#! /bin/bash # This file must be sourced by the main driver. source "$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/trade-simulation-env.sh" printdate() { echo "[$(date)] $@" } printbreak() { echo "" echo "" } printcmd() { echo -en "$@\n" } sleeptraced() { PERIOD="$1" printdate "sleeping for $PERIOD" sleep "$PERIOD" } commandalert() { # Used in a script function when it needs to fail early with an error message, & pass the error code to the caller. # usage: commandalert <$?> if [ "$1" -ne 0 ] then printdate "Error: $2" >&2 exit "$1" fi } # TODO rename exitonalert ? exitoncommandalert() { # Used in a parent script when you need it to fail immediately, with no error message. # usage: exitoncommandalert <$?> if [ "$1" -ne 0 ] then exit "$1" fi } registerdisputeagents() { # Silently register dev dispute agents. It's easy to forget. REG_KEY="6ac43ea1df2a290c1c8391736aa42e4339c5cb4f110ff0257a13b63211977b7a" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ARBITRATOR_PORT registerdisputeagent --dispute-agent-type=mediator --registration-key=$REG_KEY" SILENT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not register dev/test mediator." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ARBITRATOR_PORT registerdisputeagent --dispute-agent-type=refundagent --registration-key=$REG_KEY" SILENT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not register dev/test refundagent." # Do something with $SILENT to keep codacy happy. echo "$SILENT" > /dev/null } getbtcoreaddress() { CMD="bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=19443 -rpcuser=apitest -rpcpassword=apitest getnewaddress" NEW_ADDRESS=$($CMD) echo "$NEW_ADDRESS" } genbtcblocks() { NUM_BLOCKS="$1" SECONDS_BETWEEN_BLOCKS="$2" ADDR_PARAM="$(getbtcoreaddress)" CMD_PREFIX="bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcport=19443 -rpcuser=apitest -rpcpassword=apitest generatetoaddress 1" # Print the generatetoaddress command with double quoted address param, to make it cut & pastable from the console. printdate "$CMD_PREFIX \"$ADDR_PARAM\"" # Now create the full generatetoaddress command to be run now. CMD="$CMD_PREFIX $ADDR_PARAM" for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 "$NUM_BLOCKS") do NEW_BLOCK_HASH=$(genbtcblock "$CMD") printdate "Block Hash #$i:$NEW_BLOCK_HASH" sleep "$SECONDS_BETWEEN_BLOCKS" done } genbtcblock() { CMD="$1" NEW_BLOCK_HASH=$($CMD | sed -n '2p') echo "$NEW_BLOCK_HASH" } escapepluschar() { STRING="$1" NEW_STRING=$(echo "${STRING//+/\\+}") echo "$NEW_STRING" } printbalances() { PORT="$1" printcmd "$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getbalance" $CLI_BASE --port="$PORT" getbalance } getpaymentaccountmethods() { CMD="$1" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not get payment method ids." printdate "Payment Method IDs:" echo "$CMD_OUTPUT" } getpaymentaccountform() { CMD="$1" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not get new payment account form." echo "$CMD_OUTPUT" } editpaymentaccountform() { COUNTRY_CODE="$1" CMD="python3 $APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/editf2faccountform.py $COUNTRY_CODE" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not edit payment account form." printdate "Saved payment account form as $F2F_ACCT_FORM." } getnewpaymentacctid() { CREATE_PAYMENT_ACCT_OUTPUT="$1" PAYMENT_ACCT_DETAIL=$(echo -e "$CREATE_PAYMENT_ACCT_OUTPUT" | sed -n '3p') ACCT_ID=$(echo -e "$PAYMENT_ACCT_DETAIL" | awk '{print $NF}') echo "$ACCT_ID" } getnewpaymentacctcurrency() { CREATE_PAYMENT_ACCT_OUTPUT="$1" PAYMENT_ACCT_DETAIL=$(echo -e "$CREATE_PAYMENT_ACCT_OUTPUT" | sed -n '3p') # This is brittle; it requires the account name field to have N words, # e.g, "Face to Face Payment Account" as defined in editf2faccountform.py. CURRENCY_CODE=$(echo -e "$PAYMENT_ACCT_DETAIL" | awk '{print $6}') echo "$CURRENCY_CODE" } createpaymentacct() { CMD="$1" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not create new payment account." echo "$CMD_OUTPUT" } getpaymentaccounts() { PORT="$1" printcmd "$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getpaymentaccts" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getpaymentaccts" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not get payment accounts." echo "$CMD_OUTPUT" } showcreatepaymentacctsteps() { USER="$1" PORT="$2" printdate "$USER looks for the ID of the face to face payment account method (Bob will use same payment method)." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getpaymentmethods" printdate "$USER CLI: $CMD" PAYMENT_ACCT_METHODS=$(getpaymentaccountmethods "$CMD") echo "$PAYMENT_ACCT_METHODS" printbreak printdate "$USER uses the F2F payment method id to create a face to face payment account in country $COUNTRY_CODE." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getpaymentacctform --payment-method-id=F2F" printdate "$USER CLI: $CMD" getpaymentaccountform "$CMD" printbreak printdate "$USER edits the $COUNTRY_CODE payment account form, and (optionally) renames it as $F2F_ACCT_FORM" editpaymentaccountform "$COUNTRY_CODE" cat "$APITEST_SCRIPTS_HOME/$F2F_ACCT_FORM" # Remove the autogenerated json template because we are going to use one created by a python script in the next step. CMD="rm -v $APP_HOME/f2f_*.json" DELETE_JSON_TEMPLATE=$($CMD) printdate "$DELETE_JSON_TEMPLATE" printbreak } gencreateoffercommand() { PORT="$1" ACCT_ID="$2" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT createoffer" CMD+=" --payment-account=$ACCT_ID" CMD+=" --direction=$DIRECTION" CMD+=" --currency-code=$CURRENCY_CODE" CMD+=" --amount=$AMOUNT" if [ -z "$MKT_PRICE_MARGIN" ]; then CMD+=" --fixed-price=$FIXED_PRICE" else CMD+=" --market-price-margin=$MKT_PRICE_MARGIN" fi CMD+=" --security-deposit=15.0" CMD+=" --fee-currency=BSQ" echo "$CMD" } createoffer() { CREATE_OFFER_CMD="$1" OFFER_DESC=$($CREATE_OFFER_CMD) # If the CLI command exited with an error, print the CLI error, and # return from this function now, passing the error status code to the caller. commandalert $? "Could not create offer." OFFER_DETAIL=$(echo -e "$OFFER_DESC" | sed -n '2p') NEW_OFFER_ID=$(echo -e "$OFFER_DETAIL" | awk '{print $NF}') echo "$NEW_OFFER_ID" } getfirstofferid() { PORT="$1" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getoffers --direction=$DIRECTION --currency-code=$CURRENCY_CODE" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not get current $DIRECTION / $CURRENCY_CODE offers." FIRST_OFFER_DETAIL=$(echo -e "$CMD_OUTPUT" | sed -n '2p') FIRST_OFFER_ID=$(echo -e "$FIRST_OFFER_DETAIL" | awk '{print $NF}') commandalert $? "Could parse the offer-id from the first listed offer." echo "$FIRST_OFFER_ID" } gettrade() { GET_TRADE_CMD="$1" TRADE_DESC=$($GET_TRADE_CMD) commandalert $? "Could not get trade." echo "$TRADE_DESC" } gettradedetail() { TRADE_DESC="$1" # Get 2nd line of gettrade cmd output, and squeeze multi space delimiters into one space. TRADE_DETAIL=$(echo "$TRADE_DESC" | sed -n '2p' | tr -s ' ') commandalert $? "Could not get trade detail (line 2 of gettrade output)." echo "$TRADE_DETAIL" } istradedepositpublished() { TRADE_DETAIL="$1" ANSWER=$(echo "$TRADE_DETAIL" | awk '{print $10}') commandalert $? "Could not parse istradedepositpublished from trade detail." echo "$ANSWER" } istradedepositconfirmed() { TRADE_DETAIL="$1" ANSWER=$(echo "$TRADE_DETAIL" | awk '{print $11}') commandalert $? "Could not parse istradedepositconfirmed from trade detail." echo "$ANSWER" } istradepaymentsent() { TRADE_DETAIL="$1" ANSWER=$(echo "$TRADE_DETAIL" | awk '{print $13}') commandalert $? "Could not parse istradepaymentsent from trade detail." echo "$ANSWER" } istradepaymentreceived() { TRADE_DETAIL="$1" ANSWER=$(echo "$TRADE_DETAIL" | awk '{print $14}') commandalert $? "Could not parse istradepaymentreceived from trade detail." echo "$ANSWER" } istradepayoutpublished() { TRADE_DETAIL="$1" ANSWER=$(echo "$TRADE_DETAIL" | awk '{print $15}') commandalert $? "Could not parse istradepayoutpublished from trade detail." echo "$ANSWER" } waitfortradedepositpublished() { # Loops until Bob's trade deposit is published. (Bob is always the trade taker.) OFFER_ID="$1" DONE=0 while : ; do if [ "$DONE" -ne 0 ]; then break fi printdate "BOB $BOB_ROLE: Looking at his trade with id $OFFER_ID." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT gettrade --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD" GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT=$(gettrade "$CMD") exitoncommandalert $? echo "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT" printbreak TRADE_DETAIL=$(gettradedetail "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT") exitoncommandalert $? IS_TRADE_DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED=$(istradedepositpublished "$TRADE_DETAIL") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "BOB $BOB_ROLE: Has taker's trade deposit been published? $IS_TRADE_DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED" if [ "$IS_TRADE_DEPOSIT_PUBLISHED" = "YES" ] then DONE=1 else RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 3 + 1]) sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT" fi printbreak done } waitfortradedepositconfirmed() { # Loops until Bob's trade deposit is confirmed. (Bob is always the trade taker.) OFFER_ID="$1" DONE=0 while : ; do if [ "$DONE" -ne 0 ]; then break fi printdate "BOB $BOB_ROLE: Looking at his trade with id $OFFER_ID." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT gettrade --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD" GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT=$(gettrade "$CMD") exitoncommandalert $? echo "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT" printbreak TRADE_DETAIL=$(gettradedetail "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT") exitoncommandalert $? IS_TRADE_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMED=$(istradedepositconfirmed "$TRADE_DETAIL") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "BOB $BOB_ROLE: Has taker's trade deposit been confirmed? $IS_TRADE_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMED" printbreak if [ "$IS_TRADE_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMED" = "YES" ] then DONE=1 else printdate "Generating btc block while Bob waits for trade deposit to be confirmed." genbtcblocks 1 0 RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 3 + 1]) sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT" fi done } waitfortradepaymentsent() { # Loops until buyer's trade payment has been sent. PORT="$1" SELLER="$2" OFFER_ID="$3" DONE=0 while : ; do if [ "$DONE" -ne 0 ]; then break fi printdate "$SELLER: Looking at trade with id $OFFER_ID." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT gettrade --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "$SELLER CLI: $CMD" GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT=$(gettrade "$CMD") exitoncommandalert $? echo "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT" printbreak TRADE_DETAIL=$(gettradedetail "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT") exitoncommandalert $? IS_TRADE_PAYMENT_SENT=$(istradepaymentsent "$TRADE_DETAIL") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "$SELLER: Has buyer's fiat payment been initiated? $IS_TRADE_PAYMENT_SENT" if [ "$IS_TRADE_PAYMENT_SENT" = "YES" ] then DONE=1 else RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 3 + 1]) sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT" fi printbreak done } waitfortradepaymentreceived() { # Loops until buyer's trade payment has been received. PORT="$1" SELLER="$2" OFFER_ID="$3" DONE=0 while : ; do if [ "$DONE" -ne 0 ]; then break fi printdate "$SELLER: Looking at trade with id $OFFER_ID." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT gettrade --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "$SELLER CLI: $CMD" GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT=$(gettrade "$CMD") exitoncommandalert $? echo "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT" printbreak TRADE_DETAIL=$(gettradedetail "$GETTRADE_CMD_OUTPUT") exitoncommandalert $? # When the seller receives a 'payment sent' message, it is assumed funds (fiat) have already been deposited. # In a real trade, there is usually a delay between receipt of a 'payment sent' message, and the funds deposit, # but we do not need to simulate that in this regtest script. IS_TRADE_PAYMENT_SENT=$(istradepaymentreceived "$TRADE_DETAIL") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "$SELLER: Has buyer's payment been transferred to seller's fiat account? $IS_TRADE_PAYMENT_SENT" if [ "$IS_TRADE_PAYMENT_SENT" = "YES" ] then DONE=1 else RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 3 + 1]) sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT" fi printbreak done } delayconfirmpaymentstarted() { # Confirm payment started after a random delay. This should be run in the background # while the payee polls the trade status, waiting for the message before confirming # payment has been received. PAYER="$1" PORT="$2" OFFER_ID="$3" RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 5 + 1]) printdate "$PAYER: Sending fiat payment sent message to seller in $RANDOM_WAIT seconds..." sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT confirmpaymentstarted --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "$PAYER_CLI: $CMD" SENT_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not send confirmpaymentstarted message." # Print the confirmpaymentstarted command's console output. printdate "$SENT_MSG" printbreak } delayconfirmpaymentreceived() { # Confirm payment received after a random delay. This should be run in the background # while the payer polls the trade status, waiting for the confirmation from the seller # that funds have been received. PAYEE="$1" PORT="$2" OFFER_ID="$3" RANDOM_WAIT=$(echo $[$RANDOM % 5 + 1]) printdate "$PAYEE: Sending fiat payment sent message to seller in $RANDOM_WAIT seconds..." sleeptraced "$RANDOM_WAIT" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT confirmpaymentreceived --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "$PAYEE_CLI: $CMD" RCVD_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not send confirmpaymentstarted message." # Print the confirmpaymentstarted command's console output. printdate "$RCVD_MSG" printbreak } # This is a large function that might be split into smaller functions. But we are not testing # api methods here, just demonstrating how to use them to get through the V1 trade protocol with # the CLI. It should work for any trade between Bob & Alice, as long as Alice is maker, Bob is # taker, and the offer to be taken is the first displayed in Bob's getoffers command output. executetrade() { # Bob list available offers. printdate "BOB $BOB_ROLE: Looking at $DIRECTION $CURRENCY_CODE offers." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT getoffers --direction=$DIRECTION --currency-code=$CURRENCY_CODE" printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD" OFFERS=$($CMD) exitoncommandalert $? echo "$OFFERS" printbreak OFFER_ID=$(getfirstofferid "$BOB_PORT") exitoncommandalert $? printdate "First offer found: $OFFER_ID" # Take Alice's offer. CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT takeoffer --offer-id=$OFFER_ID --payment-account=$BOB_ACCT_ID --fee-currency=BSQ" printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD" TRADE=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not take offer." # Print the takeoffer command's console output. printdate "$TRADE" printbreak waitfortradedepositpublished "$OFFER_ID" waitfortradedepositconfirmed "$OFFER_ID" # Send payment sent and received messages. if [ "$DIRECTION" = "BUY" ] then PAYER="ALICE $ALICE_ROLE" PAYER_PORT=$ALICE_PORT PAYER_CLI="ALICE CLI" PAYEE="BOB $BOB_ROLE" PAYEE_PORT=$BOB_PORT PAYEE_CLI="BOB CLI" else PAYER="BOB $BOB_ROLE" PAYER_PORT=$BOB_PORT PAYER_CLI="BOB CLI" PAYEE="ALICE $ALICE_ROLE" PAYEE_PORT=$ALICE_PORT PAYEE_CLI="ALICE CLI" fi # Asynchronously send a confirm payment started message after a random delay. delayconfirmpaymentstarted "$PAYER" "$PAYER_PORT" "$OFFER_ID" & if [ "$DIRECTION" = "BUY" ] then # Bob waits for payment, polling status in taker specific trade detail. waitfortradepaymentsent "$PAYEE_PORT" "$PAYEE" "$OFFER_ID" else # Alice waits for payment, polling status in maker specific trade detail. waitfortradepaymentsent "$PAYEE_PORT" "$PAYEE" "$OFFER_ID" fi # Asynchronously send a confirm payment received message after a random delay. delayconfirmpaymentreceived "$PAYEE" "$PAYEE_PORT" "$OFFER_ID" & if [ "$DIRECTION" = "BUY" ] then # Alice waits for payment rcvd confirm from Bob, polling status in maker specific trade detail. waitfortradepaymentreceived "$PAYER_PORT" "$PAYER" "$OFFER_ID" else # Bob waits for payment rcvd confirm from Alice, polling status in taker specific trade detail. waitfortradepaymentreceived "$PAYER_PORT" "$PAYER" "$OFFER_ID" fi # Generate some btc blocks printdate "Generating btc blocks after fiat transfer." genbtcblocks 2 2 printbreak # Complete the trade on both sides printdate "BOB $BOB_ROLE: Closing trade by keeping funds in Bisq wallet." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$BOB_PORT keepfunds --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "BOB CLI: $CMD" KEEP_FUNDS_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could close trade with keepfunds command." # Print the keepfunds command's console output. printdate "$KEEP_FUNDS_MSG" sleeptraced 3 printbreak printdate "ALICE (taker): Closing trade by keeping funds in Bisq wallet." CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$ALICE_PORT keepfunds --trade-id=$OFFER_ID" printdate "ALICE CLI: $CMD" KEEP_FUNDS_MSG=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could close trade with keepfunds command." # Print the keepfunds command's console output. printdate "$KEEP_FUNDS_MSG" sleeptraced 3 printbreak printdate "Trade $OFFER_ID complete." } getcurrentprice() { PORT="$1" CURRENCY_CODE="$2" CMD="$CLI_BASE --port=$PORT getbtcprice --currency-code=$CURRENCY_CODE" CMD_OUTPUT=$($CMD) commandalert $? "Could not get current market $CURRENCY_CODE price." FLOOR=$(echo "$CMD_OUTPUT" | cut -d'.' -f 1) commandalert $? "Could not get the floor of the current market $CURRENCY_CODE price." INTEGER=$(echo "$FLOOR" | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]') commandalert $? "Could not convert the current market $CURRENCY_CODE price string to an integer." echo "$INTEGER" }