It is important that we flush our queued requests
at shutdown and wait until broadcast is completed as a maker need to
remove his offers at shutdown.
- Add handling for the case that there are very few connections (as in
dev setup).
- Make BundleOfEnvelopes extend BroadcastMessage
- Add complete handler for broadCaster to shutdown in P2PService and
wait with shutdown of other services until broadcaster is completed.
- Remove case for repeated shutdown call on P2PService as it cannot
At slow internet connections the current timeout make it impossible to
get the initial data and therefor to use Bisq.
The timeout is containing the request and response as well as the time
it takes to start up the network connection which can also be quite
In my scenario, it took about 6-10 sec for the connection and the
request is atm nearly 3 MB which takes about 24 sec on a 1 Mbit/s
connection (note that over tor connection is slower so if normal speed
is 3-5 Mbit tors speed can be considerable lower). The response data
depends on the missing data/last update but can be easily 6 MB which
adds about another 48 sec. So one can easily hit the 90 sec. limit.
There is work in development for optimizing the initial data request,
but as that is more complex and not clear when it will be deployed I
recommend that we increase the current timeout to 180 sec. to avoid
that critical issue that users get "locked out".
I do not agree that not allowing Throwable in a catch makes the code
better. Unknown exceptions can be easier found if there is an error log
at the code where it occurred.
I would prefer if there is some flexibility like it is the case with the
IDEA code analysis, where one can edit and customize the suggestions.
Ignore annotations would help.
There have been several long delays as well a wrong order of the
shutdown process (wallet got shutdown after network shutdown.
Shutdown is now pretty fast, but depends on open offers and connections.
If torControlPort is specified, but neither torControlPassword nor
torControlCookieFile are specified, we have cookieFile == null in, but RunningTor.getTor() assumes a
cookie file has been specified and tries to check that the file exists,
causing the thread to crash. Added a check for null to fix this.
and do not broadcast.
It is unclear why we receive expired data (some are very old), but a
manipulated node might produce that and as it only removed at each
batch process running each minute to clean out expired data it still
could propagate. Is an attack vector also to flood the network with
outdated offers where the maker is likely not online.
Should fix