We had a small memory leak in the code base. Namely, there have been some
threadpools in use but not shutdown when they have been no longer needed.
Result was that the threads and the parent threads have been kept alive
which lead to hundreds of stale threads over the course of several days.
isDataOwner is used when deciding how many peer nodes should receive
a BroadcastMessage. If the BroadcastMessage originated
on the local node it is sent to ALL peer nodes with a small delay.
If the node is only relaying the message (it originated on a different
node) it is sent to MAX(peers.size(), 7) peers with a delay that is
twice as long.
All the information needed to determine whether or not the
BroadcastMessage originated on the local node is available at the final
broadcast site and there is no reason to have callers pass it in.
In the event that the sender address is not known during broadcast (which
is only a remote possibility due to how early the local node address
is set during startup) we can default to relay mode.
This first patch just removes the deep parameters. The next will remove
everything else. There is one real change in LiteNodeNetworkService.java
where it was using the local node when it should have been using the
peer node. This was updated to the correct behavior.
Now that more callers have moved internal, the public facing API
can be cleaner and more simple. This should lead to a more maintainable
API and less sharp edges with future development work.
Now that the only user is internal, the API can be made private and the
tests can be removed. This involved adding a few test cases to
processGetDataResponse to ensure the invalid hash size condition was
still covered.
The only two users of this constructor are the fromProto path which
now creates an empty Capabilities object similar to GetDataResponse.
The other internal usage of Capabilities.app which is initialized to empty.
The only two users of this constructor are the fromProto path which
already creates an empty Capabilities object if one is not provided and
the internal usage of Capabilities.app which is initialized to empty.
Remove the @Nullable so future readers aren't confused.
Checking for null creates hard-to-read code and it is simpler to just
create an empty set if we receive a pre-v0.6 GetDataResponse protobuf
message that does not have the field set.
Previously, multiple handlers needed to signal off one global variable.
Now, that this check is inside the singleton P2PDataStorage, make it
non-static and private.
Introduce a generic function that can be used to filter
Map<ByteArray, PersistableNetworkPayload> or
Map<ByteArray, ProtectedStorageEntry>.
Used to deduplicate the GetData code paths and ensure the logic is the
same between the two payload types.
Move the capability check inside the stream operation. This should
improve performance slightly, but more importantly it makes the
two filter functions almost identical so they can be combined.
The appendOnlyDataStoreService and map already have unique keys that
are based on the hash of the payload. This would catch instances
- None: The key is based on ByteArray(payload.getHash()) which is the
same as this check.
- Cases where multiple PSEs contain payloads that have equivalent
hashCode(), but different data.toProtoMessage().toByteArray().
I don't think it is a good idea to keep 2 "unique" methods on
payloads. This is likely left over from a time when
Payload hashCode() needed to be different than the hash of
the payload.
Remove the dependence on the connection object by having the handler
pass in the peer's capabilities. This now allows unit testing of
buildGetDataResponse without any connection dependencies.
Move the logging that utilizes connection information into the request
handler. Now, buildGetDataResponse just returns whether or not the list
is truncated which will make it easier to test.
Changed the log to reference getDataResponse instead of getData. Now
that we might truncate the response, it ins't true that this is exactly
what the peer asked.
As part of changing the GetData path, we want to move all creation
and processing of GetData messages inside P2PDataStorage. This will allow
easier unit testing of the behavior as well as cleaner code in the
request handlers that can just focus on nonces, connections, etc.
* Change access level for checkMaxConnections to be tested
* Refactor checkMaxConnections
Fix connection limit checks so as to prevent the following warning:
> WARN b.n.p2p.peers.PeerManager: No candidates found to remove (That
case should not be possible as we use in the last case all
* Add MockNode that allows for simulating connections
* Add PeerManagerTest
The old PeerManagerTest was located under network/p2p/routing, which is
no longer the correct location. Additionally, it was outdated so I
just removed it and added a new file under network/p2p/peers containing
tests for checkMaxConnections.
* Add testCompile dependency to core
This is necessary because bisq.network.p2p.MockNode imports
* Update based on review feedback
Mock the SeedNodeRepository superclass, thus eliminating the dependency
to core.
* [PR COMMENTS] Make maxSequenceNumberBeforePurge final
Instead of using a subclass that overwrites a value, utilize Guice
to inject the real value of 10000 in the app and let the tests overwrite
it with their own.
* [TESTS] Clean up 'Analyze Code' warnings
Remove unused imports and clean up some access modifiers now that
the final test structure is complete
* [REFACTOR] HashMapListener::onAdded/onRemoved
Previously, this interface was called each time an item was changed. This
required listeners to understand performance implications of multiple
adds or removes in a short time span.
Instead, give each listener the ability to process a list of added or
removed entrys which can help them avoid performance issues.
This patch is just a refactor. Each listener is called once for each
ProtectedStorageEntry. Future patches will change this.
* [REFACTOR] removeFromMapAndDataStore can operate on Collections
Minor performance overhead for constructing MapEntry and Collections
of one element, but keeps the code cleaner and all removes can still
use the same logic to remove from map, delete from data store, signal
listeners, etc.
The MapEntry type is used instead of Pair since it will require less
operations when this is eventually used in the removeExpiredEntries path.
* Change removeFromMapAndDataStore to signal listeners at the end in a batch
All current users still call this one-at-a-time. But, it gives the ability
for the expire code path to remove in a batch.
* Update removeExpiredEntries to remove all items in a batch
This will cause HashMapChangedListeners to receive just one onRemoved()
call for the expire work instead of multiple onRemoved() calls for each
This required a bit of updating for the remove validation in tests so
that it correctly compares onRemoved with multiple items.
* ProposalService::onProtectedDataRemoved signals listeners once on batch removes
#3143 identified an issue that tempProposals listeners were being
signaled once for each item that was removed during the P2PDataStore
operation that expired old TempProposal objects. Some of the listeners
are very expensive (ProposalListPresentation::updateLists()) which results
in large UI performance issues.
Now that the infrastructure is in place to receive updates from the
P2PDataStore in a batch, the ProposalService can apply all of the removes
received from the P2PDataStore at once. This results in only 1 onChanged()
callback for each listener.
The end result is that updateLists() is only called once and the performance
problems are reduced.
This removes the need for #3148 and those interfaces will be removed in
the next patch.
* Remove HashmapChangedListener::onBatch operations
Now that the only user of this interface has been removed, go ahead
and delete it. This is a partial revert of
f5d75c4f60 that includes the code that was
added into ProposalService that subscribed to the P2PDataStore.
* [TESTS] Regression test for #3629
Write a test that shows the incorrect behavior for #3629, the hashmap
is rebuilt from disk using the 20-byte key instead of the 32-byte key.
* [BUGFIX] Reconstruct HashMap using 32-byte key
Addresses the first half of #3629 by ensuring that the reconstructed
HashMap always has the 32-byte key for each payload.
It turns out, the TempProposalStore persists the ProtectedStorageEntrys
on-disk as a List and doesn't persist the key at all. Then, on
reconstruction, it creates the 20-byte key for its internal map.
The fix is to update the TempProposalStore to use the 32-byte key instead.
This means that all writes, reads, and reconstrution of the TempProposalStore
uses the 32-byte key which matches perfectly with the in-memory map
of the P2PDataStorage that expects 32-byte keys.
Important to note that until all seednodes receive this update, nodes
will continue to have both the 20-byte and 32-byte keys in their HashMap.
* [BUGFIX] Use 32-byte key in requestData path
Addresses the second half of #3629 by using the HashMap, not the
protectedDataStore to generate the known keys in the requestData path.
This won't have any bandwidth reduction until all seednodes have the
update and only have the 32-byte key in their HashMap.
* [DEAD CODE] Remove getProtectedDataStoreMap
The only user has been migrated to getMap(). Delete it so future
development doesn't have the same 20-byte vs 32-byte key issue.
* [TESTS] Allow tests to validate SequenceNumberMap write separately
In order to implement remove-before-add behavior, we need a way to
verify that the SequenceNumberMap was the only item updated.
* Implement remove-before-add message sequence behavior
It is possible to receive a RemoveData or RemoveMailboxData message
before the relevant AddData, but the current code does not handle
This results in internal state updates and signal handler's being called
when an Add is received with a lower sequence number than a previously
seen Remove.
Minor test validation changes to allow tests to specify that only the
SequenceNumberMap should be written during an operation.
* [TESTS] Allow remove() verification to be more flexible
Now that we have introduced remove-before-add, we need a way
to validate that the SequenceNumberMap was written, but nothing
else. Add this feature to the validation path.
* Broadcast remove-before-add messages to P2P network
In order to aid in propagation of remove() messages, broadcast them
in the event the remove is seen before the add.
* [TESTS] Clean up remove verification helpers
Now that there are cases where the SequenceNumberMap and Broadcast
are called, but no other internal state is updated, the existing helper
functions conflate too many decisions. Remove them in favor of explicitly
defining each state change expected.
* [BUGFIX] Fix duplicate sequence number use case (startup)
Fix a bug introduced in d484617385 that
did not properly handle a valid use case for duplicate sequence numbers.
For in-memory-only ProtectedStoragePayloads, the client nodes need a way
to reconstruct the Payloads after startup from peer and seed nodes. This
involves sending a ProtectedStorageEntry with a sequence number that
is equal to the last one the client had already seen.
This patch adds tests to confirm the bug and fix as well as the changes
necessary to allow adding of Payloads that were previously seen, but
removed during a restart.
* Clean up AtomicBoolean usage in FileManager
Although the code was correct, it was hard to understand the relationship
between the to-be-written object and the savePending flag.
Trade two dependent atomics for one and comment the code to make it more
clear for the next reader.
* [DEADCODE] Clean up FileManager.java
* [BUGFIX] Shorter delay values not taking precedence
Fix a bug in the FileManager where a saveLater called with a low delay
won't execute until the delay specified by a previous saveLater call.
The trade off here is the execution of a task that returns early vs.
losing the requested delay.
* [REFACTOR] Inline saveNowInternal
Only one caller after deadcode removal.
* [TESTS] Introduce MapStoreServiceFake
Now that we want to make changes to the MapStoreService,
it isn't sufficient to have a Fake of the ProtectedDataStoreService.
Tests now use a REAL ProtectedDataStoreService and a FAKE MapStoreService
to exercise more of the production code and allow future testing of
changes to MapStoreService.
* Persist changes to ProtectedStorageEntrys
With the addition of ProtectedStorageEntrys, there are now persistable
maps that have different payloads and the same keys. In the
ProtectedDataStoreService case, the value is the ProtectedStorageEntry
which has a createdTimeStamp, sequenceNumber, and signature that can
all change, but still contain an identical payload.
Previously, the service was only updating the on-disk representation on
the first object and never again. So, when it was recreated from disk it
would not have any of the updated metadata. This was just copied from the
append-only implementation where the value was the Payload
which was immutable.
This hasn't caused any issues to this point, but it causes strange behavior
such as always receiving seqNr==1 items from seednodes on startup. It
is good practice to keep the in-memory objects and on-disk objects in
sync and removes an unexpected failure in future dev work that expects
the same behavior as the append-only on-disk objects.
* [DEADCODE] Remove protectedDataStoreListener
There were no users.
* [DEADCODE] Remove unused methods in ProtectedDataStoreService
With the addition of ProtectedStorageEntrys, there are now persistable
maps that have different payloads and the same keys. In the
ProtectedDataStoreService case, the value is the ProtectedStorageEntry
which has a createdTimeStamp, sequenceNumber, and signature that can
all change, but still contain an identical payload.
Previously, the service was only updating the on-disk representation on
the first object and never again. So, when it was recreated from disk it
would not have any of the updated metadata. This was just copied from the
append-only implementation where the value was the Payload
which was immutable.
This hasn't caused any issues to this point, but it causes strange behavior
such as always receiving seqNr==1 items from seednodes on startup. It
is good practice to keep the in-memory objects and on-disk objects in
sync and removes an unexpected failure in future dev work that expects
the same behavior as the append-only on-disk objects.
Fix a bug introduced in d484617385 that
did not properly handle a valid use case for duplicate sequence numbers.
For in-memory-only ProtectedStoragePayloads, the client nodes need a way
to reconstruct the Payloads after startup from peer and seed nodes. This
involves sending a ProtectedStorageEntry with a sequence number that
is equal to the last one the client had already seen.
This patch adds tests to confirm the bug and fix as well as the changes
necessary to allow adding of Payloads that were previously seen, but
removed during a restart.