If not present, a default BSQ swap account is saved when a User object
is initialized. Use the existing default account in API bsq-swap test
cases, and rename the legacy BSQ payment account fixtures to distinguish
them from the new default 'BSQ Swap' payment account.
This change adds a bisq.properties file to apitest/src/main/resources,
and makes sure it is copied to regtest/dev bisq instances' app data dirs
before they are started. By default it is empty, but can be used to
override default BisqApp options during ad-hoc testing.
The change was necessary because the core's bisq.properties resource is
not copied to test harness bisq instance's regtest data dirs during a normal
Method was added on the false assumption `PaymentAccount#hasMultipleCurrencies()`
would not always return a correct value when a `PaymentAccount` instance is created
via reflection. But `hasMultipleCurrencies()` will work as long as appropriate
PaymentAccount subclasses continue setting their `tradeCurrencies` fields within
their default constructors.
Ad-hoc API testers need to be able to run the test harness without
interference from the production api method call rate meters.
This change overrides and disables most call rate meters when the
test harness is run from the ApiTestMain driver (no jupiter tests).
A newly created offer has no OpenOffer+State (AVAILABLE || DEACTIVATED)
when displayed in the CLI's console. This change adds a 'bool isMyPendingOffer'
to the OfferInfo proto + wrapper, and the CLI's console offer output formatter
uses it to determine if it should display a new offer's Enabled column value
as PENDING, instead of an ambiguous NO value.
The test harness is compatible with bitcoin-core 0.19, 0.20, 0.21.
Also removed some unnecessary comments about registering dispute
agents in the test harness because it now happens by default.
- Added CreateBSQOffersTest, TakeBuyBSQOfferTest, TakeSellBSQOfferTest.
The first tests bsq offer creation, the second & third test bsq trade
protocol, and includes bsq payment verification checks.
- Made test dispute agent registration a test harness opt.
It was a test case option, now it happens by default.
- Moved some global test constants into ApiTestConfig.
Adjusted affected test cases.