The FederatedBtcNodeProvider compared the list of banned nodes with each
BtcNode's hostname instead of checking a BtcNode's hostname, ip address,
and onion address.
When the user uses our federated BTC nodes, we merge the hard-coded
nodes with the ones provided by the filter. The hard-coded node's
operator field is set to the node's operator and operator field of the
nodes from the filter is set to "Provided by filter". When the same BTC
node is in the hard-coded list and the filter, Bisq adds both to the
merged list because the operator field is different.
This change explicitly marks the onionAddress, hostName, address, and
port field to be used in the hashCode and equals implementation.
We try to connect to the first 7 Bitcoin Core nodes always in the same
order. Only if connections to these nodes fail we look further into the
list. This change shuffles the node addresses before passing them to
BitcoinJ thus removing the bias from the first 7 prioritized nodes.
First, the sendBsq test creates one BTC and two BSQ wallets. Afterward,
it funds the BTC and one BSQ wallet with 1 BTC. Next, the funded BSQ
wallet sends 100 BSQ to the second BSQ wallet.
First, the sendBsq test creates one BTC and two BSQ wallets. Afterward,
it funds the BTC and one BSQ wallet with 1 BTC. Next, the funded BSQ
wallet sends 100 BSQ to the second BSQ wallet.
The BisqTransactionSigner signs the inputs of a transaction after the
given offset using the LocalOffsetTransactionSigner. The
LocalOffsetTransactionSigner is identical to BitcoinJ's
LocalTransactionSigner. The only difference is that the
LocalOffsetTransactionSigner accepts an offset in its constructor. All
inputs below this offset are skipped during signing.
This is needed for Bisq's BSQ implementation because the mining fees of
BSQ transactions come from Bisq's BTC wallet. BitcoinJ's
LocalTransactionSigner expects all inputs to be part of the same wallet.
Removed *non-printable characters* that were accidentally added
during word analysis of the translations file:
... (например, «С днем \u200b\u200bрождения, Сьюзен!») ...
While apparently harmless and invisible, these do not belong
and a needle in the haystack later, so removing them now.
Previously, about 1,585 out of 2,676 strings (59.23%) were
translated into Russian, the rest remained in English.
This meant a native Russian speaker with limited English
ability might have great difficulty using Bisq application
and might not understand or notice the way the system
works and the many important pop-ups that can appear.
Now there are about 2,103 strings in Russian (78.59%) and
most of the messages the end user normally would see are
displayed in Russian, making the application very usable.
Users in most countries (see BankUtil.useValidation() ) can create a "Transfer Same Bank"
account with no BIC/SWIFT code. However, to create an offer using this account, it must
have a bankId or JAVA will throw a 'null pointer exception', and the app. will become
unhealthy and hang trying on exit. This fix adds a validation check for the condition and
throws a more "friendly" exception which explains the problem and keeps the app. healthy.
Offers match these payment method types only if bank names entered
in the maker and taker accounts are the same. However, if the maker
entered, for example, "BANK OF AMERICA" as bank name in their Bisq
account but the taker entered "Bank of America", the offer account
mismatches without this fix to make the match case-insensitive.