Move consecutive maybeAddSegwitKeychain(..) calls for the BTC & BSQ
wallets from BisqSetup to WalletsManager, as the latter class is used
for operations which should be applied to both wallets and this moves
the logic closer to the wallet domain.
Also migrate a BSQ address validator in one of the test mock classes
from Base58AddressValidator to BitcoinAddressValidator (missed earlier).
Uncomment & enable the m/44'/142'/1' native segwit BSQ account path and
add code to migrate the user's BSQ wallet to segwit upon startup, along
the same lines as the existing BTC wallet segwit migration logic. That
is, set P2WPKH as the default output type, add a native segwit key chain
(set to active) to the BSQ wallet and back up the old 'bisq_BSQ.wallet'
file to 'pre_segwit_bisq_BSQ.wallet.backup'.
Also filter out legacy addresses coming from the original keychain from
Remove the restriction to base58 (P2SH & P2PKH) addresses when parsing,
formatting & validating BSQ addresses, by replacing o.b.c.LegacyAddress
with its superclass o.b.c.Address throughout. Also remove restriction to
LegacyAddress in BsqTxListItem and BsqTransfer(Service|Model).
The bech32 BSQ addresses follow the same format as the old base58 BSQ
addresses, namely 'B' + <btc-address>.
Use flatMap(Optional::stream) instead of filter(..isPresent).map(..get)
and avoid a redundantly nested Optional in OpReturnType.
Also replace some unnecessary stream().forEach(..) invocations on lists
in BtcWalletService, as forEach is already part of the List interface.
The test harness is compatible with bitcoin-core 0.19, 0.20, 0.21.
Also removed some unnecessary comments about registering dispute
agents in the test harness because it now happens by default.
- Added CreateBSQOffersTest, TakeBuyBSQOfferTest, TakeSellBSQOfferTest.
The first tests bsq offer creation, the second & third test bsq trade
protocol, and includes bsq payment verification checks.
- Made test dispute agent registration a test harness opt.
It was a test case option, now it happens by default.
- Moved some global test constants into ApiTestConfig.
Adjusted affected test cases.
- Finished API server's verify bsq payment impl.
- Added verifybsqsenttoaddress method to CLI.
- Added verifybsqsenttoaddress-help.txt to server.
- Fixed client getoffers, getmyoffers to work with BSQ offers.