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synced 2025-02-24 23:18:17 +01:00
Enforce the use of JDK 15 when packaging. This removes the need to download and unpack JDK 15 just for the use of jpackager.
424 lines
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424 lines
21 KiB
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
import static groovy.io.FileType.*
task jpackageSanityChecks {
description 'Interactive sanity checks on the version of the code that will be packaged'
doLast {
// Enforce JDK 15 for packaging. This will ensure:
// - Java 15 is used to compile the jars
// - jpackager from JDK 15 is used to package the binaries
// - JRE 15 is bundled in the released binaries
// TODO Use jpackage flag "--runtime-image jdk-11" to include another version of JRE in generated binaries
// (But buggy in jpackager v15? Flag didn't work in last v15 test)
assert JavaVersion.current() == JavaVersion.VERSION_15: "JDK 15 is required when packaging"
executeCmd("git --no-pager log -5 --oneline")
ant.input(message: "Above you see the current HEAD and its recent history.\n" +
"Is this the right commit for packaging? (y=continue, n=abort)",
addproperty: "sanity-check-1",
validargs: "y,n")
if (ant.properties['sanity-check-1'] == 'n') {
executeCmd("git status --short --branch")
ant.input(message: "Above you see any local changes that are not in the remote branch.\n" +
"If you have any local changes, please abort, get them merged, get the latest branch and try again.\n" +
"Continue with packaging? (y=continue, n=abort)",
addproperty: "sanity-check-2",
validargs: "y,n")
if (ant.properties['sanity-check-2'] == 'n') {
task createNewTempFolder {
description 'Create new temp folder where the packaging files will be placed'
dependsOn 'jpackageSanityChecks'
doLast {
// The build directory will be deleted next time the clean task runs
// Therefore, we can use it to store any temp files (separate JDK for jpackage, etc) and resulting build artefacts
// We create a temp folder in the build directory which holds all jpackage-related artefacts (not just the final installers)
String tempRootDirName = 'temp-' + LocalDateTime.now().format('yyyy.MM.dd-HHmmssSSS')
File tempRootDir = new File(project.buildDir, tempRootDirName)
ext.tempRootDir = tempRootDir
println "Created temp root folder " + tempRootDir
File binariesFolderPath = new File(tempRootDir, "binaries")
ext.binariesFolderPath = binariesFolderPath
task packageInstallers {
description 'Call jpackage to prepare platform-specific binaries for this platform'
dependsOn 'createNewTempFolder'
dependsOn rootProject.clean
dependsOn ':desktop:build' // Full build needed for "desktop/build/app/lib", used for raspi package
doLast {
String jPackageFilePath = "jpackage" // Binary is in the PATH because we're running JDK v15
File binariesFolderPath = file(createNewTempFolder.property('binariesFolderPath'))
File tempRootDir = createNewTempFolder.property("tempRootDir") as File
// The jpackageTempDir stores temp files used by jpackage for building the installers
// It can be inspected in order to troubleshoot the packaging process
File jpackageTempDir = new File(tempRootDir, "jpackage-temp")
// ALL contents of this folder will be included in the resulting installers
// However, the fat jar is the only one we need
// Therefore, this location should point to a folder that ONLY contains the fat jar
// If later we will need to include other non-jar resources, we can do that by adding --resource-dir to the jpackage opts
String fatJarFolderPath = "${project(':desktop').buildDir}/libs/fatJar"
String mainJarName = shadowJar.getArchiveFileName().get()
copy {
from "${project(':desktop').buildDir}/libs/${mainJarName}"
into fatJarFolderPath
// We convert the fat jar into a deterministic one by stripping out comments with date, etc.
// jar file created from https://github.com/ManfredKarrer/tools
executeCmd("java -jar \"${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/tools-1.0.jar\" ${fatJarFolderPath}/${mainJarName}")
// TODO For non-modular applications: use jlink to create a custom runtime containing only the modules required
// See jpackager argument documentation:
// https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/15/docs/specs/man/jpackage.html
// Remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix from the version string (originally defined in build.gradle)
// Having it in would have resulted in an invalid version property for several platforms (mac, linux/rpm)
String appVersion = version.replaceAll("-SNAPSHOT", "")
println "Packaging Bisq version ${appVersion}"
// zip jar lib for Raspberry Pi only on macOS as it is only needed once for the release
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
println "Zipping jar lib for raspberry pi"
ant.zip(basedir: "${project(':desktop').buildDir}/app/lib",
destfile: "${binariesFolderPath}/jar-lib-for-raspberry-pi-${appVersion}.zip")
String appDescription = 'A decentralized bitcoin exchange network.'
String appCopyright = '© 2021 Bisq'
String appNameAndVendor = 'Bisq'
String commonOpts = new String(
// Generic options
" --dest \"${binariesFolderPath}\"" +
" --name ${appNameAndVendor}" +
" --description \"${appDescription}\"" +
" --app-version ${appVersion}" +
" --copyright \"${appCopyright}\"" +
" --vendor ${appNameAndVendor}" +
" --temp \"${jpackageTempDir}\"" +
// Options for creating the application image
" --input ${fatJarFolderPath}" +
// Options for creating the application launcher
" --main-jar ${mainJarName}" +
" --main-class bisq.desktop.app.BisqAppMain" +
" --java-options -Xss1280k" +
" --java-options -XX:MaxRAM=8g" +
" --java-options -XX:+UseG1GC" +
" --java-options -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10" +
" --java-options -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5" +
" --java-options -XX:+UseStringDeduplication" +
" --java-options -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
// Warning: this will cause guice reflection exceptions and lead to issues with the guice internal cache
// resulting in the UI not loading
// " --java-options -Djdk.module.illegalAccess=deny" +
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
// TODO Found no benefit in using --resource-dir "..package/windows", it has the same outcome as opts below
String windowsOpts = new String(
" --icon \"${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/windows/Bisq.ico\"" +
" --resource-dir \"${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/windows\"" +
" --win-dir-chooser" +
" --win-per-user-install" +
" --win-menu" +
" --win-shortcut"
executeCmd(jPackageFilePath + commonOpts + windowsOpts + " --type exe")
// Set the necessary permissions before calling signtool
executeCmd("\"attrib -R \"${binariesFolderPath}/Bisq-${appVersion}.exe\"\"")
// In addition to the groovy quotes around the string, the entire Windows command must also be surrounded
// by quotes, plus each path inside the command has to be quoted as well
// Reason for this is that the path to the called executable contains spaces
// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6376113/how-do-i-use-spaces-in-the-command-prompt/6378038#6378038
executeCmd("\"\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\App Certification Kit\\signtool.exe\" sign /v /fd SHA256 /a \"${binariesFolderPath}/Bisq-${appVersion}.exe\"\"")
} else if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
// See https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/jpackage/override-jpackage-resources.html
// for details of "--resource-dir"
String macOpts = new String(
" --resource-dir \"${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/macosx\""
// Env variable can be set by calling "export BISQ_PACKAGE_SIGNING_IDENTITY='Some value'"
// See "man codesign" for details about the expected signing identity
String envVariableSigningID = "$System.env.BISQ_PACKAGE_SIGNING_IDENTITY"
println "Environment variable BISQ_PACKAGE_SIGNING_IDENTITY is: ${envVariableSigningID}"
ant.input(message: "Sign the app using the above signing identity? (y=yes, n=no)",
addproperty: "macos-sign-check",
validargs: "y,n")
if (ant.properties['macos-sign-check'] == 'y') {
// Create a temp folder to extract the macos-specific dylibs that need to be signed
File tempDylibFolderPath = new File(tempRootDir, "dylibs-to-sign")
// Dylibs relevant for signing (paths relative to the tempDylibFolderPath)
String dylibsToSign = new String(
" libjavafx_iio.dylib" +
" libglass.dylib" +
" libjavafx_font.dylib" +
" libprism_common.dylib" +
" libprism_es2.dylib" +
" libdecora_sse.dylib" +
" libprism_sw.dylib" +
" META-INF/native/libio_grpc_netty_shaded_netty_tcnative_osx_x86_64.jnilib"
// macOS step 1: Sign dylibs and replace them in the shadow jar
// Extract dylibss for signing
executeCmd("cd ${tempDylibFolderPath} &&" +
" jar xf ${fatJarFolderPath}/${mainJarName}" +
// Sign them
executeCmd("cd ${tempDylibFolderPath} &&" +
" codesign -vvv --options runtime --deep --force --sign \"${envVariableSigningID}\"" +
// Verify signature
executeCmd("cd ${tempDylibFolderPath} &&" +
" codesign -vvv --deep --strict " + dylibsToSign)
// Replace unsigned files in jar file
executeCmd("cd ${tempDylibFolderPath} &&" +
" jar uf ${fatJarFolderPath}/${mainJarName}" +
// macOS step 2: Build app-image using the shadow jar above (containing signed dylibs)
// NOTE: licensing file cannot be added at this point only when creating the dmg later
executeCmd(jPackageFilePath +
commonOpts +
macOpts +
" --type app-image")
// macOS step 3: Sign app (hardened runtime)
File bisqAppImageFullPath = new File(binariesFolderPath, "Bisq.app")
executeCmd("codesign" +
" --sign \"${envVariableSigningID}\"" +
" --options runtime" +
" --entitlements '${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/macosx/macos.entitlements'" +
" --force" +
" --verbose" +
" ${bisqAppImageFullPath}/Contents/runtime/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib")
executeCmd("codesign" +
" --sign \"${envVariableSigningID}\"" +
" --options runtime" +
" --entitlements '${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/macosx/macos.entitlements'" +
" --force" +
" --verbose" +
" ${bisqAppImageFullPath}/Contents/MacOS/Bisq")
executeCmd("codesign" +
" --sign \"${envVariableSigningID}\"" +
" --options runtime" +
" --entitlements '${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/macosx/macos.entitlements'" +
" --force" +
" --verbose" +
" ${bisqAppImageFullPath}")
// macOS step 4: Package the app-image into a dmg bundle
executeCmd(jPackageFilePath +
" --dest \"${binariesFolderPath}\"" +
" --name ${appNameAndVendor}" +
" --description \"${appDescription}\"" +
" --app-version ${appVersion}" +
" --copyright \"${appCopyright}\"" +
" --vendor ${appNameAndVendor}" +
" --temp \"${jpackageTempDir}\"" +
" --app-image ${bisqAppImageFullPath}" +
" --mac-sign" +
macOpts +
" --type dmg")
// macOS step 5: Delete unused app image
// macOS step 6: Sign dmg bundle
executeCmd("codesign" +
" --sign \"${envVariableSigningID}\"" +
" --options runtime" +
" --entitlements '${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/macosx/macos.entitlements'" +
" -vvvv" +
" --deep" +
" '${binariesFolderPath}/Bisq-${appVersion}.dmg'")
// macOS step 7: Upload for notarization
// See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution/customizing_the_notarization_workflow#3087734
String envVariableAcUsername = "$System.env.BISQ_PACKAGE_NOTARIZATION_AC_USERNAME"
String envVariableAscProvider = "$System.env.BISQ_PACKAGE_NOTARIZATION_ASC_PROVIDER"
// e.g. network.bisq.CAT is used when binaries are built by @ripcurlx
String envVariablePrimaryBundleId = "$System.env.BISQ_PRIMARY_BUNDLE_ID"
def uploadForNotarizationOutput = executeCmd("xcrun altool --notarize-app" +
" --primary-bundle-id '${envVariablePrimaryBundleId}'" +
" --username '${envVariableAcUsername}'" +
" --password '@keychain:AC_PASSWORD'" +
" --asc-provider '${envVariableAscProvider}'" +
" --file '${binariesFolderPath}/Bisq-${appVersion}.dmg'")
// Response:
// No errors uploading '[PATH_TO_BISQ_REPO]/bisq/desktop/build/temp-620637000/binaries/Bisq-1.1.1.dmg'.
// RequestUUID = ea8bba77-97b7-4c15-a53f-8bbccf627190
def requestUUID = uploadForNotarizationOutput.split('RequestUUID = ')[1].trim()
println "Extracted RequestUUID: " + requestUUID
// Every 1 minute, check the status
def notarizationEndedInSuccess = false
def notarizationEndedInFailure = false
while (!(notarizationEndedInSuccess || notarizationEndedInFailure)) {
println "Current time is:"
println "Waiting for 1 minute..."
sleep(1 * 60 * 1000)
println "Checking notarization status"
def checkNotarizationStatusOutput = executeCmd("xcrun altool --notarization-info" +
" '${requestUUID}'" +
" --username '${envVariableAcUsername}'" +
" --password '@keychain:AC_PASSWORD'")
notarizationEndedInSuccess = checkNotarizationStatusOutput.contains('success')
notarizationEndedInFailure = checkNotarizationStatusOutput.contains('invalid')
if (notarizationEndedInFailure) {
ant.fail('Notarization failed, aborting')
if (notarizationEndedInSuccess) {
println "Notarization was successful"
// macOS step 8: Staple ticket on dmg
executeCmd("xcrun stapler staple" +
" '${binariesFolderPath}/Bisq-${appVersion}.dmg'")
} else {
// If user didn't confirm the optional signing step, then generate a plain non-signed dmg
executeCmd(jPackageFilePath + commonOpts + macOpts + " --type dmg")
} else {
String linuxOpts = new String(
" --icon ${project(':desktop').projectDir}/package/linux/icon.png" +
// This defines the first part of the resulting packages (the application name)
// deb requires lowercase letters, therefore the application name is written in lowercase
" --linux-package-name bisq" +
// This represents the linux package version (revision)
// By convention, this is part of the deb/rpm package names, in addition to the software version
" --linux-app-release 1" +
" --linux-menu-group Network" +
" --linux-shortcut"
// Package deb
executeCmd(jPackageFilePath + commonOpts + linuxOpts +
" --linux-deb-maintainer noreply@bisq.network" +
" --type deb")
// Clean jpackage temp folder, needs to be empty for the next packaging step (rpm)
// Package rpm
executeCmd(jPackageFilePath + commonOpts + linuxOpts +
" --linux-rpm-license-type AGPLv3" + // https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:Main?rd=Licensing#Good_Licenses
" --type rpm")
// After binaries have been generated, copy the (deterministic, signed) fat jar to the binaries folder
copy {
from "${fatJarFolderPath}/${mainJarName}"
into binariesFolderPath
// desktop-1.6.4-SNAPSHOT-all.jar => desktop-1.6.4-SNAPSHOT-all-mac.jar (or -win.jar, or -linux.jar)
rename { String fileName -> fileName.replace('-all.jar', "-all-" + os + ".jar") }
// Checksum each file present in the binaries folder
ant.checksum(algorithm: 'SHA-256') {
ant.fileset(dir: "${binariesFolderPath}")
println "The binaries and checksums are ready:"
FileCollection collection = layout.files { binariesFolderPath.listFiles() }
collection.collect { it.path }.sort().each { println it }
// After binaries are ready, copy them to shared folder
// Env variable can be set by calling "export BISQ_SHARED_FOLDER='Some value'"
// This is to copy the final binary/ies to a shared folder for further processing if a VM is used.
String envVariableSharedFolder = "$System.env.BISQ_SHARED_FOLDER"
println "Environment variable BISQ_SHARED_FOLDER is: ${envVariableSharedFolder}"
ant.input(message: "Copy the created binary to a shared folder? (y=yes, n=no)",
addproperty: "copy-to-shared-folder",
validargs: "y,n")
if (ant.properties['copy-to-shared-folder'] == 'y') {
copy {
from binariesFolderPath
into envVariableSharedFolder
// Try to open a native file explorer window at the shared folder location
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
executeCmd("start '${envVariableSharedFolder}'")
} else if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
executeCmd("open '${envVariableSharedFolder}'")
} else {
executeCmd("nautilus '${envVariableSharedFolder}'")
def executeCmd(String cmd) {
String shell
String shellArg
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
shell = 'cmd'
shellArg = '/c'
} else {
shell = 'bash'
shellArg = '-c'
println "Executing command:\n${cmd}\n"
// See "Executing External Processes" section of
// http://docs.groovy-lang.org/next/html/documentation/
def commands = [shell, shellArg, cmd]
def process = commands.execute(null, project.rootDir)
def result
if (process.waitFor() == 0) {
result = process.text
println "Command output (stdout):\n${result}"
} else {
result = process.err.text
println "Command output (stderr):\n${result}"
return result