The apitest.linux package is for running random bash commands,
running 'bitcoind -regtest', running random 'bitcoin-cli -regtest'
commands, and spinning up Bisq apps such as seednode, arbnode,
and bob & alice nodes.
All but random bash and bitcoin-cli commands are run in the background.
The bitcoin-cli response processing is crude; a more sophiticated
bitcoin-core rpc interface is not in the scope of this PR.
ApiTestConfig works like :common Config, but specific to this subproject.
BisqAppConfig is an enumeration specifying Bisq desktop and daemon
options for running seednode, arbnode, bob & alices nodes in regtest /
full-dao mode.
If torControlPort is specified, but neither torControlPassword nor
torControlCookieFile are specified, we have cookieFile == null in, but RunningTor.getTor() assumes a
cookie file has been specified and tries to check that the file exists,
causing the thread to crash. Added a check for null to fix this.
Upon creating an altcoin instant account the limitations field
should reflect that the trade duration is 1 hour. This was not
working. The fix is to update that field dynamically based on the
setting of the 'Trade instant' checkbox.
There is a race condition in PopupManager when with a stack of 2 popups,
the top popup is being replaced by another top-level popup. The base
layer popup ends up on top of the z-order, obscuring the correct one.
The race condition in PopupManager was within the onHidden() method
which invokes the next window in the queue. The call to displayNext()
needs to be asynchronous so that a newer popup can take precedence.
Issue: if a taker used exactly all BSQ from the BSQ inputs to pay the
trading fee, there was no BSQ change in the takeOfferFeeTx. It was
assumed that the second output was the reservedForTrade output, but in
the case of missing BSQ change it was the first output.
Fix: added a check to make sure the value of the inputs to the deposit
tx match the expected inputAmount.
Added a check that if there is no BSQ outputs in the bsqTradingFeeTx a
change output is added of value 1 satoshi more than the BSQ input value.
This ensures that the second output is always the reservedForTrade
output. It also ensures that the BSQ is burnt, even in the very unlikely
case that the amount of BSQ burnt is larger than the reservedForTrade
Issue: if a taker used exactly all BSQ from the BSQ inputs to pay the
trading fee, there was no BSQ change in the takeOfferFeeTx. It was
assumed that the second output was the reservedForTrade output, but in
the case of missing BSQ change it was the first output.
Fix: added a check to make sure the value of the inputs to the deposit
tx match the expected inputAmount.
Added a check that if there is no BSQ outputs in the bsqTradingFeeTx a
change output is added of value 1 satoshi more than the BSQ input value.
This ensures that the second output is always the reservedForTrade
output. It also ensures that the BSQ is burnt, even in the very unlikely
case that the amount of BSQ burnt is larger than the reservedForTrade
Don't include outliers (20% deviation from moving average) in moving
average calculation. It's quite likely that low liquidity markets or
markets with large spreads can't calculate deposit suggestion and will
then suggest deposit from preferences.
Added test for moving average class