The Scaffold set up was calling System.exit(1) when it encountered a
configuration error, or a problem starting bitcoind & bisq instances.
This incorrect error handling was hiding errors from gradle, and
preventing tests that would otherwise successfully complete.
This change fixes the problem by throwing an IllegalStateException up
to the test case's @BeforeClass method -- to be caught and used in a
JUnit fail(ex) call. An 'initializationError' triggered in @BeforeClass
correctly bubbles up to gradle, and will not block execution of remaining
tests. A gradle Test Summary containing any initialization errors is also
produced in <project-dir>/apitest/build/reports/tests/test/index.html
This change also fixes many import statements and asserts to ensure
'org.junit.jupiter.api.*' is used in place of 'org.junit.*', for
proper gradle integration.
Some explanation is needed about why Bob & Alice have non-zero
initial BTC and BSQ balances when tests run. The comments
also include links to more detailed information about the DAO/
regtest testing environment.
This change reorganizes the ':apitest' subproject to conform to a
typical gradle project, where all JUnit test cases are located in
the subproject's test sources folder. This makes running tests
from an IDE or gradle command line interface work as expected.
It will also help keep Travis CI configuration simple.
To avoid interfering in normal builds, the gradle ':apitest test' task
is disable by default; API tests will only run when a '-Dforce-true'
system property is passed to gradle.
To run API tests, run a normal build and install dao-setup files:
./gradlew clean build :apitest:installDaoSetup
Then run the tests:
./gradlew :apitest:test -Dforce=true
Try to avoid adding the '-Dforce=true' property to any other gradle
tasks, because this enables the ':apitest test' task, and would kick
off API tests before a normal build completed.
The build.gradle file was modified to support this code reorg, and
the 'org.junit.jupiter' dependendency was upgraded to v5.6.2 -- only
in the ':apitest:test' dependency definiitions, not anywhere else in
the bisq dependency definitions. The upgrade is necessary for
running ordered tests.
Since the scaffolding may be set up from either test cases (under the
test src folder), or a class under the main src folder, some changes
were made to ensure configuration paths are correct for either use
case. For example, when the 'bisq-apitest' script is run from the root
project directory, the current working directory is the root project
directory. When gradle or an IDE is used to run @Test cases, the
current working directory is :apitest subproject directory.
The main source's ApiTestMain class has been stripped down, and exists
only to keep the gradle build happy -- it needs a 'mainClassName'
property. But this main driver does have uses. See the class comments.
The other changes in this commit were made to fix style and syntax
JUnit tests are being moved to the subproject's test sources
directory for the sake of convention -- for developers using
this test harness, and for IDE and gradle JUnit integration.
This change removes code for installing a regtest bitcoin.conf file.
It also removes an unused bitcoin.conf file from the main resources
Now, the bitcoind startup command passes all configurations on the
command line. (See
This change makes configurable the amount of time (ms) each Bisq
instance is given to initialize before starting (a) another Bisq
instance, or (b) tests.
Some of these 'method' tests make more than one gRPC call, but
they are for checking correctness of a single gRPC method,
and don't quite fall into the 'scenario' test category.
Also added a new base ScenarioTest class, which extends
MethodTest; Method and Scenario tests cases have access to gRPC
service stubs, but end to end test cases should never use them.
This change replaces the non-intuitive numSetupTasks=<Integer>
configuration option with a supportingApps=<String> option. It
accepts a comma delimited list of app names, and determines
which background apps will be started in @BeforeClass.
None of the current method tests need all supporting apps, and
this change will reduce scaffolding setup and teardown time.
The current method test cases were changed to use this option.
WalletProtectionTest and GetVersionTest only need to start "alicedaemon".
GetBalanceTest needs "bitcoind,seednode,arbdaemon,alicedaemon".
API test cases are not in a maven/gradle project test folder.
IDEs may not automatically configure JUnit test launchers,
and a gradle build command will not automatically run tests.
This class is provided as a convenience until gradle tasks
for running test cases are implemented.
These @Order-ed test cases should be run with OrderedRunner.
They are called 'method' tests because they are the closest
thing to an API 'unit' test. Method tests are not end to end
tests; they have access to gRPC service stubs and do asserts
on Java values. We can write 'method' tests for the new
gRPC methods we need to implement (test driven development).
Some notes about the three API test categories...
The plan is to categorize some of the narrower functional tests
as 'scenario' tests. Like 'method' tests, 'scenario' tests will
have access to gRPC service stubs and do asserts on Java values,
but they will cover use cases requiring several gRPC and bitcoin-cli
method calls. One example is funding a wallet: using bitcoin-cli
and bisq-cli to generate new addresses, send BTC from bitcoin-core
to a Bisq wallet, generate a bitcoin block, and check the Bisq
wallet's balance. Another example is wallet unlocking/locking
scenarios that are a bit more complex than 'unit' or 'method' tests.
The third category of tests will be end to end, and live in an
'e2e' package. They will cover more complex use cases and
do asserts on the Bisq CLI's console output (stdout/stderr),
not return values from gRPC service stubs.
There may sometimes be a fine line between what is a 'scenario'
test and an 'e2e' test. But what starts out as a 'scenario' test
during test driven development can migrate to an 'e2e' test after
thorough testing in the quicker 'scenario' dev/test cycle.
Although JUnit is geared towards running randomly ordered unit
tests, we can use it to write API tests to be run in a pre-defined
order. This is necessary because API tests will be functional
(narrow to broad) and end-to-end; we want to be able to write
@Test methods that run in @Order.
The next commit will add a JUnit OrderedRunner class, and an @Order
Many test cases will need to run on a clean, initialized dao-setup;
we do not want call dao-setup.gradle tasks from Java.
For now, every JUnit test case will refresh the dao-setup data in
@BeforeClass, but @AfterClass will not clean out the dao-setup files.
We want to be able to look at bitcoin-core and bisq app data & log
files after a test.
Given the difficulty of refreshing dao-setup files using Java,
I took a short cut and used the apitest.linux pkg's BashCommand
to replace dao-setup files.
Some bitcoin.conf and blocknotify configuratation logic was
also moved from ApiTestConfig to Scaffold in this commit.
Added :proto to the :apitest classpath for access to grpc
service stubs (to be) used in method (unit) tests. Added new
GrpcStubs class to expose the grpc service stubs to method and
scenario tests.
The larger goal of :apitest is end to end testing, where :cli's
console output is checked for correctness.
This change partially addresses two other important use cases:
* "method" testing -- an analog to unit testing
* "scenario" testing -- an analog to narrow functional testing
For example, tests in the apitest.method package will directly
call grpc services, and asserts will be made on the return values
instead of console output.
Tests in the apitest.scenario package will check correctness
for broader use cases, such as funding a wallet, encrypting then
unlocking a wallet for a specific time frame, or checking error
messages from the server when a "getbalance" call is made after
an "unlockwallet" timeout has expired.
The broader end to end tests will not use grpc stubs.