} has been closed.
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Trading wallet update
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet is sufficiently funded.\nAmount: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet was already sufficiently funded from an earlier take offer attempt.\nAmount: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Trade completed
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet or transfer it to the Bisq wallet.
# System Tray
#################################################################### application window
systemTray.hide=Hide application window about Bisq
systemTray.tooltip=Bisq: The decentralized exchange network
# GUI Util
guiUtil.miningFeeInfo=Please be sure that the mining fee used at your external wallet is \
at least {0} Satoshi/Byte. Otherwise the trade transactions cannot be confirmed and a trade would end up in a dispute.
guiUtil.accountExport.savedToPath=Trading accounts saved to path:\n{0}
guiUtil.accountExport.noAccountSetup=You don't have trading accounts set up for exporting.
guiUtil.accountExport.selectPath=Select path to {0}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
guiUtil.accountExport.tradingAccount=Trading account with id {0}\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
guiUtil.accountImport.noImport=We did not import trading account with id {0} because it exists already.\n
guiUtil.accountExport.exportFailed=Exporting to CSV failed because of an error.\nError = {0}
guiUtil.accountExport.selectExportPath=Select export path
guiUtil.accountImport.imported=Trading account imported from path:\n{0}\n\nImported accounts:\n{1}
guiUtil.accountImport.noAccountsFound=No exported trading accounts has been found at path: {0}.\nFile name is {1}."
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=You are going to open a web page \
in your system web browser.\n\
Do you want to open the web page now?\n\n\
If you are not using the \"Tor Browser\" as your default system web browser you \
will connect to the web page in clear net.\n\n\
URL: \"{0}\"
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.doOpen=Open the web page and don't ask again
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.copyUrl=Copy URL and cancel
guiUtil.ofTradeAmount=of trade amount
# Component specific
#################################################################### currency
list.currency.showAll=Show all
list.currency.editList=Edit currency list
table.placeholder.noItems=Currently there are no {0} available
table.placeholder.noData=Currently there is no data available
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.tradePeer=Trading peer's
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.maker=Maker's{0} onion address: {1}\nYou have already traded {2} time(s) with that peer\n{3}{0} onion address: {1}\nYou have not traded with that peer so far.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Payment account created {0} ago.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Payment account age not known.
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Open popup for details
tooltip.openBlockchainForAddress=Open external blockchain explorer for address: {0}
tooltip.openBlockchainForTx=Open external blockchain explorer for transaction: {0}
confidence.unknown=Unknown transaction status
confidence.seen=Seen by {0} peer(s) / 0 confirmations
confidence.confirmed=Confirmed in {0} block(s)
confidence.invalid=Transaction is invalid
peerInfo.title=Peer info
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Number of completed trades:
peerInfo.notTradedYet=You have not traded with that user so far.
peerInfo.setTag=Set tag for that peer:
peerInfo.age=Payment account age:
peerInfo.unknownAge=Age not known
addressTextField.openWallet=Open your default bitcoin wallet
addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copy address to clipboard
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Address has been copied to clipboard
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Opening a default bitcoin wallet application has failed. Perhaps you don't have one installed?
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copy transaction ID to clipboard
txIdTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with that transactions ID
# Navigation
navigation.account.walletSeed=\"Account/Wallet seed\"
navigation.arbitratorSelection=\"Arbitrator selection\"
navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal=\"Fund/Send funds\"
navigation.portfolio.myOpenOffers=\"Portfolio/My open offers\"
navigation.portfolio.pending=\"Portfolio/Open trades\"
navigation.funds.depositFunds=\"Funds/Receive funds\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ Wallet/Receive\"
# Formatter
formatter.formatVolumeLabel={0} amount{1}
formatter.makerTaker=Maker as {0} {1} / Taker as {2} {3}
formatter.youAreAsMaker=You are {0} {1} as maker / Taker is {2} {3}
formatter.youAreAsTaker=You are {0} {1} as taker / Maker is {2} {3}
formatter.youAre=You are {0} {1} ({2} {3}) are creating an offer to {0} {1}
formatter.youAreCreatingAnOffer.altcoin=You are creating an offer to {0} {1} ({2} {3})
formatter.asMaker={0} {1} as maker
formatter.asTaker={0} {1} as taker
# Domain specific
# we use enum values here
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BTC_MAINNET=Bitcoin Mainnet
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BTC_TESTNET=Bitcoin Testnet
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BTC_REGTEST=Bitcoin Regtest
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
LTC_MAINNET=Litecoin Mainnet
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
LTC_TESTNET=Litecoin Testnet
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
LTC_REGTEST=Litecoin Regtest
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
time.minute10=10 Minutes
time.1hour=1 hour
time.1day=1 day
password.enterPassword=Enter password:
password.confirmPassword=Confirm password:
password.tooLong=Password must be less than 500 characters.
password.deriveKey=Derive key from password
password.walletDecrypted=Wallet successfully decrypted and password protection removed.
password.wrongPw=You entered the wrong password.\n\nPlease try entering your password again, carefully checking for typos or spelling errors.
password.walletEncrypted=Wallet successfully encrypted and password protection enabled.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You might have imported seed words which are not matching the wallet database. Please contact the developers on the Bisq Forum.
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=The 2 passwords you entered don't match.
password.forgotPassword=Forgot password?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\n\
It is highly recommended to make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have done already a backup
seed.seedWords=Wallet seed words: date:
seed.restore.title=Restore wallets from seed words
seed.restore=Restore wallets
seed.creationDate=Creation date:
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\n\
You must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets \
together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\n\
Please finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\n\
In case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\n\
To open that emergency tool press \"alt + e\" or \"option + e\" .
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=I want to restore anyway
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=I will empty my wallets first
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Your wallets are encrypted.\n\n\
After restore, the wallets will no longer be encrypted and you must set a new password.\n\n\
Do you want to proceed?
seed.restore.success=Wallets restored successfully with the new seed words.\n\nYou need to shut down and restart the application.
seed.restore.error=An error occurred when restoring the wallets with seed words.{0}
# Payment methods
payment.account=Account no.: name:
payment.account.owner=Account owner full name
payment.account.fullName=Full name (first, middle, last)
payment.account.state=State/Province/Region: of bank: owner full name / email owner full name / email / {0} name: account type region country country of bank
payment.foreign.currency=Are you sure you want to choose a currency other than the country's default currency?
payment.restore.default=No, restore default currency
payment.extras=Extra requirements: or mobile no.:
payment.altcoin.address=Altcoin address:
payment.altcoin=Altcoin: or search altcoin
payment.secret=Secret question:
payment.wallet=Wallet ID:
payment.uphold.accountId=Username or email or phone no.:
payment.moneyBeam.accountId=Email or phone no.:
payment.venmo.venmoUserName=Venmo username:
payment.popmoney.accountId=Email or phone no.:
payment.revolut.accountId=Email or phone no.:
payment.supportedCurrencies=Supported currencies:
payment.salt=Salt for account age verification:
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt need to be in HEX format.\n\
It is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. \
The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Accept trades from these Euro countries:
payment.accept.nonEuro=Accept trades from these non-Euro countries:
payment.accepted.countries=Accepted countries:
payment.accepted.banks=Accepted banks (ID): no.:
payment.postal.address=Postal address:
payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} address:
payment.accountNr=Account number:
payment.emailOrMobile=Email or mobile nr:
payment.useCustomAccountName=Use custom account name
payment.maxPeriod=Max. allowed trade period:
payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Max. trade duration: {0} / Max. trade limit: {1} / Account age: {2}
payment.currencyWithSymbol=Currency: {0}
payment.nameOfAcceptedBank=Name of accepted bank
payment.addAcceptedBank=Add accepted bank
payment.clearAcceptedBanks=Clear accepted banks name (optional):
payment.bankCode=Bank code:
payment.bankId=Bank ID (BIC/SWIFT):
payment.bankIdOptional=Bank ID (BIC/SWIFT) (optional):
payment.branchNr=Branch no.:
payment.branchNrOptional=Branch no. (optional):
payment.accountNrLabel=Account no. (IBAN):
payment.accountType=Account type:
payment.personalId=Personal ID: be sure that you fulfill the requirements for the usage of Zelle (ClearXchange).\n\n\
1. You need to have your Zelle (ClearXchange) account verified on their platform \
before starting a trade or creating an offer.\n\n\
2. You need to have a bank account at one of the following member banks:\n\
\t● Bank of America\n\
\t● Capital One P2P Payments\n\
\t● Chase QuickPay\n\
\t● FirstBank Person to Person Transfers\n\
\t● Frost Send Money\n\
\t● U.S. Bank Send Money\n\
\t● TD Bank\n\
\t● Wells Fargo SurePay\n\n\
3. You need to be sure to not exceed the daily or monthly Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer limits.\n\n\
Please use Zelle (ClearXchange) only if you fulfill all those requirements, \
otherwise it is very likely that the Zelle (ClearXchange) transfer fails and the trade ends up in a dispute.\n\
If you have not fulfilled the above requirements you will lose your security deposit.\n\n\
Please also be aware of a higher chargeback risk when using Zelle (ClearXchange).\n\
For the {0} seller it is highly recommended \
to get in contact with the {1} buyer by using the provided email address or mobile number to verify that he or she \
is really the owner of the Zelle (ClearXchange) account. using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. \
The receipt must clearly show the seller''s full name, city, country and the amount. The buyer will get displayed the seller''s email in the trade process. be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\
To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\
1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n\
2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\
The account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account grows in age over a two-month period, your per-trade limits will grow along with it:\n\
● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n\
● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n\
● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\
Please note that there are no limits on the total number of times you can trade.
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# Only translate general terms
NATIONAL_BANK=National bank transfer
SAME_BANK=Transfer with same bank
SPECIFIC_BANKS=Transfers with specific banks
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Do not translate brand names
MONEY_BEAM=MoneyBeam (N26)
SEPA_INSTANT=SEPA Instant Payments
CLEAR_X_CHANGE=Zelle (ClearXchange)
INTERAC_E_TRANSFER=Interac e-Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Validation
validation.empty=Empty input is not allowed.
validation.NaN=Input is not a valid number. of 0 is not allowed.
validation.negative=A negative value is not allowed. smaller than minimum possible amount is not allowed. larger than maximum possible amount is not allowed.
validation.btc.fraction=Input results in a bitcoin value with a fraction of the smallest unit (Satoshi).
validation.btc.toLarge=Input larger than {0} is not allowed.
validation.btc.toSmall=Input smaller than {0} is not allowed.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Input smaller than {0} is not allowed.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have min. 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=The password you entered is too long. It cannot be longer than 50 characters.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} must consist of {1} numbers.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} must consist of {1} characters.
validation.bankIdNumber={0} must consist of {1} numbers.
validation.accountNr=Account number must consist of {0} numbers.
validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
validation.btc.invalidAddress=The address is not correct. Please check the address format.
validation.btc.amountBelowDust=The amount you would like to send is below the dust limit of {0} \nand would be rejected by the bitcoin network.\nPlease use a higher amount.
validation.integerOnly=Please enter integer numbers only.
validation.inputError=Your input caused an error:\n{0}
validation.bsq.insufficientBalance=Amount exceeds the available balance of {0}.
validation.btc.exceedsMaxTradeLimit=Amount larger than your trade limit of {0} is not allowed.
validation.invalidInput=Invalid input: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=Account number must be of format: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongChecksum=Address validation failed because checksum was not correct.
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Address validation failed because it does not match the structure of a {0} address.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC address need to start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Address is not a valid {0} address! {1}
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length is neither 8 nor 11
validation.bic.letters=Bank and Country code must be letters
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC contains invalid location code
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC contains invalid branch code
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format of the bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format of the BSQ address. address
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Country code invalid
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Checksum must be numeric
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Non-alphanumeric character detected
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN checksum is invalid
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have length 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Non-Canadian area code
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Invalid phone number format and not an email address