#! /bin/bash # Runs fiat <-> btc trading scenarios using the API CLI with a local regtest bitcoin node. # # A country code argument is used to create a country based face to face payment account for the simulated # trade, and the maker's face to face payment account's currency code is used when creating the offer. # # Prerequisites: # # - Linux or OSX with bash, Java 10, or Java 11-12 (JDK language compatibility 10), and bitcoin-core (v0.19, v0.20). # # - Bisq must be fully built with apitest dao setup files installed. # Build command: `./gradlew clean build :apitest:installDaoSetup` # # - All supporting nodes must be run locally, in dev/dao/regtest mode: # bitcoind, seednode, arbdaemon, alicedaemon, bobdaemon # # These should be run using the apitest harness. From the root project dir, run: # `$ ./bisq-apitest --apiPassword=xyz --supportingApps=bitcoind,seednode,arbdaemon,alicedaemon,bobdaemon --shutdownAfterTests=false` # # - Only regtest btc can be bought or sold with the test payment account. # # Usage: # # This script must be run from the root of the project, e.g.: # # `$ apitest/scripts/trade-simulation.sh -d buy -c fr -m 3.00 -a 0.125` # # Script options: -d -c -m - f -a # # Examples: # # Create a buy/eur offer to buy 0.125 btc at a mkt-price-margin of 0%, using an Italy face to face payment account: # # `$ apitest/scripts/trade-simulation.sh -d buy -c it -m 0.00 -a 0.125` # # Create a sell/eur offer to sell 0.125 btc at a fixed-price of 38,000 euros, using a France face to face # payment account: # # `$ apitest/scripts/trade-simulation.sh -d sell -c fr -f 38000 -a 0.125` export APP_BASE_NAME=$(basename "$0") export APP_HOME=$(pwd -P) export APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME="${APP_HOME}/apitest/scripts" source "${APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME}/trade-simulation-env.sh" source "${APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME}/trade-simulation-utils.sh" checksetup parseopts "$@" printdate "Started ${APP_BASE_NAME} with parameters:" printscriptparams printbreak registerdisputeagents printdate "Alice looks for the ID of the face to face payment account method (Bob will use same payment method)." CMD="${CLI_BASE} --port=${ALICE_PORT} getpaymentmethods" printdate "ALICE CLI: ${CMD}" getpaymentaccountmethods "$CMD" printbreak printdate "Alice uses the F2F payment method id to create a face to face payment account in country ${COUNTRY_CODE}." CMD="${CLI_BASE} --port=${ALICE_PORT} getpaymentacctform --payment-method-id=F2F" printdate "ALICE CLI: ${CMD}" getpaymentaccountform "$CMD" printbreak printdate "Bob & Alice edit their ${COUNTRY_CODE} payment account forms, and renames them to ${F2F_ACCT_FORM}" editpaymentaccountform "$COUNTRY_CODE" cat "${APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME}/${F2F_ACCT_FORM}" # Remove the autogenerated json template because we are going to use one created by a python script in the next step. CMD="rm -v ${APP_HOME}/f2f_*.json" DELETE_JSON_TEMPLATE=$($CMD) printdate "$DELETE_JSON_TEMPLATE" printbreak printdate "Bob and Alice create their face to face ${COUNTRY_CODE} payment accounts." CMD="${CLI_BASE} --port=${BOB_PORT} createpaymentacct --payment-account-form=${APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME}/${F2F_ACCT_FORM}" printdate "BOB CLI: ${CMD}" CMD_OUTPUT=$(createpaymentacct "${CMD}") echo "${CMD_OUTPUT}" BOB_ACCT_ID=$(getnewpaymentacctid "${CMD_OUTPUT}") BOB_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE=$(getnewpaymentacctcurrency "${CMD_OUTPUT}") printdate "BOB F2F payment-account-id = ${BOB_ACCT_ID}, currency-code = ${BOB_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE}." printbreak CMD="${CLI_BASE} --port=${ALICE_PORT} createpaymentacct --payment-account-form=${APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME}/${F2F_ACCT_FORM}" printdate "ALICE CLI: ${CMD}" CMD_OUTPUT=$(createpaymentacct "${CMD}") echo "${CMD_OUTPUT}" ALICE_ACCT_ID=$(getnewpaymentacctid "${CMD_OUTPUT}") ALICE_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE=$(getnewpaymentacctcurrency "${CMD_OUTPUT}") printdate "ALICE F2F payment-account-id = ${ALICE_ACCT_ID}, currency-code = ${ALICE_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE}." printbreak printdate "ALICE ${ALICE_ROLE}: Creating ${DIRECTION} ${ALICE_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE} offer with payment acct ${ALICE_ACCT_ID}." CURRENT_PRICE=$(getcurrentprice "$ALICE_PORT" "$ALICE_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "Current Market Price: $CURRENT_PRICE" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${ALICE_PORT} createoffer" CMD+=" --payment-account=${ALICE_ACCT_ID}" CMD+=" --direction=${DIRECTION}" CMD+=" --currency-code=${ALICE_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE}" CMD+=" --amount=${AMOUNT}" if [ -z "${MKT_PRICE_MARGIN}" ]; then CMD+=" --fixed-price=${FIXED_PRICE}" else CMD+=" --market-price-margin=${MKT_PRICE_MARGIN}" fi CMD+=" --security-deposit=15.0" CMD+=" --fee-currency=BSQ" printdate "ALICE CLI: ${CMD}" OFFER_ID=$(createoffer "${CMD}") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "ALICE ${ALICE_ROLE}: Created offer with id: ${OFFER_ID}." printbreak sleeptraced 3 # Show Alice's new offer. printdate "ALICE ${ALICE_ROLE}: Looking at her new ${DIRECTION} ${CURRENCY_CODE} offer." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${ALICE_PORT} getmyoffer --offer-id=${OFFER_ID}" printdate "ALICE CLI: ${CMD}" OFFER=$($CMD) exitoncommandalert $? echo "${OFFER}" printbreak sleeptraced 7 # Generate some btc blocks. printdate "Generating btc blocks after publishing Alice's offer." genbtcblocks 3 5 printbreak sleeptraced 10 # List offers. printdate "BOB ${BOB_ROLE}: Looking at ${DIRECTION} ${BOB_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE} offers." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${BOB_PORT} getoffers --direction=${DIRECTION} --currency-code=${BOB_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE}" printdate "BOB CLI: ${CMD}" OFFERS=$($CMD) exitoncommandalert $? echo "${OFFERS}" printbreak sleeptraced 3 # Take offer. printdate "BOB ${BOB_ROLE}: Taking offer ${OFFER_ID} with payment acct ${BOB_ACCT_ID}." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${BOB_PORT} takeoffer --offer-id=${OFFER_ID} --payment-account=${BOB_ACCT_ID} --fee-currency=bsq" printdate "BOB CLI: ${CMD}" TRADE=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not take offer." echo "${TRADE}" printbreak sleeptraced 10 # Generating some btc blocks printdate "Generating btc blocks after Bob takes Alice's offer." genbtcblocks 3 3 printbreak sleeptraced 6 # Send payment sent and received messages. if [ "${DIRECTION}" = "BUY" ] then PAYER="ALICE ${ALICE_ROLE}" PAYER_PORT=${ALICE_PORT} PAYER_CLI="ALICE CLI" PAYEE="BOB ${BOB_ROLE}" PAYEE_PORT=${BOB_PORT} PAYEE_CLI="BOB CLI" else PAYER="BOB ${BOB_ROLE}" PAYER_PORT=${BOB_PORT} PAYER_CLI="BOB CLI" PAYEE="ALICE ${ALICE_ROLE}" PAYEE_PORT=${ALICE_PORT} PAYEE_CLI="ALICE CLI" fi # Confirm payment started. printdate "${PAYER}: Sending fiat payment sent msg." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${PAYER_PORT} confirmpaymentstarted --trade-id=${OFFER_ID}" printdate "${PAYER_CLI}: ${CMD}" SENT_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not send confirmpaymentstarted message." printdate "${SENT_MSG}" printbreak sleeptraced 2 printdate "Generating btc blocks after fiat payment sent msg." genbtcblocks 3 5 sleeptraced 2 # Confirm payment received. printdate "${PAYEE}: Sending fiat payment received msg." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${PAYEE_PORT} confirmpaymentreceived --trade-id=${OFFER_ID}" printdate "${PAYEE_CLI}: ${CMD}" RCVD_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not send confirmpaymentreceived message." printdate "${RCVD_MSG}" printbreak sleeptraced 4 # Generate some btc blocks printdate "Generating btc blocks after fiat transfer." genbtcblocks 3 5 printbreak sleeptraced 3 # Complete the trade on the seller side. if [ "${DIRECTION}" = "BUY" ] then printdate "BOB ${BOB_ROLE}: Closing trade by keeping funds in Bisq wallet." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${BOB_PORT} keepfunds --trade-id=${OFFER_ID}" printdate "BOB CLI: ${CMD}" else printdate "ALICE (taker): Closing trade by keeping funds in Bisq wallet." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=${ALICE_PORT} keepfunds --trade-id=${OFFER_ID}" printdate "ALICE CLI: ${CMD}" fi KEEP_FUNDS_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could close trade with keepfunds command." printdate "${KEEP_FUNDS_MSG}" sleeptraced 5 printbreak # Get balances after trade completion. printdate "Bob & Alice's balances after trade:" printdate "ALICE CLI:" printbalances "$ALICE_PORT" printbreak printdate "BOB CLI:" printbalances "$BOB_PORT" printbreak exit 0