Make sure non-empty opt values are present in the parsers' custom
validation, or jsimpleopt will throw exceptions with stylistically
inconsisent messages.
Show badge with number of unread chat messages on each ticket
Use icons for chat, info and process ticket functions
Select a row by clicking on it, no clunky select button needed.
Show chat messages in a movable popup window.
More space for ticket list.
Implement requested feature additions:
Indicate if the trade period is over
Indicate more clearly the sender of each chat message
Support badge count
Indicate the XMR tx proof (when applicable)
Allow trader to close own mediation ticket if the trade is paid out
null check for cases when extraData null/not applicable
when upgrading closed disputes, clear chat unread count
- Fix tx-fee-rate opt validation bug.
- Tell user what option value is not a number.
- Append ", server may not be running" text to "io exception" exception msg.
This change replaces the hard coded strings used as keys in
interceptor rate-metering lookup maps.
Now, the fullMethodName defined in each bisq.proto.grpc.* class'
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor is used, not a hard coded String.
For example, the rate metering lookup key for 'GetBalances',
in 'GrpcWalletsService', is the
fullMethodName = SERVICE_NAME + '/' + "GetBalances",
where SERVICE_NAME = "io.bisq.protobuffer.Wallets".
Also adjusted affected tests, and tidy'd up interceptor logging.
The gRPC interceptor was not using the correct method/ratemeter
map key, and failing to find a rate meter for the server call.
- Fix the rate meter key lookup bug.
- Disable most strict, default call rate meters in tests.
Made an adjustment to the test harness' scaffold setup so an interceptor
testing or disabling config file is always picked up by bob and alice
- Set arbitration daemon's registerDisputeAgent rate @ 10/second, so
it does not interfere with the test harness. (There is no pre-existing
arb node appDataDir before that daemon starts.)
Note: The test harness cannot install the custom rate metering file in
an arb daemon's appDataDir before it starts because there is no dao-setup
file for that node type.
TODO: Adjust api simulation scripts to interceptor bug fix.
The offer volume is shown so traders know how much fiat
they are sending or receiving without having to call getoffer.
Changed the 'Fiat Sent' and 'Fiat Received' column headers
to show which fiat is being transfered, e.g., 'EUR Sent',
'EUR Received'.
Adjusted apitest's to the modified
gettrade output.