Display the account number on the same row as the sort code in the trade
step view, to prevent scrolling with the extra name field (as suggested
in the code review).
(This also affects the layout of old accounts without the extra field.)
Also apply the suggested popup text simplifications.
- added a comment describing the `removeDust` method and its effects.
- applied a fix to the declaration of an ArrayList.
- use more descriptive variable names.
- made the logging more verbose to help log readers.
This is done primarily for concision. This change also repackages
bisq.grpc => bisq.proto.grpc in anticipation of repackaging the
definitions in pb.proto from 'protobuf' to 'bisq.proto'. There should
not be any compatibility issues with doing this, but it's out of scope
here. When complete, the relationship between bisq.proto.grpc and
bisq.proto will be more intuitively clear, i.e. that bisq.proto.grpc has
certain dependencies on bisq.proto classes, but not the other way
The close connection process did fire up worker threads to actually
close the connections. Yet, once all threads have been spawned,
the code proceeds assuming that there are no connections left open
without checking.
This lead to situations where tor has been shutdown already but
open connections. These connections tried to gracefully close but
without tor, that only caused a wall of exceptions.
Graceful shutdown has only be done in case of an error or when
using the GUI. A regular eg. seednode shutdown is not covered
Now, SIGTERM and SIGINT triggers a graceful shutdown procedure.
Protobuf definition files were moved from common and core to a new
protodefinition subproject.
The two main reasons for doing this are to speed up builds by not
having to regenerate common and core protobuf classes
every time a change is made in those subprojects, and to remove
the grpc cli's direct dependency on core, and the transitive dependency
on common.
In order to accomplish this, cli's BisqCliMain was stripped of
its dependencies on common and core. Cli can only get the version
and balance now.
gRPC stub boilerplate was moved from BisqCliMain to a CliCommand
class to avoid some of the bloat that is going to happen as the
read-response loop supports more rpc commands.
Open an info popup in the take/create offer view, upon choosing to take
or make a new offer, to instruct the user to recreate their old Faster
Payments account with an owner full name (and preserved salt). Also show
the popup upon manual selection of any old (i.e. missing full name)
Faster Payments account from the trading account combo box, analogously
to the ClearXchange (Zelle) warning popup logic.
(Also eliminate slight differences between the private
'maybeShow[ClearXchange|FasterPayments]Warning' methods in TakeOfferView
and MutableOfferView, to make the code easier to deduplicate in future.)
This change fixes an issue whereby dust change outputs are
inadvertently created when users make withdrawals from their
wallets. (Funds -> Send Funds)
The solution taken here is to detect a dust TXO during the withdrawal
fee estimation process and add that amount to the fee thus eliminating
the dust output.
For example if the user has 1 BTC and goes to withdraw 0.99999900 BTC
it will detect a change TXO of 100 sats which is below the dust limit,
increase the fee by 100 sats and therefore withdraw 1 BTC.
This fix only applies to user withdrawals from their wallet. Other
use cases such as P2P trading, deposits and fees will be handled
Related to #4039
This change fixes an issue whereby dust change outputs are
inadvertently created during the trading process, unbenownst to the
user. The dust outputs cause the Bitcoin node to reject the
transaction and the trade then becomes stuck.
The solution taken here is to detect a dust TXO during the trade
process and remove it from the transaction before broadcasting.
Related to #4039
Some apache & logback dependency versions were bumped up, some
transitive dependencies declared as direct dependencies, and some
new exclusions were added to reduce the number of duplicated
dependencies in the build.
Also updated gradle-witness.gradle.
Here are some of the duplicated apache and logback dependencies
in the current build:
codecVersion 1.9 -> 1.13
ioVersion 2.4 -> 2.6
langVersion 3.4 -> 3.8
httpclientVersion 4.5.3 -> 4.5.12
slf4jVersion 1.7.22 -> 1.7.25
New dependency declarations:
loggingVersion 1.2
httpcoreVersion 4.4.13
This commit reduces the number of build dependencies by 10.
Partial fix for #4086
Provide UserThreadMappedPersistableList subclass for persistable lists
which need to implement UserThreadMappedPersistableEnvelope, instead of
putting the interface on the base class.
Make the (non-storage) classes MeritList and VoteWithProposalTxIdList
keep the original PersistableList superclass, deriving the remaining
subclasses of PersistableList from the new class instead. In this way,
further persistence-related changes are less likely to inadvertently
alter the behaviour of those two consensus-critical classes.
Removing the superfluous PersistableEnvelope interface from the two
classes (via the base class) will be done in a separate PR.
Until now, an error in the offer creation process is only reported
to the logs, the GUI times out after a while and shows a timeout
error and asks the user to report a bug.
Now, the actual error is reported.
Currently bisq desktop does not accept IPv6 addresses in the settings for
custom nodes or via the --btcNodes command line option. The separation of
address and port is handled incorrectly in core / BtcNodes::fromFullAddress.
This results in IPv6 addresses being ignored. Where Tor is enabled for
Bitcoin connections, we need to handle the IPv6 address response
from Tor DNS lookup.
This change fixes an issue with sorting the offer list when the amount
is shown as a range. In OfferBookView::activate() we add a listener
for the sortTypeProperty on amountColumn and volumeColumn. When the
sortType is changed we set the comparator to be the approprate property
of the Offer; either getAmount/getMinAmount; getVolume/getMinVolume.
Currently the offer book tables are only being sized when the window
proportions change. However if the window is made bigger before the
offer book is opened, then the tables are not resized from their
Other windows (for example Market -> Trades) solve this by make a
sizing call in the activate method. In order to do this the sizing
code is separated into a layout method where it can be called from
both activate and the existing heightProperty listener. The same
approach is taken here.
Testing showed that the new mechanic for checking a local BTC node's
configuration is unstable. This commit reverts to just checking if the
relevant port is open. The recent refactoring and centralization of
logic is still in place.
Testing showed that the new mechanic for checking a local BTC node's
configuration is unstable. This commit reverts to just checking if the
relevant port is open. The recent refactoring and centralization of
logic is still in place.