Had to change the getPaymentMethods() names to getPaymentMethodIds() to
avoid this codacy issue:
"Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'PaymentMethod.getPaymentMethods'
due to existing static import 'bisq.core.payment.payload.PaymentMethod.*'"
If 'PaymentMethod.getPaymentMethods' was changed to 'getPaymentMethods',
a recursive loop would result, ending in an out of stack heap crash.
This renaming of the method on the server is correct, but the CLI's
'getpaymentmethods' name was not changed.
Returns a list of supported payment method IDs. This gives CLI users
the correct payment method id for creating a new payment account.
- Added gRPC service GetPaymentMethods to grpc.proto.
- Added gRPC boilerplate method to GrpcPaymentAccountsService.
- Added implimentation to CoreApi -> CorePaymentAccountsService.
- Refactored PaymentAccountTest hierarchy.
- Add api method to CLI.
We relied on the shutdwon routine to be called reliably but it seems that is not the case as some bug reports show.
So we call requestPersistence at every write access of the trade object
Showing 'x' days until limits lifted (signed, pending)
Showing clock icon (signed, pending)
Showing outlined check icon (aging accounts)
Showing account age (unsigned or aging)
Changed column name from 'Signed since' to 'Account info'
Fixed bug when switching between altcoins and fiat order books
the account info column was being added back to the table in
the wrong position.
This change fixes the recently bloated wallet balances api. Now there
is one CLI getbalance [bsq|btc] method that calls a getbalances(currency-code)
on the server. The server returns full wallet balance information for
BSQ, BTC, or both if the CLI's currency argument is absent.
- grpc.proto: Reduced number of getbalance(s) proto services from
four to one.
- GrpcWalletsService: Reduced number of getbalance(s) gRPC service
boilerplate methods from four to one.
- CoreApi, CoreWalletsService: Reduced number of getbalance(s) gRPC
service implementation methods from four to one.
- CliMain: Reduced number of getbalance(s) commands from four to one.
- BalancesInfo: Changed BsqBalanceInfo & BtcBalanceInfo field names
to bsq and btc, respectively, to make calling their accessors
more readable, less verbose.
- BtcBalanceInfo, BsqBalanceInfo: Defined static final EMPTY instances
as place holders in a BalancesInfo returned by the gRPC server, when
one or the other balance types is not requested. Would be nice
to serve Optional.empty() instead, but protobuf does not support
it or null.
- Adjusted affected api tests and build doc.
- Add optional makerFeeCurrencyCode argument to CLI's 'createoffer'.
- Add optional takerFeeCurrencyCode argument to CLI's 'takeoffer'.
- Add isCurrencyForMakerFeeBtc field to OfferInfo proto wrapper.
- Pass fee currency argument down to CoreOffersService and CoreTradesService's
create and take offer methods.
- Add maybeSetFeePaymentCurrencyPreference method to OfferUtil to
conditionally set the 'payFeeInBtc' preference before creating
or taking an offer.
- Adjust affected tests.
Moved just enough code out of BsqSendView to avoid desktop/api
'sendbsq' duplication, at the cost of adding 1 new method to
- Created new BsqTransferModel to hold tx details shared by desktop and api.
- Created new BsqTransferService to send bsq using a BsqTransferModel shared
by desktop and api.
- Uncommented CoreWalletsService#sendBsq implementation.
- Uncommented sendbsq tests.
All the boilerplate for this method is included in this change, but
the implementation in CoreWalletsService#sendBsq is commented out
until the needed logic to send bsq is refactored out of desktop's
BsqSendView class -- to be included in the next PR.
- Added new method to CLI.
- Added the gRPC server boilerplate.
- Added the core implementation, commented out.
- Enabled tests.
- Added three new methods to CLI:
getbalances ... returns complete bsq and btc balance info
getbsqbalance ... returns complete bsq balance info
getbtcbalance ... returns complete btc balance info
The old getbalance method is deprecated and will be removed
if there is agreement to do that.
- Made the needed changes in the CLI's output formatting classes.
- Added new tests to existing BsqWalletTest, added new BtcWalletTest
and WalletBalancesTest.
- Added disabled tests for funding a bsq wallet (todo in next PR).
- Added new method to CLI, split some long msg strings into two lines,
and added a white space after a braceless else statement.
- Added the gRPC server boilerplate.
- Added the core implementation.
- Added a test, and moved method wallet tests into their own package.
This change adds proto wrappers for sending bsq, btc, or all balances
to the CLI. They will be used in future api method implementations:
getbsqbalance, getbtcbalance and getbalances.
Rename 'Number of responses' to 'Number of requests'
Rename timeout err msg
@jmacxx: See comment at `getErrorMsgLine`... If you need those historical
error msg data in the json as well we need to refactor a bit more...
* Both axes use autoRange, which results in better
rounded values for the tick mark labels numbers.
* Filter-out data outside the factor limits.
* New constant chartDataFactor for factor limits.
* Formatted tick label currency numbers:
- Fiat: display with grouping separators
- Cryptos: remove trailing zeros in fractional parts
* Add CSS class axisy for y-axis formatting.