The gRPC interceptor was not using the correct method/ratemeter
map key, and failing to find a rate meter for the server call.
- Fix the rate meter key lookup bug.
- Disable most strict, default call rate meters in tests.
Made an adjustment to the test harness' scaffold setup so an interceptor
testing or disabling config file is always picked up by bob and alice
- Set arbitration daemon's registerDisputeAgent rate @ 10/second, so
it does not interfere with the test harness. (There is no pre-existing
arb node appDataDir before that daemon starts.)
Note: The test harness cannot install the custom rate metering file in
an arb daemon's appDataDir before it starts because there is no dao-setup
file for that node type.
TODO: Adjust api simulation scripts to interceptor bug fix.
This change gives CLI users a 'stop' command to shutdown a daemon.
- Server side gRPC boilerpate was added to :proto and :daemon.
- When the new GrpcShutdownService accepts a 'stop' request from the CLI,
it calls UserThread.runAfter(BisqHeadlessApp.getShutDownHandler(), 500, MILLISECONDS);
- Method help file 'stop-help.txt' was added to :core.
- Client side gRPC boiler plate and 'stop' implementation was added to :cli.
The general rule is limit calls that change p2p data to 1/minute,
others to 1/second. An exception is made to set/remove wallet password
methods (1/5s), due to the latency of writing wallet changes to disk.
This change may affect api testing in the future. If that happens,
further changes to the call rate metering interceptor may be made to loosen
the constraints when running in regtest/dev mode.
Migrate RpcService over to the new block notification daemon and RPC
client based on jsonrpc4j. Drop in own DTO classes in place of the ones
defined by btcd-cli4j and rename requestBtcBlock & addNewBtcBlockHandler
to requestDtoBlock & addNewDtoBlockHandler respectively.
Also remove now redundant filtering from the logback config and update
Adds all the gRPC server boilerplate, and a simple help service
that serves method help in man page format. Help text is maintained
in text files located in core/src/main/resources/help.
Only some of the method help text files are defined in this
change, more to be added.
This is a feature that will not be included in api v1, but partial
support is added in this change to the server. CLI will pass a
default triggerPrice of 0 (unused) with the createoffer command.
When fully implemented, an optional trigger-price param will be
added to the CLI's createoffer method, and the value will only be
visible to offer owners. New enableoffer and disableoffer
methods will also need to be added.
Similar to 'getoffers' and 'getoffer', but filters out offers not
created by the user. The new methods are so similar some offer list
filtering and sorting was refactored in CoreOffersService.
Also fixed some createoffer apitest cases in anticipation of a new OfferFilter,
which will filter out offers not matching any user payment account.
We need to be able to define call rate meters for time spans not limited
to TimeUnit intervals of 1 SECOND, 1 HOUR, or 1 DAY. This change allows
more flexibility, e.g., 10 per 5 seconds, 10 per 5 hrs, 100 per 7 days.
This change demonstrates how a method call rate metering interceptor
is configured for a gRPC service. GrpcVersionService uses a custom
rate metering interceptor, or none. A commented out, 'default'
interceptor is defined as a usage example.
This adds a GrpcServiceRateMeteringConfig class that can read and
write rate metering interceptor config files, and configure
a gRPC rate metering service interceptor at startup.
This seems excessive, but we need to be able to test and tune
method rate metering without having to change hard coded, default
interceptor rate meters.
This change provides a gRPC CallRateMeteringInterceptor to help protect
the server and network against being overloaded by CLI scripting mistakes.
An interceptor instance can be configured on a gRPC service to set
individual method call rate limits on one or more of the the service's
methods. For example, the GrpcOffersService could be configured with
this interceptor to set the createoffer rate limit to 5/hour, and
the takeoffer call rate limit could be set to 20/day. Whenever a
call rate limit is exceeded, the gRPC call is aborted and the client
recieves a "rate limit exceeded" error.
Below is a simple example showing how to set rate limits for one method
in GrpcVersionService.
final ServerInterceptor[] interceptors() {
return new ServerInterceptor[]{
new CallRateMeteringInterceptor(new HashMap<>() {{
put("getVersion", new GrpcCallRateMeter(2, SECONDS));
It specifies a CLI can execute getversion 2 times / second.
This is not a throttling mechansim, there is no blocking nor locking
to slow call rates. When call rates are exceeded, calls are
simply aborted.
This change reduces gRPC service error handling duplication by moving
it into a @Singleton encapsulating everything needed to wrap
an expected or unexpected core api exception into a gRPC
StatusRuntimeException before sending it to the client. It also
fixes some boilerpate classes were gRPC error handling was missing.
This change was prompted by the recent changes in the main branch to
allow a tx memo field to be set from the UI and API.
This and the prior PR address the API's need to be able to fetch a
tx (with a memo). The API can now get a completed trade's withdrawal
txid and pass it as a gettransaction parameter.
See previous PR "Append nullable withdrawalTxId field to Trade".
A summary of changes by file:
- Added withdrawalTxId field to existing TradeInfo proto & wrapper.
- Reordered fields in TradeInfo proto.
- Added new fields to be displayed by TxInfo proto in CLI.
- Fixed typo: unsetTxFeeRatePreference -> UnsetTxFeeRatePreference.
- Added new GetTransaction rpc.
GrpcWalletsService - Added new getTransaction gRPC boilerplate.
CoreWalletsService - Added new getTransaction implementation.
TxInfo - Added the new fields for displaying a tx summary from CLI.
This is not intended to be more than a brief summary; a block explorer
or bitcoin-core client should be used to see the complete definition.
TradeInfo - Added the new withdrawalTxId field defined in grpc.proto.
CliMain - Added new 'case gettransaction'.
TransactionFormat - Formats a TxInfo sent from the server to CLI.
ColumnHeaderConstants - Added console headers used by TransactionFormat.
TradeFormat - Displays a completed trade's WithdrawalTxId if present.
Apitest - Adjusted affected tests: assert tx memo is persisted and
test gettransaction.
- Added optional memo parameter to the api's sendbtc and
withdrawfunds commands.
- Removed the @Nullable annotation was removed because protobuf
does not support null.
- Visibility in two wallet check methods were changed from private
to pkg protected so the CoreTradeService could use them.
- Adjusted affected tests. (Asserting the memo field was set on a
transaction cannot be checked from apitest yet.)
Takes an address, amount, and optional txfeerate param,
returns a lightweight TxInfo proto.
Also overloaded two BtcWalletService methods to allow sendbtc
to pass in the tx fee rate -- overriding the fee service and
custom fee rate setting.
If present in the sendbsq command, the parameter will override the fee
service and custom fee rate setting for the BSQ transaction.
Also changed the sendbsq grpc return type to a lightweight TX proto wrapper.
Besides some small refactoring in the CLI, all the changes are
adjustments for this new sendbsq parameter and its new grpc return value.
This change fixes the blocking problem in the fee rate request api.
Also redefined the TxFeeRateInfo.
- Redefined grpc.proto message TxFeeRateInfo, added
lastFeeServiceRequestTs field. (CLI user may want to know
TS of last fee request.)
- Adjusted TxFeeRateInfo proto wrapper.
- Adjusted CurrencyFormat and BtcTxFeeRateTest to new TxFeeRateInfo.
- Added @Getter annotation to FeeService. (CLI user may want to know
TS of last fee request).
- Pass resultHandler from GrpcWalletsService through CoreApi, to
CoreWalletsService's tx fee rate api methods.
- Add missing boilerplate error handling to GrpcPaymentAccountsService.
- Edit some PaymentAccountForm & PaymentAccountTypeAdapter exception
messages that would be passed to CLI; they should be in the same
style as existing CLI err msgs.
In the CLI, this method now takes a single argument, the path to a json
file (a payment account form). The json text is read from the file
and sent to the server, where it is serialized to a new PaymentAccount
instance, saved, and sent back to the CLI as a protobuf.PaymentAccount.
- Modified existing gRPC boilerplate in grpc.proto and GrpcPaymentAccountsService.
- Modified existing method signatures in CoreApi and CorePaymentAccountsService.
- Replaced existing method impl in CorePaymentAccountsService and
removed dead code.
- Replaced the CLI's existing 'createpaymentacct' method impl.
- Modified existing tests.
Changed the core getPaymentMethods() -> getFiatPaymentMethods() to avoid
"Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'PaymentMethod.getPaymentMethods'
due to existing static import 'bisq.core.payment.payload.PaymentMethod.*'"