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synced 2025-03-12 10:30:25 +01:00
The test harness is compatible with bitcoin-core 0.19, 0.20, 0.21. Also removed some unnecessary comments about registering dispute agents in the test harness because it now happens by default.
126 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file
126 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable file
#! /bin/bash
# Runs fiat <-> btc trading scenarios using the API CLI with a local regtest bitcoin node.
# A country code argument is used to create a country based face to face payment account for the simulated
# trade, and the maker's face to face payment account's currency code is used when creating the offer.
# Prerequisites:
# - Linux or OSX with bash, Java 10, or Java 11-12 (JDK language compatibility 10), and bitcoin-core (v0.19, v0.20, or v0.21).
# - Bisq must be fully built with apitest dao setup files installed.
# Build command: `./gradlew clean build :apitest:installDaoSetup`
# - All supporting nodes must be run locally, in dev/dao/regtest mode:
# bitcoind, seednode, arbdaemon, alicedaemon, bobdaemon
# These should be run using the apitest harness. From the root project dir, run:
# `$ ./bisq-apitest --apiPassword=xyz --supportingApps=bitcoind,seednode,arbdaemon,alicedaemon,bobdaemon --shutdownAfterTests=false`
# - Only regtest btc can be bought or sold with the test payment account.
# Usage:
# This script must be run from the root of the project, e.g.:
# `$ apitest/scripts/trade-simulation.sh -d buy -c fr -m 3.00 -a 0.125`
# Script options: -d <direction> -c <country-code> -m <mkt-price-margin(%)> - f <fixed-price> -a <amount(btc)>
# Examples:
# Create a buy/eur offer to buy 0.125 btc at a mkt-price-margin of 0%, using an Italy face to face payment account:
# `$ apitest/scripts/trade-simulation.sh -d buy -c it -m 0.00 -a 0.125`
# Create a sell/eur offer to sell 0.125 btc at a fixed-price of 38,000 euros, using a France face to face
# payment account:
# `$ apitest/scripts/trade-simulation.sh -d sell -c fr -f 38000 -a 0.125`
export APP_BASE_NAME=$(basename "$0")
export APP_HOME=$(pwd -P)
export APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME="$APP_HOME/apitest/scripts"
source "$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/trade-simulation-env.sh"
source "$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/trade-simulation-utils.sh"
parseopts "$@"
printdate "Started $APP_BASE_NAME with parameters:"
# Demonstrate how to create a country based, face to face account.
showcreatepaymentacctsteps "Alice" "$ALICE_PORT"
CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ALICE_PORT createpaymentacct --payment-account-form=$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/$F2F_ACCT_FORM"
printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD"
CMD_OUTPUT=$(createpaymentacct "$CMD")
echo "$CMD_OUTPUT"
export ALICE_ACCT_ID=$(getnewpaymentacctid "$CMD_OUTPUT")
export CURRENCY_CODE=$(getnewpaymentacctcurrency "$CMD_OUTPUT")
printdate "Alice's F2F payment-account-id: $ALICE_ACCT_ID, currency-code: $CURRENCY_CODE"
exitoncommandalert $?
printdate "Bob creates his F2F payment account."
CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT createpaymentacct --payment-account-form=$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/$F2F_ACCT_FORM"
printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD"
CMD_OUTPUT=$(createpaymentacct "$CMD")
echo "$CMD_OUTPUT"
export BOB_ACCT_ID=$(getnewpaymentacctid "$CMD_OUTPUT")
export CURRENCY_CODE=$(getnewpaymentacctcurrency "$CMD_OUTPUT")
printdate "Bob's F2F payment-account-id: $BOB_ACCT_ID, currency-code: $CURRENCY_CODE"
exitoncommandalert $?
# Alice creates an offer.
printdate "ALICE $ALICE_ROLE: Creating $DIRECTION $CURRENCY_CODE offer with payment acct $ALICE_ACCT_ID."
exitoncommandalert $?
printdate "Current Market Price: $CURRENT_PRICE"
CMD=$(gencreateoffercommand "$ALICE_PORT" "$ALICE_ACCT_ID")
printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD"
OFFER_ID=$(createoffer "$CMD")
exitoncommandalert $?
printdate "ALICE $ALICE_ROLE: Created offer with id: $OFFER_ID."
sleeptraced 3
# Show Alice's new offer.
printdate "ALICE $ALICE_ROLE: Looking at her new $DIRECTION $CURRENCY_CODE offer."
CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ALICE_PORT getmyoffer --offer-id=$OFFER_ID"
printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD"
exitoncommandalert $?
echo "$OFFER"
sleeptraced 3
# Generate some btc blocks.
printdate "Generating btc blocks after publishing Alice's offer."
genbtcblocks 3 1
# Go through the trade protocol.
exitoncommandalert $?
# Get balances after trade completion.
printdate "Bob & Alice's balances after trade:"
printdate "ALICE CLI:"
printbalances "$ALICE_PORT"
printdate "BOB CLI:"
printbalances "$BOB_PORT"
exit 0