in parallel and once both are done we call asyncUpdateChartData (not yet refactored).
Clear all data at deactivate
This cause a bit of costs when we activate again but as we delegate
now all work to threads it should be OK. It decreases the memory usage
if we do not keep those data in the fields. The View classes are cached
in the view loader so all data in fields stays in memory once it was
activated once and not manually cleared in deactivate.
Move getTradeStatisticsForCurrency to ChartCalculations
Rename buildUsdPricesPerTickUnit to getUsdAveragePriceMapsPerTickUnit
Rename selectedTradeStatistics to tradeStatisticsByCurrency
Make itemsPerInterval final
Remove modelReady
Add deactivateCalled flag
The creation of TradeStatistics3ListItem is rather fast but the
applying to the list is due sorting pretty slow (300 ms) as
its > 100k items. We do the applying on the callback thread.
Seems JavaFx permits that. So we can keep the UI thread unblocked.
Remove modelReadyListener
Renamed model.selectedTradeStatistics to model.tradeStatisticsByCurrency
Make buildUsdPricesPerTickUnit static and pass params
Rename usdPriceMapsPerTickUnit to usdAveragePriceMapsPerTickUnit
Rename local variable map to usdAveragePriceMap
Move method calls syncPriceFeedCurrency() and
setMarketPriceFeedCurrency() before other calls (those will become async later)
For creating the hash we take the hash from the previous element. By removing it
we safe about 3 MB on data)
Add isSelfCreated field to DaoStateHash (indicates if we have created
the hash by ourself or if we have received it from a peer -> will be
part of later commits)
Renamed ClosedTradeUtil to ClosedTradableUtil
Leaves only static functional methods in ClosedTradableUtil
Domain methods requiring services are in ClosedTradableManager
This keeps also the TradableList
All formatting code is in ClosedTradableFormatter
Implement getTxFee in concrete classes. For Maker trades we return the txFee from the offer.
We use txFee in 2 different context:
1. For the txFee the taker pays and which is used for all the trade txs
2. As generic tx fee the user has paid. The makers tx fee is in the offer.
The taker pays 3 times the tradeTxFee