The gRPC interceptor was not using the correct method/ratemeter
map key, and failing to find a rate meter for the server call.
- Fix the rate meter key lookup bug.
- Disable most strict, default call rate meters in tests.
Made an adjustment to the test harness' scaffold setup so an interceptor
testing or disabling config file is always picked up by bob and alice
- Set arbitration daemon's registerDisputeAgent rate @ 10/second, so
it does not interfere with the test harness. (There is no pre-existing
arb node appDataDir before that daemon starts.)
Note: The test harness cannot install the custom rate metering file in
an arb daemon's appDataDir before it starts because there is no dao-setup
file for that node type.
TODO: Adjust api simulation scripts to interceptor bug fix.
The offer volume is shown so traders know how much fiat
they are sending or receiving without having to call getoffer.
Changed the 'Fiat Sent' and 'Fiat Received' column headers
to show which fiat is being transfered, e.g., 'EUR Sent',
'EUR Received'.
Adjusted apitest's to the modified
gettrade output.
This is a follow up to PR,
which moved client side gRPC boilerplate to a new, reusable GrpcClient class.
From this change forward, all (including test) client side gRPC request/response
boilerplate should now live in GrpcClient.
The BaseCurrencyNetwork#getDefaultMinFeePerVbyte now returns
15 (sats/byte) since commit b341bb6e89.
This change adjusts the api to the new min tx fee rate by validating
the api's setTxFeeRatePreference param, and throwing an appropirate
exception if the param value is below the minimum. Also adjusted a broken
test, and added a new test to check the appropriate exception is received
from the server.
RobotBob reads a json file instructing it to make and take offers
as per an 'actions' json array, e.g. ["make","take","take","make],
and the tester will manually run CLI commands provided by the bot
during each step in a trade.
The test case (ScriptedBotTest) can be run with the test harness,
which will start and shutdown all the regtest/dao app: bitcoind,
seednode, arbnode, bob & alice nodes. The test case can also be
run without the test harness, and the user manages his own daemons.
Usage will be described in the PR before it leaves draft stage.
The trade simulation scripts check that bitcoind, seed node,
arbitration node, and bob & alice nodes are running at startup,
but the bash pgrep command used to find the PIDs does not work on
OSX (my darwin20), so an adjustment was made to the env script to
find java PIDs with ps and awk if running on OSX.
Two additonal startup checks were added: make sure the script is
running on supported OS (Linux or OSX), and bitcoin-cli is in
the PATH.
Also removed usage error text about registering dispute agents.
The scripts do that now.
There is no need to simulate the time it takes between
receiving a 'payment sent' msg and having funds (fiat) deposited
in the seller's bank account. But there is need to explain
that in the script.
The codacy issue "$/${} is unnecessary on arithmetic variables"
seems to not apply to $(echo $((1 + $RANDOM % 10))), but we
try another syntax to make her happy.
The script demonstrats a way to always keep one offer in the market.
As soon as the offer is taken and the trade is completed, another
offer is placed.
Code duplication needs to be reduced as new scripts are added.
- Refactor the createpaymentacct functions.
The steps required to create a payment account are still
displayed, but only for Alice, not Bob.
- Treat the trade protocol simulation as an atomic function.
This will reduce 'main' simulation script size as new
ones are added.
Two regtest trading simulation scripts are contained in this change:
- goes through the steps of creating F2F payment
accounts for Bob & Alice, and each step of a trade from createoffer to
- shows one way to trigger creation of an offer
when a limit price is reached.
Each script prints CLI commands just before they are run.
Both scripts depend on functions contained in supporting bash and python3
Simulate the entire trade protocol between Bob (taker) & Alice (maker),
where Alice buys 0.1 BTC from Bob, paying in Renminbi (CYN).
Note the script takes a country code (CN) not a currency code, so the
script can create the appropriate country based face to face payment accounts.
$ apitest/scripts/ -d buy -c cn -m 0.0 -a 0.1
Create a CAD/BUY 0.1 BTC order at mkt price margin of 0.0% if price falls to
or below 47900 CAD.
Note the script takes a country code (CA) not a currency code, so the script
can create the appropriate country based face to face payment accounts.
$ apitest/scripts/ -l 47900 -d buy -c CA -m 0.0 -a 0.1
Create a USD/SELL 0.1 BTC order at mkt price margin of 0.0% if price rises to
or above 37200 USD.
$ apitest/scripts/ -l 37200 -d sell -c US -m 0.0 -a 0.1