It is no longer necessary to publish Maven metadata about common, core
and other submodules as they are no longer managed as separate libraries
in separate repositories. The only way these modules should be getting
referenced is from within applications in this repository such as
desktop, statsnode, etc. Essentially, we're no longer publishing our
libraries for public consumption.
- Move gradle-witness.jar to top level
- Extract gradle-witness.gradle build file to top level
Moving these files out of the gradle/ dir and the main build file to the
top level of the repository calls them out and makes their presence and
function more obvious. It also removes a lot of noise from the main
build file.
- Add BondedRoleState to reflect all diff. states.
- Show in UI correct state and button state for lockup/revoke
- Rename ProposalService classes to ProposalFactory
That was a big commit with restructuring the packages and classes.
Motivation was to isolate the daoState value objects so it is more clear
which data are help in the daoState. As it was hard to keep an overview
and easy to add mutable data I think that makes it more safe overall.
I am aware that the downside to take out domain models from the domain
packages is not so nice.
Also moved blockchain models to parser and full node packages.
This is the first of a series of renaming commits. We want to use role
for the immutable class and BondedRole for the wrapper which contains
role and the mutable state.
- We store the bonded roles in the evaluated proposals in the dao state.
From there we can get the bonded role object as it is part of the
bonded role proposal. Though we need to take that data immutable
(next commit will handle that)
- on css there are some changes marked with MK. @Christoph - please
check if those are ok for you, otherwise lets discuss...
- in Formbuilder there is removed the automatic setting of the column
span and index
- Add support for columnIndex as parameter
- setMouseTransparent for addTopLabelTextField is removed (we want that
user can copy text)
- Adjustments in the DAO code are WIP and can be ignored by @Christoph
- Change type of param value from long to string for more flexibility
- Add BTC recipient address param
- Add validation, refactor param value formatter and param value parser