It is no longer necessary to publish Maven metadata about common, core
and other submodules as they are no longer managed as separate libraries
in separate repositories. The only way these modules should be getting
referenced is from within applications in this repository such as
desktop, statsnode, etc. Essentially, we're no longer publishing our
libraries for public consumption.
- We store the bonded roles in the evaluated proposals in the dao state.
From there we can get the bonded role object as it is part of the
bonded role proposal. Though we need to take that data immutable
(next commit will handle that)
- Change type of param value from long to string for more flexibility
- Add BTC recipient address param
- Add validation, refactor param value formatter and param value parser
As take offer screen is WIP the fee display is also just a raw draft.
For the DAO state we should add a new group for the fee selection as
it is a bit lost in between the other fields...
For the upcoming API work we use java fx classes also in common (PR
is pending), so that is one reason to move that. But there was also an
issue on Linux (travis) as the platform property was not set in the
core gradle build file, but it is already defined in common.
- Change FULL_DAO_NODE option from boolean to string to be able to detect not set values
- isFullDaoNode, rpcUser and rpcPw can be set in the UI. If prog ars are
available they will overwrite the UI data.
Fix the following error:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':common:startScripts'.
> No value has been specified for property 'mainClassName'.
- If user press cmd+t it switches to DEBUG log level for the tor
network library. If the user press it again it switch back to WARN level.
- If there is a connection startup timeout where we display the Tor
network settings popup we switch log level as well to DEBUG.
Apple disabled options do avoid App Nap in recent OSX versions.
Playing an inaudible sound marks the application for preventing to get
set to standby mode as well as App Nap mode.
The alternative to that "hack" would be to add OSX native code, but
even then it is likely only possible to prevent App Nap but not
sleep mode.
If Bisq is in App Nap mode offers cannot be taken as well the user loses
network connection and offers.