Use Java 11 to run the pricenode service, since v11 includes by
default some root certificates needed when establishing SSH connections
to some of the new API endpoints.
Disable BitcoinAverage provider. Keep it registered as a provider to
ensure that the data structure returned by the pricenode to the Bisq
clients contain the hardcoded "btcAverageTs" key.
Correctly interpret the alt conversion rate reported by the API. For
alts, Bisq needs the Alt/BTC rate, whereas the API returns the BTC/Alt
one. Calculate the inverse of the reported values before storing them as
Bisq internal datastructures (ExchangeRates).
The Scaffold#tearDown() method was split into two methods. The
original tearDown() now passes the background process/task array
to a new shutDownAll() method. This new method loops through the
tasks in a more readable way, plainly expressing the intent to log
all shutdown exceptions for each process being shut down, but not
throwing an exception while processes are being shut down.
The new shutDownAll() method returns the first shutdown exception
encountered, which in turn is passed up to the test case's @AfterAll
When an offer is made using BSQ for trade fee, the BSQ amount
is burnt by doing a send-to-self. However if the BSQ change
is below the bitcoin dust limit this causes an error. We
fix this by maintaining a floor amount of 5.46 BSQ.
The test harness should not fail a test case's @AfterAll (teardown)
method on the first background instance shutdown exception. This
change makes the shutdown logic similar to the startup's: it caches
any exceptions that may have occurred during an instance shutdown,
logs them, then proceeds to shut down the next background instance.
An IllegalStateException (the 1st one) is passed up to @AfterAll method
only after the scaffolding teardown process is complete, to avoid leaving
any orphaned java or bitcoind processes running after a java system
Display a mandatory warning when the seed backup/restore
screen is shown. The warning informs the user that a data
directory backup is necessary to restore the full state of
bisq, not just the wallet seed words.
Main part missing is the XMR proof service request processing. I did not
get the service compiled yet, so could not test response data and error
Further it is missing a "news badge" and popup to guide the user to the
new feature.
Only basic dev tested so far.
Anyone welcome to pick the project up from here as I might not have
time soon to continue.
If the local Bitcoin full node is bound to only listen on the loopback interface (, attempting to open a socket to `InetAddress.getLocalHost()` - the return of which is variable but usually NOT - will not work. Changing to `InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress()` resolves this.