#!/bin/bash cd $(dirname $0)/../../ mkdir -p deploy set -e version="1.1.5-SNAPSHOT" commithash="ec633f0c3771893b47956b8d05b17c6f3f1919c1" cd .. ./gradlew :desktop:build -x test shadowJar cd desktop EXE_JAR=build/libs/desktop-$version-all.jar JAR_WITH_HASH_NAME=desktop-$version-$commithash-all.jar EXE_JAR_WITH_HASH=build/libs/$JAR_WITH_HASH_NAME DEPLOY_JAR=deploy/$JAR_WITH_HASH_NAME # we need to strip out Java 9 module configuration used in the fontawesomefx library as it causes the javapackager to stop, # because of this existing module information, although it is not used as a module. echo Unzipping jar to delete module config tmp=build/libs/tmp unzip -o -q $EXE_JAR -d $tmp # Sometimes $tmp/module-info.class is not available. TODO check why and if still needed rm -f $tmp/module-info.class rm $EXE_JAR echo Zipping jar again without module config cd $tmp; zip -r -q -X "../$JAR_WITH_HASH_NAME" * cd ../../../; rm -rf $tmp cp $EXE_JAR_WITH_HASH $DEPLOY_JAR echo Create signature gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --local-user $BISQ_GPG_USER --output $DEPLOY_JAR.asc --detach-sig --armor $DEPLOY_JAR echo Verify signatures gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify $DEPLOY_JAR{.asc*,} open deploy