Uniformise the log patterns somewhat, by making the 'Logger' classname
field width either 15 for the seednode & statsnode, or 40 for the other
applications (lengthened from 30 in a few cases).
Also clean up the logback XML files somewhat, in particular removing
references to the old Thali (thaliproject/Tor_Onion_Proxy_Library) Tor
library, which was replaced years ago with our own fork of NetLayer
Finally, add a missing space back to the log pattern for bisq-desktop,
to prevent DEBUG, ERROR or TRACE lines appearing as follows:
... [JavaFX Application Thread] ERRORb.c.s.CommonSetup: ...
(It isn't clear whether this recently introduced behaviour was really
intentional, though it did prevent two consecutive spaces appearing in
the majority INFO log lines.)
Remove Unspecified and use optional instead.
Add reporting for data requests and hash requests.
Report commit hash only if present.
Report messages only if an enum entry is present.
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
The previously used newCachedThreadPool carries higher risk for execution exceptions if exceeded.
Originally we had only one executor with a corePoolSize of 15 and a maximumPoolSize of 30 and queueCapacity was set to maximumPoolSize.
This was risky when the 15 corePool threads have been busy and new messages or connection creation threads are
queued up with potentially significant delay until getting served leading to timeouts.
Now we use (if maxConnections is 12) corePoolSize of 24, maximumPoolSize 36 and queueCapacity 10. This gives
considerable headroom. We also have split up the executors in 2 distinct ones.
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
It is more convenient to handle the RejectedExecutionException in the calling code to get more context for error logging.
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
Use executor at httpClient builder.
Use httpClient.sendAsync.
Add keep-alive header.
Add RejectedExecutionHandler.
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
Use onDaoStateBlockCreated instead of onDaoStateHashesChanged to avoid multiple calls when we receive hashes from other nodes.
Add daoStateMonitoringService listener after blockchain parsing is completed
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
Use newCachedThreadPool instead of getThreadPoolExecutor
Utilities.getThreadPoolExecutor use a BlockingQueue which prevents the intended
behaviour to increase the pool size to the max value.
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>