- feeTxSizeEstimationRecursionCounter was never reset, so that caused
probably bugs by ignoring fee estimation after it was called >10 times.
The default size was used then so the bug was not very obvious as long
the tx size was not very large.
- For supporting Grin we want to add it to the next release but Grin
is not launched yet (15.1.2018 is launch date). We deactivate the asset
by using the filter message and enable it at launch date.
To support that at the altcoin account screen this commit implements
the required code.
Add updateButtonDisabledState() to onPaymentAccountSelected() in
TakeOfferViewModel since changing the account dropdown in the take
offer screen does not trigger an update of the "Next Step" button.
The default amount of an offer should not change to less than what is
actually offered, change onPaymentAccountSelected() in
TakeOfferDataModel to take into account the min. amount offered.
In TakeOfferView, the payment account defaults to the last one
selected. Make sure TakeOfferViewModel and TakeOfferDataModel take
this into account in a couple locations.
Sorry was too fast with an untested ACK and merge.
- The icon loses it's color so its always black now. I think we should
stick with the colors.
- The duration was set to 10 seconds. I thinks that is too long.
- Not clear what the 'Object a = new Object() {{' definition means. I
assume you want a initializer block instead
('{ itemProperty().addListener.... }')
- We should maybe better make a small component out of that button
which behaves similar like the checkbox or radio button animation.
Maybe we can use those components instead of a normal button.
Or maybe the normal button animation from the new UI framework is enough.
- Trigger apply from snapshot if rpc error is detected
- Add warn handler to show only warning msg instead of error msg if
btc full node is not running in full mode
Applying the proposal "Remove BCH from Bisq"
There have been 44 upvotes and 0 downvotes so a clear signal that the
Bisq community does not want to have BCH listed on Bisq.