#! /bin/bash # This file must be sourced by the main driver. export CLI_BASE="./bisq-cli --password=xyz" export ARBITRATOR_PORT=9997 export ALICE_PORT=9998 export BOB_PORT=9999 export F2F_ACCT_FORM="f2f-acct.json" checkos() { LINUX=FALSE DARWIN=FALSE UNAME=$(uname) case "$UNAME" in Linux* ) export LINUX=TRUE ;; Darwin* ) export DARWIN=TRUE ;; esac if [[ "$LINUX" == "TRUE" ]]; then printdate "Running on supported Linux OS." elif [[ "$DARWIN" == "TRUE" ]]; then printdate "Running on supported Mac OS." else printdate "Script cannot run on $OSTYPE OS, only Linux and OSX are supported." exit 1 fi } checksetup() { checkos apitestusage() { echo "The apitest harness must be running a local bitcoin regtest node, a seednode, an arbitration node," echo "Bob & Alice daemons, and bitcoin-core's bitcoin-cli must be in the system PATH." echo "" echo "From the project's root dir, start all supporting nodes from a terminal:" echo "./bisq-apitest --apiPassword=xyz --supportingApps=bitcoind,seednode,arbdaemon,alicedaemon,bobdaemon --shutdownAfterTests=false" exit 1; } printdate "Checking $APP_HOME for some expected directories and files." if [ -d "$APP_HOME/apitest" ]; then printdate "Subproject apitest exists."; else printdate "Error: Subproject apitest not found, maybe because you are not running the script from the project root dir." exit 1 fi if [ -f "$APP_HOME/bisq-cli" ]; then printdate "The bisq-cli script exists."; else printdate "Error: The bisq-cli script not found, maybe because you are not running the script from the project root dir." exit 1 fi printdate "Checking to see local bitcoind is running, and bitcoin-cli is in PATH." checkbitcoindrunning checkbitcoincliinpath printdate "Checking to see bisq servers are running." checkseednoderunning checkarbnoderunning checkalicenoderunning checkbobnoderunning } parseopts() { usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-d buy|sell] [-c ] [-f || -m ] [-a ]" 1>&2 exit 1; } local OPTIND o d c f m a while getopts "d:c:f:m:a:" o; do case "${o}" in d) d=$(echo "${OPTARG}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ((d == "BUY" || d == "SELL")) || usage export DIRECTION=${d} ;; c) c=$(echo "${OPTARG}"| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') export COUNTRY_CODE=${c} ;; f) f=${OPTARG} export FIXED_PRICE=${f} ;; m) m=${OPTARG} export MKT_PRICE_MARGIN=${m} ;; a) a=${OPTARG} export AMOUNT=${a} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z "${d}" ] || [ -z "${c}" ] || [ -z "${a}" ]; then usage fi if [ -z "${f}" ] && [ -z "${m}" ]; then usage fi if [ -n "${f}" ] && [ -n "${m}" ]; then printdate "Must use margin-from-price param (-m) or fixed-price param (-f), not both." usage fi if [ "$DIRECTION" = "SELL" ] then export BOB_ROLE="(taker/buyer)" export ALICE_ROLE="(maker/seller)" else export BOB_ROLE="(taker/seller)" export ALICE_ROLE="(maker/buyer)" fi } parselimitorderopts() { usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-l limit-price] [-d buy|sell] [-c ] [-f || -m ] [-a ] [-w ]" 1>&2 exit 1; } local OPTIND o l d c f m a w while getopts "l:d:c:f:m:a:w:" o; do case "${o}" in l) l=${OPTARG} export LIMIT_PRICE=${l} ;; d) d=$(echo "${OPTARG}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ((d == "BUY" || d == "SELL")) || usage export DIRECTION=${d} ;; c) c=$(echo "${OPTARG}"| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') export COUNTRY_CODE=${c} ;; f) f=${OPTARG} export FIXED_PRICE=${f} ;; m) m=${OPTARG} export MKT_PRICE_MARGIN=${m} ;; a) a=${OPTARG} export AMOUNT=${a} ;; w) w=${OPTARG} export WAIT=${w} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z "${l}" ]; then usage fi if [ -z "${d}" ] || [ -z "${c}" ] || [ -z "${a}" ]; then usage fi if [ -z "${f}" ] && [ -z "${m}" ]; then usage fi if [ -n "${f}" ] && [ -n "${m}" ]; then printdate "Must use margin-from-price param (-m) or fixed-price param (-f), not both." usage fi if [ -z "${w}" ]; then WAIT=120 elif [ "$w" -lt 20 ]; then printdate "The -w option is too low, minimum allowed is 20s. Using default 120s." WAIT=120 fi } parsebsqswaporderopts() { usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-d buy|sell] [-f ] [-a ]" 1>&2 exit 1; } local OPTIND o d f a while getopts "d:f:a:" o; do case "${o}" in d) d=$(echo "${OPTARG}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ((d == "BUY" || d == "SELL")) || usage export DIRECTION=${d} ;; f) f=${OPTARG} export FIXED_PRICE=${f} ;; a) a=${OPTARG} export AMOUNT=${a} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z "${d}" ] || [ -z "${a}" ]; then usage fi if [ -z "${f}" ] ; then usage fi export CURRENCY_CODE="BSQ" } parsexmrscriptopts() { usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-d buy|sell] [-f || -m ] [-a ]" 1>&2 exit 1; } local OPTIND o d f m a while getopts "d:f:m:a:" o; do case "${o}" in d) d=$(echo "${OPTARG}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') ((d == "BUY" || d == "SELL")) || usage export DIRECTION=${d} ;; f) f=${OPTARG} export FIXED_PRICE=${f} ;; m) m=${OPTARG} export MKT_PRICE_MARGIN=${m} ;; a) a=${OPTARG} export AMOUNT=${a} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z "${d}" ] || [ -z "${a}" ]; then usage fi if [ -z "${f}" ] && [ -z "${m}" ]; then usage fi if [ "$DIRECTION" = "SELL" ] then export BOB_ROLE="(taker/buyer)" export ALICE_ROLE="(maker/seller)" else export BOB_ROLE="(taker/seller)" export ALICE_ROLE="(maker/buyer)" fi } checkbitcoindrunning() { # There may be a '+' char in the path and we have to escape it for pgrep. if [[ $APP_HOME == *"+"* ]]; then ESCAPED_APP_HOME=$(escapepluschar "$APP_HOME") else ESCAPED_APP_HOME="$APP_HOME" fi if pgrep -f "bitcoind -datadir=$ESCAPED_APP_HOME/apitest/build/resources/main/Bitcoin-regtest" > /dev/null ; then printdate "The regtest bitcoind node is running on host." else printdate "Error: regtest bitcoind node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi } checkbitcoincliinpath() { if which bitcoin-cli > /dev/null ; then printdate "The bitcoin-cli binary is in the system PATH." else printdate "Error: bitcoin-cli binary is not in the system PATH, exiting." apitestusage fi } checkseednoderunning() { if [[ "$LINUX" == "TRUE" ]]; then if pgrep -f "bisq.seednode.SeedNodeMain" > /dev/null ; then printdate "The seed node is running on host." else printdate "Error: seed node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi elif [[ "$DARWIN" == "TRUE" ]]; then if ps -A | awk '/[S]eedNodeMain/ {print $1}' > /dev/null ; then printdate "The seednode is running on host." else printdate "Error: seed node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi else printdate "Error: seed node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi } checkarbnoderunning() { if [[ "$LINUX" == "TRUE" ]]; then if pgrep -f "bisq.daemon.app.BisqDaemonMain --appName=bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Arb_dao" > /dev/null ; then printdate "The arbitration node is running on host." else printdate "Error: arbitration node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi elif [[ "$DARWIN" == "TRUE" ]]; then if ps -A | awk '/[b]isq.daemon.app.BisqDaemonMain --appName=bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Arb_dao/ {print $1}' > /dev/null ; then printdate "The arbitration node is running on host." else printdate "Error: arbitration node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi else printdate "Error: arbitration node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi } checkalicenoderunning() { if [[ "$LINUX" == "TRUE" ]]; then if pgrep -f "bisq.daemon.app.BisqDaemonMain --appName=bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Alice_dao" > /dev/null ; then printdate "Alice's node is running on host." else printdate "Error: Alice's node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi elif [[ "$DARWIN" == "TRUE" ]]; then if ps -A | awk '/[b]isq.daemon.app.BisqDaemonMain --appName=bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Alice_dao/ {print $1}' > /dev/null ; then printdate "Alice's node node is running on host." else printdate "Error: Alice's node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi else printdate "Error: Alice's node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi } checkbobnoderunning() { if [[ "$LINUX" == "TRUE" ]]; then if pgrep -f "bisq.daemon.app.BisqDaemonMain --appName=bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Alice_dao" > /dev/null ; then printdate "Bob's node is running on host." else printdate "Error: Bob's node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi elif [[ "$DARWIN" == "TRUE" ]]; then if ps -A | awk '/[b]isq.daemon.app.BisqDaemonMain --appName=bisq-BTC_REGTEST_Alice_dao/ {print $1}' > /dev/null ; then printdate "Bob's node node is running on host." else printdate "Error: Bob's node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi else printdate "Error: Bob's node is not running on host, exiting." apitestusage fi } printscriptparams() { if [ -n "${LIMIT_PRICE+1}" ]; then echo " LIMIT_PRICE = $LIMIT_PRICE" fi echo " DIRECTION = $DIRECTION" echo " COUNTRY_CODE = $COUNTRY_CODE" echo " FIXED_PRICE = $FIXED_PRICE" echo " MKT_PRICE_MARGIN = $MKT_PRICE_MARGIN" echo " AMOUNT = $AMOUNT" if [ -n "${BOB_ROLE+1}" ]; then echo " BOB_ROLE = $BOB_ROLE" fi if [ -n "${ALICE_ROLE+1}" ]; then echo " ALICE_ROLE = $ALICE_ROLE" fi if [ -n "${WAIT+1}" ]; then echo " WAIT = $WAIT" fi } printbsqswapscriptparams() { echo " DIRECTION = $DIRECTION" echo " FIXED_PRICE = $FIXED_PRICE" echo " AMOUNT = $AMOUNT" }