buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "" } maven { url "" } } dependencies { classpath '' classpath '' classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:5.2.0' classpath 'org.openjfx:javafx-plugin:0.0.10' } } configure(rootProject) { // remove the 'bisq-*' scripts and 'lib' dir generated by the 'installDist' task task clean { doLast { delete fileTree(dir: rootProject.projectDir, include: 'bisq-*'), 'lib' } } } configure(subprojects) { apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: '' sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 ext { // in alphabetical order grpcVersion = '1.42.1' javafxVersion = '16' protocVersion = '3.19.1' os = osdetector.os == 'osx' ? 'mac' : osdetector.os == 'windows' ? 'win' : osdetector.os } repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url '' } } dependencies { testImplementation libs.junit } tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { options.encoding = 'UTF-8' } } configure([project(':cli'), project(':daemon'), project(':desktop'), project(':seednode'), project(':statsnode'), project(':apitest')]) { apply plugin: 'application' build.dependsOn installDist installDist.destinationDir = file('build/app') distZip.enabled = false distTar.enabled = false // the 'installDist' and 'startScripts' blocks below configure bisq executables to put // generated shell scripts in the root project directory, such that users can easily // discover and invoke e.g. ./bisq-desktop, ./bisq-seednode, etc. // See for details. installDist { doLast { // copy generated shell scripts, e.g. `bisq-desktop` directly to the project // root directory for discoverability and ease of use copy { from "$destinationDir/bin" into rootProject.projectDir } // copy libs required for generated shell script classpaths to 'lib' dir under // the project root directory copy { from "$destinationDir/lib" into "${rootProject.projectDir}/lib" } // edit generated shell scripts such that they expect to be executed in the // project root dir as opposed to a 'bin' subdirectory def windowsScriptFile = file("${rootProject.projectDir}/bisq-${applicationName}.bat") windowsScriptFile.text = windowsScriptFile.text.replace( 'set APP_HOME=%DIRNAME%..', 'set APP_HOME=%DIRNAME%') def unixScriptFile = file("${rootProject.projectDir}/bisq-$applicationName") unixScriptFile.text = unixScriptFile.text.replace( 'APP_HOME=$( cd "${APP_HOME:-./}.." && pwd -P ) || exit', 'APP_HOME=$( cd "${APP_HOME:-./}" && pwd -P ) || exit') if (applicationName == 'desktop') { def script = file("${rootProject.projectDir}/bisq-$applicationName") script.text = script.text.replace( 'DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=""', 'DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-XX:MaxRAM=8g -Xss1280k -XX:+UseG1GC ' + '-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 -XX:+UseStringDeduplication ' + '"') } if (applicationName == 'apitest') { // Pass the logback config file as a system property to avoid chatty // logback startup due to multiple logback.xml files in the classpath // (:daemon & :cli). def script = file("${rootProject.projectDir}/bisq-$applicationName") script.text = script.text.replace( 'DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=""', 'DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="' + '-Dlogback.configurationFile=apitest/build/resources/main/logback.xml"') } if (osdetector.os != 'windows') delete fileTree(dir: rootProject.projectDir, include: 'bisq-*.bat') else delete fileTree(dir: rootProject.projectDir, include: 'bisq-*', exclude: '*.bat') } } startScripts { // rename scripts from, e.g. `desktop` to `bisq-desktop` applicationName = "bisq-$applicationName" } } configure(project(':common')) { apply plugin: 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' javafx { version = "$javafxVersion" modules = [''] } ext.getHash = { def p1 = 'git rev-parse HEAD'.execute() p1.waitFor() return p1.text } jar.manifest.attributes( "Implementation-Version": getHash()) dependencies { implementation project(':proto') annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.javax.annotation compileOnly libs.lombok implementation libs.logback.classic implementation libs.logback.core implementation(libs.bitcoinj) { exclude(module: 'bcprov-jdk15on') exclude(module: 'guava') exclude(module: 'jsr305') exclude(module: 'okhttp') exclude(module: 'okio') exclude(module: 'protobuf-java') exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation implementation implementation implementation( { exclude(module: 'guava') } implementation implementation implementation libs.jopt implementation libs.apache.commons.lang3 implementation libs.bouncycastle.bcpg.jdk15on implementation libs.kotlin.stdlib.jdk8 implementation libs.jetbrains.annotations implementation libs.slf4j.api testImplementation libs.hamcrest runtimeOnly(libs.grpc.netty.shaded) { exclude(module: 'animal-sniffer-annotations') exclude(module: 'guava') } } } configure(project(':p2p')) { apply plugin: 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' javafx { version = "$javafxVersion" modules = ['javafx.base'] } dependencies { implementation project(':proto') implementation project(':common') annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.lombok implementation implementation implementation libs.fxmisc.easybind implementation libs.slf4j.api implementation(libs.netlayer.tor.external) { exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation(libs.netlayer.tor.native) { exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation(libs.bitcoinj) { exclude(module: 'bcprov-jdk15on') exclude(module: 'guava') exclude(module: 'jsr305') exclude(module: 'okhttp') exclude(module: 'okio') exclude(module: 'protobuf-java') exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation( { exclude(module: 'guava') } implementation(libs.apache.httpclient) { exclude(module: 'commons-codec') } testAnnotationProcessor libs.lombok testCompileOnly libs.lombok testImplementation libs.logback.classic testImplementation libs.logback.core testImplementation libs.apache.commons.lang3 testImplementation libs.mockito } } configure(project(':core')) { apply plugin: 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' javafx { version = "$javafxVersion" modules = ['javafx.base'] } dependencies { implementation project(':proto') implementation project(':assets') implementation project(':common') implementation project(':p2p') annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.javax.annotation compileOnly libs.lombok implementation libs.logback.classic implementation libs.logback.core implementation libs.jackson.annotations implementation libs.jackson.core implementation implementation implementation implementation implementation libs.commons.codec implementation implementation libs.jopt implementation libs.apache.commons.lang3 implementation libs.apache.httpcore implementation libs.fxmisc.easybind implementation libs.jetbrains.annotations implementation libs.slf4j.api implementation(libs.jackson.databind) { exclude(module: 'jackson-annotations') } implementation(libs.netlayer.tor.external) { exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation(libs.netlayer.tor.native) { exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation(libs.bitcoinj) { exclude(module: 'bcprov-jdk15on') exclude(module: 'guava') exclude(module: 'jsr305') exclude(module: 'okhttp') exclude(module: 'okio') exclude(module: 'protobuf-java') exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation(libs.jsonrpc4j) { exclude(module: 'base64') exclude(module: 'httpcore-nio') } implementation( { exclude(module: 'guava') } implementation(libs.apache.httpclient) { exclude(module: 'commons-codec') } testAnnotationProcessor libs.lombok testCompileOnly libs.lombok testImplementation testImplementation libs.hamcrest testImplementation libs.mockito } test { systemProperty 'jdk.attach.allowAttachSelf', true } } configure(project(':desktop')) { apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' apply plugin: 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' apply from: 'package/package.gradle' shadowDistTar.enabled = false shadowDistZip.enabled = false javafx { version = "$javafxVersion" modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml'] } version = file("src/main/resources/version.txt").text.trim() jar.manifest.attributes( "Implementation-Title":, "Implementation-Version": version) mainClassName = '' jar { preserveFileTimestamps = false reproducibleFileOrder = true } sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs += ['src/main/java'] // to copy fxml and css files dependencies { implementation project(':assets') implementation project(':common') implementation project(':proto') implementation project(':p2p') implementation project(':core') annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.lombok implementation libs.logback.classic implementation libs.logback.core implementation implementation implementation implementation libs.jcsv implementation libs.jfoenix implementation implementation libs.fontawesomefx implementation libs.fontawesomefx.commons implementation libs.fontawesomefx.materialdesign.font implementation libs.qrgen implementation libs.apache.commons.lang3 implementation libs.bouncycastle.bcpg.jdk15on implementation libs.fxmisc.easybind implementation libs.jetbrains.annotations implementation libs.slf4j.api implementation(libs.bitcoinj) { exclude(module: 'bcprov-jdk15on') exclude(module: 'guava') exclude(module: 'jsr305') exclude(module: 'okhttp') exclude(module: 'okio') exclude(module: 'protobuf-java') exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation( { exclude(module: 'guava') } testAnnotationProcessor libs.lombok testCompileOnly libs.lombok testImplementation testImplementation libs.mockito } test { systemProperty 'jdk.attach.allowAttachSelf', true } } configure(project(':seednode')) { apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' shadowDistTar.enabled = false shadowDistZip.enabled = false jar.manifest.attributes( "Implementation-Title":, "Implementation-Version": version) mainClassName = 'bisq.seednode.SeedNodeMain' dependencies { implementation project(':common') implementation project(':proto') implementation project(':p2p') implementation project(':core') implementation annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.lombok implementation implementation libs.slf4j.api implementation( { exclude(module: 'guava') } testImplementation libs.mockito } } configure(project(':statsnode')) { mainClassName = 'bisq.statistics.StatisticsMain' dependencies { implementation project(':common') implementation project(':p2p') implementation project(':core') annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.lombok implementation libs.slf4j.api implementation( { exclude(module: 'guava') } } } configure(project(':apitest')) { mainClassName = 'bisq.apitest.ApiTestMain' // The external dao-setup.gradle file contains tasks to install and clean dao-setup // files downloaded from // // These tasks are not run by the default build, but they can can be run during // full or partial builds, or by themselves. // To run the regular clean + build + test (non api), and install dao-setup files: // ./gradlew clean build :apitest:installDaoSetup // To install or re-install dao-setup file only: // ./gradlew :apitest:installDaoSetup -x test // To clean installed dao-setup files: // ./gradlew :apitest:cleanDaoSetup -x test apply from: 'dao-setup.gradle' // We have to disable the :apitest 'test' task by default because we do not want // to interfere with normal builds. To run JUnit tests in this subproject: // Run a normal build and install dao-setup files first, then run: // 'gradle :apitest:test -DrunApiTests=true' test.enabled = System.getProperty("runApiTests") == "true" sourceSets { main { resources { exclude 'dao-setup' exclude '' } } } test { useJUnitPlatform() outputs.upToDateWhen { false } // Don't use previously cached test outputs. testLogging { showStackTraces = true // Show full stack traces in the console. exceptionFormat = "full" // Show passed & failed tests, and anything printed to stderr by the tests in the console. // Do not show skipped tests in the console; they are shown in the html report. events "passed", "failed", "standardError" } afterSuite { desc, result -> if (!desc.parent) { println("${result.resultType} " + "[${result.testCount} tests, " + "${result.successfulTestCount} passed, " + "${result.failedTestCount} failed, " + "${result.skippedTestCount} skipped] html report contains skipped test info") // Show report link if all tests passed in case you want to see more detail, stdout, skipped, etc. if (result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.SUCCESS) { DirectoryReport htmlReport = getReports().getHtml() String reportUrl = new org.gradle.internal.logging.ConsoleRenderer() .asClickableFileUrl(htmlReport.getEntryPoint()) println("REPORT " + reportUrl) } } } } dependencies { implementation project(':proto') implementation project(':common') implementation project(':core') implementation project(':seednode') implementation project(':desktop') implementation project(':daemon') implementation project(':cli') annotationProcessor libs.lombok compileOnly libs.javax.annotation compileOnly libs.lombok implementation libs.logback.classic implementation libs.logback.core implementation implementation implementation implementation libs.jopt implementation libs.apache.commons.lang3 implementation libs.slf4j.api implementation(libs.bitcoinj) { exclude(module: 'bcprov-jdk15on') exclude(module: 'guava') exclude(module: 'jsr305') exclude(module: 'okhttp') exclude(module: 'okio') exclude(module: 'protobuf-java') exclude(module: 'slf4j-api') } implementation(libs.grpc.protobuf) { exclude(module: 'animal-sniffer-annotations') exclude(module: 'guava') } implementation(libs.grpc.stub) { exclude(module: 'animal-sniffer-annotations') exclude(module: 'guava') } testAnnotationProcessor libs.lombok testCompileOnly libs.lombok testImplementation libs.junit.jupiter.api testImplementation libs.junit.jupiter.params testRuntimeOnly libs.javax.annotation testRuntimeOnly(libs.junit.jupiter.engine) } }