For all MailboxMessage we want to be sure they have an expire date.
Add getTTL methods and TTL value.
We use 7 days for ChatMessages and 30 days for PrivateNotificationMessages.
All others use default 15 days.
We prefer to keep them explicit and not use a default method in
ExpirablePayload or MailboxMessage.
The value in PrefixedSealedAndSignedMessage will not be used as the
sender use the TTL of the payload and pass that to the MailboxStoragePayload
where we store it in the extraMap. That way we can use different TTL even the
payload message is encrypted and we would not be able to look it up.
instead of decryptedMessageWithPubKey.
Here we change a bit the behaviour as now we check also if the
TradeMessage is a MailboxMessage. As that method is only called
from MailboxMessageService domain we never get a non MailboxMessage
here anyway and it would have been a bug.
Remove removeMailboxMsg(DecryptedMessageWithPubKey decryptedMessageWithPubKey) as not used anymore
different TTL for lower prio mailbox messages like AckMessages.
As we cannot add a field without breaking signatures we
need to use the extraMap in MailboxStoragePayload
Use ReimbursementConsensus.get[Min|Max]ReimbursementRequestAmount in
place of CompensationConsensus.get[Min|Max]CompensationRequestAmount,
which was erroneously copied (it appears) from the very similar
CompensationValidator class.
This ensures the correct upper bound (currently 80,000 BSQ, starting at
10,000 BSQ and doubled in cycles 12, 13 & 14) is placed on reimbursement
requests, instead of the erroneous 100,000 BSQ upper bound for
compensation requests.
This is a feature that will not be included in api v1, but partial
support is added in this change to the server. CLI will pass a
default triggerPrice of 0 (unused) with the createoffer command.
When fully implemented, an optional trigger-price param will be
added to the CLI's createoffer method, and the value will only be
visible to offer owners. New enableoffer and disableoffer
methods will also need to be added.
The confirmation details include amount, recipient address and txId.
Includes a link to open txId details in the user's external block explorer.
@m52go reworded the BSQ conf explanation note.
Added "don't show again" checkbox.
- Injected OfferFilter into CoreOffersService and CoreTradesService.
The filter constrains 'getoffer(s)' results to offers an api user
can take, as the first part of ongoing protection tools / api
- Created a new CoreContext singleton.
Initially, lets Core*Services know if the user is using the api --
isApiUser=true if the current thread's name is "BisqDaemonMain" or
the name contains "grpc". We do this anticipating future :desktop
dependencies on the core api, and we don't pass hardcoded
isApiUser=true params to lower level domain objects.
We cannot check BisqDaemonMain.class.getSimpleName() because :core
cannot have a circular dependency on :daemon, but there is probably a
better way to do this than depending on the thread name set in
- Added @Singleton annotation to all Core*Service classes.