Split up into 4 service classes
- BurningManService: Common stuff
- BurningManInfoService: For displaying BurningMan data
- BtcFeeReceiverService: For getting btcFeeReceivers
- DelayedPayoutTxReceiverService: For getting delayedPayoutTxReceivers. This is the critical part where we need to have a deterministic data and which could break trade consensus.
WIP refactoring. More to come...
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
Use BurningManService.getBtcFeeReceiverAddress at createFeeTx tasks.
Verify takers burningManSelectionHeight if BurningManService.isActivated at MakerProcessesInputsForDepositTxRequest and OpenOfferManager.
Stores burningManSelectionHeight in ProcessModel.
Add BurningManService fields to OfferAvailabilityModel, PlaceOfferModel, OpenOfferManager and Provider
Signed-off-by: HenrikJannsen <boilingfrog@gmx.com>
Some commits were missed from the first implementation in #6431.
The user limit is applied to offer entry via AccountAgeWitnessService.
Offers are filtered according to limits in OfferFilterService.
If limit changed, the cache in OfferFilterServices must be cleared.
A test has been added to validate the UTXO issue above.
Other tests have been updated as a result of the changes in PR 5826
where fee parameter is now supplied from a filter; this results
in more accurate (less lenient) fee checking.
Add a numeric version field to the 'ProofOfWork' protobuf object, along
with a list of allowed version numbers, 'enabled_pow_versions', to the
filter. The versions are taken to be in order of preference from most to
least preferred when creating a PoW, with an empty list signifying use
of the default algorithm only (that is, version 0: Hashcash).
An explicit list is used instead of an upper & lower version bound, in
case a new PoW algorithm (or changed algorithm params) turns out to
provide worse resistance than an earlier version.
(The fields are unused for now, to be enabled in a later commit.)
Avoid that outdated donation and fee addresses are used.
In case we get an outdated donation address (RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS)
we trigger a dao resync. The user get a popup for doing a restart
in that case.
For the fee address selection we do not fall back to the
RECIPIENT_BTC_ADDRESS in case no address from filter is provided
but we use the hard coded address of the current fee receiver address.